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Your Goddess and the Zodiac

Your Goddess and the Zodiac

The planets and gods and goddesses are often a part of history and according to history, they play a big role in the people’s lives. The goddesses are easy to access, and you can call on them for different things and for different reasons, but it is important to know what kind of personality and characteristics these goddesses have when you are looking for a guide.


The goddess Birgid is a fire and poetry god and is part of the fire sign. You can ask her to help you when you are passionate about something in your life.


If you are looking for a goddess that will help you to be more practical, Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love can help you.


The Gemini can learn to communicate better if she calls on the goddess of the rainbow, Iris. She can help you to communicate better and to make good decisions.


The harvest goddess helps people to be able to grow things both physically and in their lives.


Aurora, the Roman goddess will give you light when things are dark and will help you when you are feeling stubborn and when you want to get rid of this trait and make it further in life.


The goddess of the underworld is Persephone, and she can help you to be more patient in your life. She is the wife of Hades, and this makes her queen.


Venus is the goddess of love and can help to inspire you and find beauty in yourself.


The Celtic goddess, Morrigan is one that can help you to be able to keep secrets for your friends.


Artemis can help you to find truth in your life and to be faithful. She is the goddess of the hunt and is a Greek goddess.


The Capricorn is one that always wants to reach their goals and to be the best that they can be. If they need help, they can call on the Norse goddess of war, love and beauty, the goddess Freya.


If you are looking for inspiration in your life and you are co-dependent on others, you can ask the goddess of the slain heroes, the Irish goddess, Maeve to help you.


Psyche can help you to understand things that you are having a hard time understanding. She is the goddess of the soul and is a Greek goddess that helps the Pisces who is very loving and creative.


You can ask the goddesses to help you and to guide you and when you understand their personalities, you can know which one to call on as to what you need in your life.

Being a Lightworker

Being a Lightworker

A lightworker is someone that is on the planet because they want to spread goodness and light to the world. Some of these people will take their whole purpose and will dedicate their time to help others.

Global Purpose

There is a purpose for lightworkers and the goodness that they carry inside of them. The energies that they have are good and they are positive and loving and they are good for other people. These people will use their soul to help others that live on the earth and they will help to show them what is good for them and to help them.

One interesting thing about a lightworker is that they are very nurturing, and they want to help heal and comfort people. They look for people that are hurting and they want to help them. They also want to teach others such as children or people that need to learn new things. They want to do things like feed the poor and help the addicts.

Sleeping and Late Runners

If you have a family member that is a lightworker, you will see that they are doing things to help others to grow. They will change their life to do things for others and they will want to show their love and they will not even realize that that is their goal.

Some lightworkers are considered to be sleeping because they have come along when there is something that goes wrong like a natural disaster or a crisis and they have not been around to be lightworkers until that. This happens because their vibrations increase, and they realize that they need to help others.

A lightworker will usually come to help for many reasons and they will do things such as spread light to dark places. They will deal with issues that are karmic and they will give themselves to others.

Personality of Lightworkers

A lightworker has many positive traits and some include:

  • Kindness
  • Caring
  • Selfless
  • Helpful
  • Personable
  • Strong
  • Compassionate
  • Loving
  • Forgiving


A lightworker is very important. A lightworker will work hard to make sure that they are there to help others through their pain and to help them learn to be a part of the world. A lightworker is very kind and caring and loving and they will do what they can to help others.

Meaning Beyond Clairvoyance

Meaning Beyond Clairvoyance

People often look at clairvoyants and psychics as someone that is magical or full of mystery. They see them as being abnormal. Other people do not believe in the powers that psychics have, and they believe that they are only a joke or a myth.

All people are born with some kind of psychic giftings and most of the gifts that people have are one of the clair gifts. This means that you are able to use senses beyond your five senses. Some people call this a sixth sense.

While some people are born with these gifts, they sometimes get these gifts stronger because they are passed down from generation to generation in their families. Other people just realize their gifts accidently and when they learn to practice and develop their gifts, they can make them stronger.

People that do online readings use the clair gifts to get the information to the person. These gifts happen because they are able to use the energy of that person to know things about them.

It might be hard for someone that isn’t psychic to understand the gifting and if you have never been exposed to the psychic world, you might not even know that these gifts exist.

If you do not have family or friends that understand psychic powers, chances are that you might not understand the giftings that you have. People learn to accept their gifts when they find them, but some people go further and choose to embrace their gifts and to develop them.

Knowing about the clair gifts does not usually happen because of learning about them at school, but they normally figure them out or read things online.

Your Gift

When you are growing up, you might find that you didn’t really know yourself that well. You will see that you have a hard time trusting yourself and making decisions. Chances are that you get feelings, and you choose to ignore them because you are not sure if you are really getting a message or if you are just making things up in your mind.

Clairvoyant Gifts

A clairvoyant is someone that is able to feel things. They are able to know things without any real evidence. If you want to know if you have the gift of clairvoyance, here are some things that might happen:

  • You see images when you close your mind.
  • You learn better when you see than just hearing.
  • You are someone that is visual.
  • You sometimes say, “I see,” when you talk to someone.
  • You see lights flashing around you.
  • You are very creative.

