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Clearing Your Karma with Angel Messages

Clearing Your Karma with Angel Messages

Most people do not really understand karma and they think it is just some bad thing. The truth about karma is that it is something that happens because of something else or it is a cause and effect situation.

Karma is a word from the Sanskrit language that means actions effect the future. This is something that many people know the word for, but they do not really know what it means.

What is Karma

Karma is something that you send out to the universe and it comes back to you. This can be as small as a negative comment that you have made and then it will determine what happens to you both directly and even indirectly.

You are in control of what you say and do and so you have the power to decide what kind of karma will come back to you and what you are manifesting.

One thing that karma does not explain is the time limit it has. There is no limit as to when bad karma will come back to you. Some people are impacted now for something bad that they did while others do not experience the actions of their karma until they reach a new life or before they go through their awakening.

You can cleanse your karma, and this can help you.

What is Karma Cleansing?

Karma cleansing is not just saying you are sorry for what you have done but it is going to a place inside of you and asking the universe for forgiveness. You can do this, and it can get rid of negative karma and negative energy that you have manifested to yourself.

Doing this can also stop the cycle of more negative karma coming to you and it can create blessings for your life and your future.

In order to cleanse your karma, you have to connect with the spirit world, and you have to ask the Counsels of Light to forgive you and protect you.

Karma Meditation

Take time each day to stop and listen and relax. That is what meditation is. By doing this, you can be healed, and you can cleanse your life of bad karma. You can reach into the spirit world and you can take care of your mind, body, and soul.

When you stop to relax and listen to what the universe is trying to tell you, you can get rid of negative karma and clear things such as unhealthy attachments or darkness out of your life.

Karmic healing has been around for all time and it is the Divine Will of the universe that you reach your highest good.

Listen and connect with the energy and experience the process of letting go of negative things in your life. This can help you to cut karmic ties that are causing you pain.

The Angel Message is a meditation that is guided and will lead you into your healing. It is something that you can find online, and it is a recording that can help to open up your heart chakra and allow healing and energy to reach you.

By connecting with this message, you will release yourself from negative karma and you will be cleansed and cleared. Your energy will be stronger, and you will be a better person.

This message will help you to open up your chakras and to bring light into your being. It will show you how to balance and heal your energy and to accept the love that is all around you.

With this message, you will connect with your spiritual self and you will be blessed and healed, and you will see your life change.

Negative Karma and Angels

You can also reach out to your angels to help you clear your energy and your karmic problems. You are dear to the angels and they want you to have confidence and to be happy and have love in your life.

When you connect with your angels, it will be an experience that helps to make your spirit and your emotions stronger. This can be challenging because you have to let go of yourself and you have to release the pain from the past.


Angels are there to help you because it is part of your birthright. When you connect with your spiritual source, you are reaching out to the divine and feeling the energy that they connect to you with. This can make you more open to healing and other blessings and help you to find unconditional love.

You will notice light when your clearing is coming, and you need to let this light in. Open up all of your chakras and start with your crown chakra and see if you feel tingling there. Relax and let the light flow completely through your body while you release negative feelings, thoughts and emotions that are trapped inside of you.

These will be washed away with the light and you will restore your joy and love. See if you all of a sudden feel extreme joy and creativity.

Opening your heart and your soul will help to calm you and will lift you to the angels as they surround you with light.

Wrapped in Love

You will see that you are being wrapped in love. You will get rid of your earthly attachments that have trapped you and you will let go of energy attachments that keep reminding you of negative things and pain in your life.

You can also get rid of spirits that have bothered you that have not yet passed over to the other side. Because you are a spirit, the bright light that will be laid on you might be mistaken as their light and they might have attached on to you at some point to be comforted.

This is not good for you or for them and with this clearing you can cleanse yourself and them of these attachments.

Know that your angels are all around you and surround you with light. This light will get rid of any attachments in your body or your spirit.

Release with Light

You are able now to release these things. Return to your spirit so that you can continue on your journey. Look for people in your life that are welcoming you back to the universe and let them welcome you with open arms.

Look up into the light and see the angels cutting cords that have been causing you pain. These are energetic attachments that have followed you for a time.

Have you ever noticed that when you talk to someone it leaves you drained and feeling exhausted? This person has attached an energy cord to you. These are energy vampires and sometimes they don’t even mean to harm you, but they do.

The universe is full of energy and when you have energy and someone takes it, it will take away your peace and happiness.

Surround yourself with light and ask your angel Rafael to pull out any cords that are not working for you. This might make you feel tense and strange at first but just relax and Michael will cut the strings.

Once they are cut the energy is now just yours and you need to purify this energy.

The rest of the cords can be broken by pouring light down and clearing away any negative feelings or emotions and wrapping yourself in light. When the cords are gone you can easily open up your heart and feel better.

Let your energy flow and feel loved. Feel connected and feel happy. This is part of the law of cause and effect and now you are bringing goodness to your life.

Bad Karma

When your angels are with you and protecting you, you can ask Rafael to pull karmic cords that are bad for you. Michael will cut them down with his sword.

All of the cords that will not help you can be cut immediately, and this is the bad karma that has caused bad things to happen to you.

Do not worry and let the spiritual light wrap around you and make you creative and cleansed. The dark energy is gone.

You may or may not feel this but when the cords have been cut you will see that your life is more loving and that the energy flow has taken away any negative feelings that are not good for you. Once you release these things, imagine that there is a door that is full of light in front of you.

This door will help you to ascend and to become a better person. Go through the door and let the light fill you and help you reach your connected source.

This door is a step forward and the angels will be there to see your soul moving towards your purpose.

You are entering into a place full of light and once you go through this door, use the elevator to go up and take you to where there are more lights. This is where your chakras are and your higher self and where you can connect with the spirit source.

Breathe in and out and let the light enter into your body and let your spirit become stronger. This can bring you healing and joy.

Make your connection and let the light come back to you. Increase your mental, physical, and emotional state.

You will see your intentions and be able to clear out anything negative. Ask your guides to show you if anything else needs to be released or if anything is holding you back. Look into the spirit world and do not be afraid or scared. Believe that this is on your behalf and that your loved ones are helping you to get rid of bad karma and to be in a better place.

This is the time where you can find your life purpose and mission and you can let the power envelop you and let it in you. Let the light return to you and ask your guides to help you to let go of anything that no longer serves you and any belief that has held you back.

No matter what pops into your mind, identify it and let it go. Where did these thoughts come from? Try to find out where they started and what the source of that belief was. Let it be centered in light and let the energy fill you.

You are finished and you will now have peace. Your vibrations will increase, and you will be a better person. You can hear these messages right from the spirit world when you allow your energy to flow throughout your life and your body. Be free.

Enter the spirit world and get your power back. Let the light bring you in and see your energy flowing all through your body. Relax and see that you are one with your energy and that it is there to help you.

Feel the light enter you and know the universe is there to help you be open and balanced. Let the energy restore all that has been blocked inside of you. Now open your eyes and see where you are. Know that healing has come to you.

Carry the light with you and share the light with others. Give goodness to others and serve others. Be kind and compassionate and loving.

Let the angels teach you who you are meant to be and be at peace in your life.


Are Psychics Real?

Are Psychics Real?

Looking into the psychic world can make you wonder if psychics are real and what they can really do. There are psychics that have been around for years and years and most psychics have been questioned about their abilities. There have been people that have always been skeptical of rather a psychic is real or not and this has been a debatable topic for years and years.

Being Real

There are people around the world that have searched for guidance from psychics but there are also those that have seen this on movies and question the idea of it. A real psychic experience means that someone is using their intuition to direct you.

There are some people that are psychics that use different tools such as tarot cards, numerology, stones, crystals, and astrology. There are different psychics and they are able to use these tools in order to increase their readings and to be able to help others understand their life.

Psychic is a generic meaning because there are people that are spiritual that do different kinds of readings. Here are some of the different kinds of psychics such as:

  • Empaths
  • Clairvoyants
  • Mediums
  • Clairaudients
  • Clairsentients

No matter what kind of guidance you are seeking, these people can help you to have clear knowing and help you to improve your life.

When you want to see a psychic, it is important that you believe if you want to have a successful reading. Remember, some people do try to scam you but there are some legit psychics as well.

Real Psychics

There are some people that are real psychics and they are able to do readings to help others to know what is going on in their life. These people are often called spiritual advisors. They can talk to someone and give them information about their past or future.

These guides can use different tools such as tarot cards, clairvoyant powers, astrology, crystal balls, pendulums, and other tools. There are some psychics that are not real but there are some that are. Here are some ways you can know if you are dealing with a fake psychic:

  • They want to charge you for more information.
  • They make up past life stories.
  • They exaggerate.
  • They make false claims.
  • They use fear.

A real psychic will never charge you extra money for more information. If this happens, you are being scammed. A real psychic will give you an upfront charge and they will not ask for more money.

When you are at a reading and you ask about your past life, the information should be interesting and normal. Psychics that are false will tell you that you are related to someone that was famous or that you dated a movie star.

Psychics will never be right all the time and you have to know that they are there to advise you. If they tell you that you are different than anything they have ever seen or if they make predictions that seem unrealistic, they probably are fake.

A real psychic will be honest with you even if they have bad information to share with you. The thing they will not do is try to scare you. If they tell you that you are cursed or that you are being tricked by magic, or that you will have bad luck forever, they are probably fake and you should move on without giving them anymore time.

Phone Number and Numerology

Phone Number and Numerology

Pythagoras, a scholar from ancient times created numerology because he wanted people to be able to do things that was not taken over by religion or by politics. He wanted his teachings to make sense to others and his teachings taught people to know who they were and when they did, they would know what the universe had for them.

Numerology is the importance of numbers. Some numbers in our lives are full of energy. Each number is different from the other numbers and each one represents something else. The numbers in numerology have their own vibrational frequency. These numbers give you meanings to life and help you to know what you should be doing in your life and where you should go.

Some numbers are there to help you study things in your life. These numbers can be your phone number, your house number, a name of someone you know and more.

These numbers can help you to be happy and secure in your life and to have strong emotions. If you want to figure out what your phone number energy is, you have to take your whole phone number. When we say take up your whole phone number, that includes the area code.

Take this number and add the numbers together so it is one digit. This can help a business to know what kind of numbers they should use so that they can have the right kind of energy when they open their business.


Take the number 1-800-723-7790.

Add all the numbers up and you get 44. 44 can be broken down to 4+4 which equals 8. When you look at the number 8, you find that this is a number that is all about the mind. It is a creative number that leads people to be successful.

This number means infinity in math and is a geometric symbol called lemniscate. This symbol has no end and can have a lot of potential, and this means you can have so much potential in your life. This number is creative and connected to the powers of others and being a leader.

Your Number

Take your number and add all of the digits up and see what the numbers tell you:


If your number is one, this means you can depend on yourself. It can mean you are full of vision, and you are a leader. You impress people with how positive and creative you are, and you are not afraid of anything.


The number two means you will work well with others. It shows a gentle and friendly side and means you are able to help others along your way. You will be there for family and friends, and you can counsel them if they need you.


The number three means you are sociable, and you love to talk to others. You have little to worry about and you are artistic and beautiful. This means you will have a lot of friends.


The number 4 means you are strong, and you have good organizational skills. You want things to be perfect and you are connected to the universe. You will see this number if you work too much.


The number 5 is the complete opposite of 4 and is there when you want to be free and you do not have to be tied down to work. This is a loving number and can be for fun.


The number 6 means you are creative, and you are loving to your family. You are responsible with things you need to do, and you take care of the health and mentality of others.


The seven is a mystical number. You might be a teacher or a spiritual leader if you have this number. You will be detailed, and you will look for mystery in life.


The number 8 means that you are authoritative, but you have dreams. You want to be independent, but you also are smart and strong. You will do good in sales or in your own business with this number.


The number 9 means that you are caring and loving to others. You have strong spiritual energy, and you believe in people over things. You are religious and you love your life and honesty.


Add up your numbers and see what your phone number tells you about yourself.

Aura Colors

Aura Colors

Aura colors are the color of the energy field that surrounds you. These colors can reflect your feelings and your emotions. They come anytime in your life, but your colors can change over your lifetime depending on your energy and the vibrational frequencies that you have. The colors are easy to see when you learn to see them, and you relax your mind and be open to it.

The brighter your aura colors are, the stronger you are in your body and in your emotions. These colors have to do with your feelings, intentions, and your energies. When you look at your aura or the aura of others, chances are that you can see halos or images of saints around these people.

Aura Colors

The colors of the aura go from black to white and all colors in between. The colors have to do with your feelings and intentions. Each aura color can mean that you have healing, or you need healing, or you are about to face something in your life.


A red aura can mean that you are connected with your root chakra. This is a meaning of being bold and passionate about something in your life. This color can mean you are adventurous and that you love to be excited and are confident in what you feel.

A cloudy aura can mean you are frustrated, or you have experienced trauma in your life. This can also mean you are stressed or angry and you need to release this out of your life.


Orange is a color that has some red in it and so it can be related to the sacral chakra which is responsible for your creativity, emotions, and your sexuality. This color can mean you are passionate and know what you want in your life and you love to take risks.

The problem with the color orange is that you might be one that is prone to addiction and you are independent so when you are dealing with something you have to deal with it on your own. You probably have a lot of energy if you have an orange aura.


Yellow can mean that you are powerful and that you believe in yourself. This color is associated with the solar plexus chakra found around the navel area. The color yellow can mean you are full of joy and that you are smart. It can also mean you are on your path to awakening.

The color yellow can mean you are positive, have strong friendships, loving and that you attract people to you. You can be stronger when you meditate, and you concentrate on the spirit realm.


The green aura is based with the heart chakra and this means you are loving, kind and caring to others. If your color is green, chances are you are a healer and you are full of peace.

Having a dark green aura though can mean you are jealous, or you have no self-esteem. You might need to meditate or have guided meditation. Journaling can help you to get your energies centered.


Blue auras can mean you can communicate with others or that you are a healer. This can mean you are able to express yourself and you are peaceful and full of positivity.

If you are in a relationship and you are comfortable with other people, you might focus more on them than yourself and you might be clairvoyant.

If you have a lower vibration and a cloudy blue aura, this can mean you need to look deep inside and let go of some of the control you hold on to.


The color indigo is based on the third eye which is located in the forehead. People with this color aura are usually empathetic and are usually attracted to those that have red and orange auras.

People with this color auras are patient and they want to do good and have peace in their lives. They want peace and love over all things, and they are full of integrity. They accept people no matter who they are, and they are busy trying to become their higher beings.


The color violet has to do with the crown chakra, and this is above the head. This is where a person can feel happy and whole and can be someone that dreams big and wants to help others.

A violet aura means that you are open with your feelings and you want to see people healed and strong. This is someone that usually has strong visions and dreams.


The white aura is one that can be the highest vibrational aura with the highest energy. This can also be rainbow in colored.

The white aura means that you face problems with your ego and your self-worth, and you are someone that has a hard time trusting yourself and others.

White auras mean that you are reaching your highest good and that you are pure and forgiving of others. You want to be the best you can be.


No aura is good or bad, but the energies might not be as strong. People with black auras are those that have held on to things such as trauma or addiction and they need to be healed.

When someone has a black aura, they have a blockage in their life, and they need to release this so that they can be stronger. This can be released through meditation or spiritual work or you can seek a healer to help you.

If you have a black aura, you need to let go of things that are hurting you and learn to reach your journey by getting over your blockage.


Do you know what color your aura is? Learn to pay attention to your aura colors and see if you need any kind of healing in your life.

Spiritual Guidance and Relationships

Spiritual Guidance and Relationships

Your spiritual guides are always with you rather you feel them there or not. They can come in different shapes and forms, but their goal is to help to protect you and keep you safe. The great thing about your guides is that they have been there before you were even born, and they are disincarnating spirits that means that most of them were once humans.

A good guide will be there for you and will never try to force you to make certain decisions, but they will let you have free will. They will never try to force themselves on you or deceive you, but they are there to encourage you, support you and love you. They want you to make good decisions that keep you safe and they want to help you achieve this.

If you want your guides to help you, you have to just ask. The relationship that you form with your spirit guides is important and you can get this relationship stronger just by being intentional with them.

Main Spirit Guide

Your main spirit guide is the spirit that comes to help you increase your psychic giftings such as mediumship. They will be there to help you to understand your abilities and to guide you in all things you do in your life.

Your guides will teach you and help you to learn and they will be there to support you in all things. Even when you tell your guides to leave you, they will leave you like you ask because they will do what you want them to and what you need them to.

A main guide will communicate with you and will feel like your best friend. They will connect with you, and you will form a strong relationship with them. They will know everything about you, and you will learn to know all about them. This guide can come in a different form such as a neighbor, a friend, a co-worker or more and they will help you to know what you are supposed to do and will help you to open up your mind.

You might not feel this way about them right away but as your spiritual plane comes and coincides with your spirit guide, you will see that you are setting your intentions on what your guide is telling you. You will meditate and you will be able to speak to your guide. Your guide expects you to show up and to talk to them and they will help to keep you strong, balanced, and grounded. They will protect you and do what you need, all you have to do is ask.

Your spirit guide will help you to reach your higher self. They will feel differently than other things in your life and you will always know that they are there for you. You will learn to love and trust them, and they will not let you down.

Communicating with Your Guide

There are different ways that you can communicate with your guide such as through meditation. If you were not born to be a medium, chances are you will have a better chance of talking to your guide through meditation. You need to devote a few hours each week to talk to them.


Journaling can help you to receive messages from your guides. Write down all the things you feel, see, hear, and sense and then read it over and over.


You can ask your guide to communicate with you through your dreams. When you first wake up after a dream, write it down so you can figure out what it means later.


You can ask your guides for signs, and these can come in the form of signs, music, numbers, or different tokens like feathers or coins.

When Your Guide is Around

You will learn to know when your guide is around you and here are some ways:

  • Finding feathers in strange places.
  • Having visions or hearing sounds or voices.
  • Vivid dreams.
  • Meditation visions.
  • Hearing your name said when no one is there.
  • Repetitive numbers.
  • Songs that you are relating to.
  • Animals crossing your path.
  • Automatic writing.
  • Feeling that they are with you.
  • Opportunities.
  • Lights, orbs, or flashes.

Grounding and Protection

You need to make sure that you are grounded and protected when you choose to do spirit work. You have to make sure that you are able to be protected. To do this, you can imagine a bubble covering you.

Do this when you meditate, and it will help to keep you safe. When you meditate and meet your guides, always ground yourself before and after so that you can reach your higher good.

Visually Grounding

In order to ground yourself, you have to relax and meditate. Imagine a ball of energy surrounding your body and getting the negative energies out.

When you see the light energy reach your feet, turn it into a ball. Imagine cords coming out of the ball and going from the earth to your whole body. Put all of your negative energy into the bubble and let them become clean.

Let pure energy come from your feet to your head and learn out your chakras. Unblock them and fill them with good energy. When you feel this energy go above your head, you are grounded. Let it surround you and ask your guides to protect this space. Always do this when you are about to meditate and after you are finished.


You need to know that guides come in different forms, and they are there to help you learn about life and to learn lessons. They will never put you in harm. Their job is to save you and protect you. Guides do not care what you call them but sometimes they will tell you their name.

When they show up, they will show you that they are there through speaking, through signs, dreams, meditation, and other ways. Over your lifetime, you will have more than one guide. You can call on them to give you a purpose in your life and you can expect that you will have multiple guides throughout your life.

Consider This

If you want to open up your third eye, you can do this by making sure you are grounded and protected. Make sure you have your life together and you are healthy and not using illegal drugs or alcohol. If you are, do not call on the guides because the Law of Attraction can bring bad things to you.

Ask help to get rid of negative energies if you cannot do it yourself. You have to manage your own life before you ask the spirits to show up to you. You will be able to determine good and bad only if your mind is clear of things that are holding you back. Once you have your life in order, reaching the spiritual world can be rewarding.

Not for All

It is not for everyone to open up to the spirit world and if you are interested in this, chances are it is for you. Do not be upset if you do not get immediate results but just give it time.

Remember Your Guides

When you work with your guides, know that they have probably been with you since you were little. You might notice things about them that are familiar, and you might realize that you have a protector in your life. You can meditate and get to know them.


Let your relationship with your guides grow. This is important and can make it easier for you to ask for their assistance. Let them help you with problems you have in your life. When you do not feel they are with you, know that they are and sometimes you need to know when you need to keep developing yourself.

The relationship that you have with your guide will keep growing as long as you are committed to knowing them. If you want to be a medium or psychic, keep looking at your life. Do not get upset when things are not fast or easy. Your guides will help you with this when it is time.

Balancing Your Chakra

Balancing Your Chakra

Being in balance means that you are experiencing good energy flow and freedom from the hardships of life. When your chakras are not balanced, it can cause you to feel sick in your mind, body, and soul.

Balancing the Chakras

Where all of the body’s energy is, is in the chakras. The chakra is a Sanskrit word that means disk or wheel and there are seven different chakras that are located in the body and they run from the crown of the head to the bottom of the feet.

The energy of the chakras can be seen as energy that is constantly moving and it is where nerves, organs and other collection of body parts sit. There are seven main chakras and these help to keep your emotions, your spirit, and your mind strong.

When your chakras are balanced, the energy will flow through your body and when there are blocked chakras, the energy gets stuck and cannot move.

You must know your mind, body, and your soul in order to know if you are experiencing any type of chakra imbalances.

Each of the seven chakras help to keep your body strong and when there are different imbalances in the chakra system, it can easily be spotted.

Root Chakra

The energy that is part of how you survive and that keeps you grounded is the root chakra. This is part of the energy that you get from the earth and this is where the energy connects to the experiences that you have on the universe. This is the center of your energy and helps you to be strong and to survive.

Imbalance of the Root Chakra

When your root chakra is not balanced, you can experience stress and anxiety because your nervous system is not working properly. This is the part of your chakra system where you experience fear and if you are meeting your needs, you will have a place where you are able to survive.

This is the chakra that when unbalanced it can leave you feeling dizzy or spacy.

Balancing the Root Chakra

When you want to see the root, chakra balanced and the energy right, you have to understand that this is an important chakra. You can do things such as pray and meditate and then you will see that this helps you to be stronger and to balance your root chakra.

Remember that self-care is important and always practice this. If you feel disconnected and you feel that you are not connected to the earth, go out in nature, and go for a walk barefoot or hug a tree.

Sacral Chakra

The second chakra or the sacral chakra is where your sexuality and creativity lie. This is where your life force is, and this is where you learn to enjoy things and have pleasure.

Imbalance of the Sacral Chakra

When the sacral chakra becomes unbalanced, you will see that you do not feel well. If you focus on things that are practical and you do not take time to enjoy fruits and vegetables of the earth, chances are your sacral chakra can become unbalanced.

This can leave you having a low sex drive and to be sad and depressed.

Balancing the Sacral Chakra

If you want to balance the sacral chakra, you have to focus on your energy. Ask what you can do to make your heart happy and what level you feel that your chakra is at.

When you want to give energy and life to the chakra, you can be creative and learn to have pleasure and to love other people.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The third chakra or the solar plexus chakra is where you have your self-confidence and your identity to who you are, this is the part of your energy where your intuition lies. You can feel your clair giftings here.

Imbalance of the Solar Plexus

When your solar plexus is not balanced, you will lose control of who you are. You may experience anger and resentment and have little compassion for others.

You might find that you have no personal ideas and you are lacking any motivation, or you feel insecure.

Balancing the Solar Plexus

When you want to balance your solar plexus, chakra make sure that you are showing love to others. Also, take time to meditate and concentrate on the abilities that the universe gave you. Remember you are unique and give yourself positive affirmations.

Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is the center of the chakras and it is where you have unconditional love and goodness for others. This is the fourth chakra and is where love for others and for your self is centered.

Imbalance of the Heart Chakra

When your heart chakra is no longer balanced, you will have little or no boundaries and you will have hardly any compassion for others. You will want to have your own needs met before others.

When your heart chakra is blocked, you will become selfish and take things personally that you normally wouldn’t.

Balancing the Heart Chakra

When you find that you are not compassionate, this can mean something is going on in your heart chakra. Learn to have boundaries and to show love and thankfulness to others. Give to others and show the world how kind you are.

Throat Chakra

The fifth chakra is the throat chakra, and this controls your speech and your truth telling. This lets you be clear in what you need to say and to always speak the truth.

Imbalance of the Throat Chakra

The throat chakra can become unbalanced when you are trying to push what you are saying on others. This happens when we feel ignored or when we feel that others do not care to listen to us.

This can cause you to shut down and to hide your voice and to fight with your emotions.

Balancing the Throat Chakra

Balancing the throat chakra is easy and you can do this when you speak love and truth to others. Stop speaking angry and only say what you really mean.

Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is located in the center of your forehead and it is where your senses come from, including your sixth sense. This is when you are connected to your psychic giftings and where your pineal gland lives.

Imbalance of the Third Eye Chakra

If your third eye chakra is unbalanced, it will be hard for you to reach you psychic giftings. This can cause you not to feel intuitive and not to be able to speak to the spirits like you want to.

Balancing the Third Eye Chakra

If you find that you are not able to reach the spiritual world like normal or if you feel upset or aggravated, chances are you need to balance your third eye chakra.

This is harder to balance than other chakras, but you can do this through deep meditation. If you have done this and you were successful, write down the way that you balanced your third eye so that you can remember how to do it when times are hard.

Crown Chakra

The last chakra or the crown chakra is where the energy center is located. This is where the energy comes form and goes to all the parts of the body. This is where you are able to express your energies.

Imbalance of the Crown Chakra

When your crown chakra is unbalanced, you can feel the energy of the universe.

Balancing the Crown Chakra

If you want to balance your crown chakra, you will be able to use this to help balance the rest of the other chakras. This energy needs to be free and you can free this energy to activate all of the chakras in your body.

What Do Repeating Numbers Mean?

Repeating Numbers

Do you ever see repeating numbers such as 111, 222 or 333? If you do, you are not alone in this. The situation might be different for you but if you see recurring numbers when you go somewhere, chances are you will see these things on book covers, billboards, on the clock, maybe a license place or even on a screen.

You might wonder what the universe is trying to say to you and the great news is, this is a good and positive thing. You probably know when you see these numbers that this is a powerful thing and a message from the universe.

Why Am I Seeing Them?

Each number has its own meaning, but you need to understand why the numbers might come to you. Everything in the universe is part of a mathematical structure that the universe has. Each thing you see and each thing that exists has a frequencies and has energy. You can take this energy and see that it is all mathematical.

Space has its own dimensions and just like geometry, there are patterns and when you can understand these things, you can see why repeated numbers are important. It makes sense that everyone has numbers in their life.

Birth Number

Numbers are part of the universe, and they are the way that you can reach into the higher realm and the universe can get your attention. Even when you were born, math had a powerful influence on your day. Your birth number is important to you because it is part of who you are. You can know your life calling and what you are supposed to do because of the day of your birth.

Numbers and Communication

If you see recurring numbers, chances are you are getting a message in your life. One thing that can happen is a spiritual awakening. When this is happening to you, chances are you are going through some kind of loss or trauma, and you see the world in a different light.

You will have different hobbies and your relationships will change and new things will come. It is important that you learn to enjoy life and you learn to set boundaries so that you can allow yourself peace and happiness.

Sometimes numbers will recur to help warn you or get you to do other things. When you are listening to your spiritual guides, you can learn to understand that the universe is trying to help you and protect you.

Another reason for these numbers can be because you are doing the right things and the universe wants you to know that. Maybe you are in a place where you are in a tough spot and things are hard, this does not mean that you are on the wrong path, it only means that you are completing your purpose.

Bringing the Numbers

The ones that are bringing you the numbers can be:

  • Loved ones
  • Spiritual Guides
  • Angels
  • Universe
  • Spirits
  • Loved Ones who Passed

What Should You Do?

When you see repeating numbers, you need to know what they mean such as:

  • Pay attention to what is going on when you see the numbers.
  • Know that what you were thinking was important.
  • Figure out what emotions you were having.

Take deep breathes and ask the universe to reveal to you a message and let you know what it means. Always trust this message and even if you are not sure what it means, know that the universe is there to show you something.

It might take a few days before you really understand what is going on. Tell your spirit guides thank you for bringing you this message. Tell them that you are happy for them coming to you and you are thankful for what they do for you.

Clear Thinking

If you have repeating numbers, you are the one that should be able to interpret what the numbers mean but, in the meantime, there is a guide that can help you.


Seeing repeating 1’s can mean that you are in the start of something new. Get rid of old things and allow yourself to have a different path. Be your own person and be thankful for what you have.

Be mindful of how you think of things and pay attention to what you are feeling and to your beginnings.


Seeing 2’s can mean that you need to be in harmony with people in your life. Find balance and get rid of conflicts that are not resolved. Let go of unforgiveness or negative energies. Heal yourself and allow others to heal as well. Trust who you are and increase your psychic giftings.

Embrace who you are and learn to communicate with others.


3’s can mean that you are full of happy energy, and you are creative. Look at these numbers and laugh and be close with people you love. Learn to express yourself and when you do, write down what you are needing to do.

Be truthful and let your emotions be expressed. Take time to rest and to take care of who you are.


Seeing 4’s can mean you are making a steady foundation. It can mean you are ready to move forward and that you are smart in what you do. You can be committed, and you can learn that your future is important.

Work hard on your physical body and put your ideas and your desires into fruition.


5’s that repeat themselves can tell you that you have changes that are coming, and you need to prepare for them. This can be an adventure in your life, and it can mean meeting new people and seeing new experiences. Change the routine in your life and think about taking time to control your emotions and to follow your passions.

Let yourself be heard and if you need to have a makeover and take care of you, do it.


Seeing 6’s can mean that you need to have love and family. This can mean that love is coming to you and that you have to make time for those that you love. Take care of people that need you and focus on your house and your health and make sure that you are letting go of relationships that are bad for you.

If you have a child coming to your home, make a place for them and know that you are full of energy.


7’s can mean that you need to be calm and take time to be alone. Take time to meditate and to pray. Interact with the world around you but always think before you act. Take time to get a stronger mind and body and od this by meditating. Figure out time to talk to the universe and let your spiritual world increase.

Do something for yourself and go to school, find new hobbies, be in nature, pet an animal, drink, and eat healthily and learn to connect with the universe.


Seeing 8’s repeat can mean you are going to have a boost in your finances or your career. Learn to get rid of debt and focus on your job. If you feel that you need to change careers, do it. Find a new perspective and improve who you are. Move if you have to and accept change. You can live in a place where you can be one with others.

Stop letting your ego control you and keep your head high. Understand that things will come your way and be okay with that.


9’s that repeat can mean that you are ready to let things go. This can be a project, a relationship, or a deeper level. You have to trust yourself to let go and to remain compassionate. Do not be selfish and learn to explore things that are fun for you.

Have an open mind and allow yourself to have change.


Zeroes can mean that you are free and that you are given a choice in your life. Start a new chapter such as buying a new home, getting a new job, having a baby or more. Learn to care for who you are.

Change your home or remodel your home. Reach your limits and work hard. Clean out your closets and get rid of stuff that you do not need. Let the universe know that you love it and that you want to help take care of it.


Repeating numbers can help you to understand what is happening in your life. Embrace good things and bad things in your life and keep your head held high.

Work to go ahead. Work hard and be in synch with other people in your life. Be mindful of what you want in your life and allow good things to come into your life.

Struggling to Get Your Clairaudience

Struggling to Get Your Clairaudience

Developing psychic hearing, also known as clairaudience, is something that is meant to be fun and inspiring. Still there can be a problem in its development when the throat chakra is blocked. This can even cause people to doubt their abilities even though it is a simple block that can be cleared. This article will cover how the clairaudient ability is connected to the throat chakra and about the chakras and understanding when they are blocked. Once the throat chakra is opened you will feel differently, and it is simple to unblock.


Chakras are multi-colored balls of energy that are beautiful and lined up from the base of the spine to the top of the head. They can be imagined as seven separate spinning pinwheels that run up the spine. Each chakra is in charge of a given desire, emotion, and body portion that depends on its location. Though this is a good definition, chakras are actually much more. Chakras have an impact on how we interact with the world, experience our abilities, and even feel.

Throat Chakra and Clairaudience

At the back of your throat is the throat chakra and it is the energy center that is in charge of communication and creativity. This includes clairaudience. It is most associated with the color turquoise. Since it is strongly connected to communication, a blocked throat chakra makes developing clairaudience much harder. To keep up the analogy, it is a stick keeping the pinwheel from spinning.

Signs of a Blocked Throat Chakra

When the throat chakra is blocked or closed, the abilities it is connected to are stunted. When fully opened, it is returned to all its gloriousness. It is easy to recognize when your throat chakra is closed. Look for the following:

  • Difficulty in expressing feelings, emotions, and thoughts.
  • Having creative blocks.
  • Being steamrolled verbally by others.
  • Struggling to develop your clairaudience.
  • Difficulty with trusting your own inner voice.
  • Feeling the weight of the world without relief.
  • Feeling misunderstood when you try to verbally explain things.

These concerns alone show the importance of this chakra being fully open. Granted, individually the signs can be easy to miss, but together it points in one direction, a closed throat chakra. On the other side of things, a fully open throat chakra will feel like:

  • A sense of peace when you speak your truth.
  • Clairaudience development feels natural.
  • You trust in your inner voice.
  • Creativity freely flows without trouble.
  • Renewed confidence in self-expression.
  • You are connected to your higher self, spirit guides, and even intuition.

Opening the Throat Chakra

Being able to speak your truth and finding your creativity is highly important. If you are reading this, clairaudience is obviously important as well. This is why we need to know how to open our throat chakras. Read on to learn easy ways to do this.

  • Sing – Belt out your favorite song as loud as possible.
  • Write to Yourself – Write all your truth out and express all your feelings.
  • Write someone else – Speak your truth to someone else on paper, it does not and probably should not be sent, but it will open the throat chakra.
  • Read aloud – Find something and read it out loud because this uses your voice.
  • Essential oils – Certain scents can help open up the throat chakra. Rub your favorite scent on your palms and then place the hands over your throat gently for a few minutes, include your ears if you want.
  • Stretch – Chakras can impact us physically, so stretch out your neck with things like head rotation.
  • Honesty – Be honest and loving but speak your feelings in a given moment.
  • Hobbies – Get back into a creative hobby you may have put aside.
  • Meditate – Meditate with a focus on the throat chakra area.

Developing Clairaudience

Since we know the throat chakra is in charge of creativity and communication, if it is closed, we can feel blocked creatively and in speaking up for what we need. If you know you are clairaudient, but seem to be stalled, work on the throat chakra. There are meditations online to help with this.

Protection from Demons

Protection from Demons

Demons or fallen angels will attack you when you are in spiritual warfare. There is always a good versus evil going on and they aren’t just made-up characters. Some believe that they are only in movies or video games, but they are real spirits that are dangerous, and they interact with you and cause you to be influenced by things.

Fallen angels will hurt you and can cause you to be tempted and can cause you mental illness to come in your life. They can also hurt you physically and can cause you to have bad things happen in your life. There are ways you can protect yourself from demons and here are some ways:

Know There is a Battle

You need to know that there is always a battle going on and there are fallen angels that want to influence you. They want you to struggle and want to hurt you and cause evil in your life.

Contacting Angels

You need to be careful when you are contacting angels on your own and make sure that you are not contacting evil spirits. You should get guidance when you want to reach out to your angels.

False Messages

Make sure that you know that you are receiving a good message and that you are not falling prey to false messages. Demons are liars and they will want to influence you with lies.

Test Them

Do not accept any message that you get from angels but make sure that you test the messages before you accept it. Test rather or not an angel is really a good angel and is communicating with good intentions and nothing negative.


Try to find someone to connect with that is a good person and a close friend. Let these people empower you and influence you and give you knowledge and understanding and be careful who you listen to.

Follow Leads

Here are some things that you need to do in order to make sure that you are safe and protected in your daily life:

  • Go places where there are good things and reflect on what choices that you make. Make sure that you are intentional on doing good and that you do not compromise what you believe.
  • Demons will always be trying to tempt you and good things will try to pull you from this. Possession can happen and it can cause you to be possessed and to become a victim to evil.
  • Make sure that you do not submit to evil and that you do not do things beyond what you will to do. There are forces that will try to make you do evil things and you will know if they are good or bad by what they try to get you to do.
  • Always pay attention to who you are and what you are listening to. Make sure that you ask other people that you know for guidance.

If you have questions, always seek your spirit guides to help you and to give you answers on what you should do. Remember, do not do spiritual work on your own if you have never done it before and make sure that you are sure you know what you are doing when doing it on your own.

Finding Your Dominant Clair Trait

Finding Your Dominant Clair Trait

Did you know that your intuition has a dominant sense? Most don’t. Everyone gets that feeling in their gut sometimes when they are in a situation that makes them feel uncomfortable. They may have an impulse to call someone or do something that is not part of their routine.

These intuitive sensations are good because they often lead you away from danger or into an opportunity. However, everyone has a particular way of sensing things they may not be aware of and have never explored. These clairs are how you connect with the spirit and get your intuitive feelings.

The Six Clairs

Just like you have six senses, including your psychic sense, you have six clairs that line up with those. These are ways you get your visions, dreams, or intuitions.


This means to see clearly. People who have visions or dreams have clairvoyance. Sometimes, the vision or dream doesn’t make complete sense until later when more information comes forward.


This is when people hear things in our minds. This is when our inner voice tells us things or gives us instructions.


This relates to feelings and refers to people who can sense someone else’s emotion or physical pain. This is one of those gifts that people sometimes have without being aware of it. This is the “gut feeling” or when we get “chills” for no apparent reason. It typically means we are tuned into spiritual energy or the emotions of someone either near us or someone we’re emotionally connected to.


This means clear smelling and typically refers to people who can smell odors without any physical source. A typical example is someone who can smell the perfume or cigar of a deceased loved one. These smells bring us back to memories.


This is the sense of all-knowing. Some people have what seems to be supernatural knowledge of other people and events without any explanation of how they know. This would include a premonition or someone able to confirm things in your life when they know nothing about you.

This gift requires a lot of faith because there are no explanations. When someone tries to explain this kind of gift, it can be hard for them because it can be so hard to explain how these supernatural things work.

Do You Know Your Gift?

Have you figured out your dominant sense yet? If not, there is a way to find out.  Sit in a chair in a quiet room for a few minutes with no distractions. Take in the room. Notice all the details and be aware of your feelings in the room.

Close your eyes and breathe deeply. What is your first impression? Was it something you saw, something you hear, something you smell or taste, a feeling you are having, or a thought that comes from out of the blue. Whatever it is, that is your dominant trait.

Knowing and understanding your dominant trait will help you explore your intuitive skills. Be aware, you may have more than one trait although there is one that is more prevalent than the others. Understanding yourself and your various traits will help you throughout your life.