These are things that might happen to you if you have the gift of clairvoyance. If you want to be more energetic in your abilities, you have to learn to understand your gift.

Developing Your Clairvoyance

There are different things you can do to develop your giftings such as:

Card Games:

  • Use a numbered deck of cards.
  • Shuffle them and put them down.
  • Pick a card form the deck and decide if it is black or red.
  • Even if you guess at first, keep practicing.
  • Try playing the memory game to get your skills moving.

Optical Illusions

Find optical illusions and look at them and see what you can see. Do you see different images?


Imagine things in your mind and see how much detail you can muster up.

Crystals and Stones

Use crystals and stones when you meditate to open up your gifting.

Essential Oils

Use different essential oils to open your skills.


Meditation can help you to open your third eye. Do this to connect to the spirit world and to stay grounded.


Using Reiki can help you to keep your energy moving.


Make sure that you know what you want and that you say your intentions and mean them.


You can get a journal and write down how your gift has changed over time. Doing this can help you to remember the small changes that you go through.

Finding Your Way

People are often looking for a way to better themselves and if you feel that you are in a situation where you want to increase your giftings, learn to connect to yourself and learn to develop your clair giftings.

When you learn to connect with your energy you will see that you will become stronger and that you will find that you might have more gifts than you realized. You may see that you are a lightworker and that you have energy that is attractive to you.

Taking Time

Do not get frustrated if you do not develop your giftings overnight. When you want to develop your gift, you need to keep trying. Never give up and learn to work through your adventure.

There are many activities that you can do to strengthen your giftings and to help you to figure out your true gift. Believe in yourself and embrace the possibilities around you.

Spiritual Healing and How it Works

Spiritual Healing

Doctors have often questioned the idea of spiritual healing, and some believe that this is nonsense. Some people have pain that brings despair to their lives and causes them to feel abnormal and not to be able to do things that they want to do.

Sensitivity to Forces

Some people are forced to be bedridden and not live a normal life. Some people have senses that are very sensitive, and it sounds like someone is shouting when they are speaking or maybe they have a light sensitivity that makes everything painful.

Losing Happiness in Suffering

When you suffer, it can be hard for you to allow a disease to rid you of your happiness and your desire to live. Sometimes you will find that you are forced to live places that you don’t want to live such as back at home with your parents or in a hospital or nursing home. You might find that you are becoming weaker as time goes by or you might get diagnosed with a debilitating disease.

Conventional Medicines

There are medicines that are conventional but what if they don’t work? What if you have seen doctors over and over again and you are still in the same condition that you were at the beginning. What if there is no cure for the sickness that you have been diagnosed with?

Seeing a Holistic Doctor

After people have tried everything else, some people decide to try to go to a holistic doctor and to see what they can get out of it. Some of the doctors will see them and will have you to relax and do other treatments. What if this happens and the pain is instantly gone?

Some people get this kind of healing, and they return over and over to make sure that their healing continues. Some have even come out of a wheelchair and recovered from chronic pain that they had had for years.

Research Behind Holistic Healing

Researchers have often dismissed the idea of holistic healing but according to science, there are some evidence that can show that spiritual healing is real.

Some doctors do not understand it and so they choose to ignore it, but it is a practice that is practiced all over the world. This is something that has been investigated for years and mostly it started int eh 1960’s when doctors begin focusing on healing by taking away negative thoughts.

Animal Testing and Growth

This showed that negativity retarded the growth of many cases and scientists begin to test their theory on animals to see if being positive healed them quicker.

In some studies, animals recovered faster after they had been given positive words and feelings. Some recovered faster than ever, and some were completely healed.

Faster Recovery and Longer Survival

People that use spiritual healing seem to have better results than those that do not. Some of them recover faster and some of them survive longer than others. Some are less sick, and others become powerful and strong in their lives.

Fraudulent Healing

Doctors often believe that holistic healing is fraudulent, but they do see that this can be real, and they are sometimes forced to accept this and to go with the evidence of healing thoughts. Some focus on people that have debilitating diseases that have used healing energy and they found that the people were healed and changed in their body and mind.

Increased Blood and Changes in the Brain

They found that their blood increased, and their brain activity changed. Patience felt warmer and they felt that they were healed and stronger than before the treatments. Not only this, but their spirit rose and made them be more positive and feel happier which resulted in having to take less drugs or antidepressants and they were able to sleep better.

Some that were cancer patients were healed and were able to recharge and to be stronger in their body and mind.

Even though holistic healing is a mystery, some doctors have begun to believe in this practice. What do you believe? Find out what works for you and what makes your mind and body at peace.

What Causes Narcissism?


Though narcissism is a trait found to some degree in nearly all people, the “narcissist” label is frequently misapplied. It’s a genuine psychological disorder that’s not to be taken lightly. Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental condition in which people have troubled relationships, an exaggerated sense of self-importance, an insatiable need for excessive admiration and attention, and a lack of empathy for other people. But behind their confidence and self-assurance lies fragile self-esteems that are sensitive to even slight criticism.

Only about 1% of the population experiences true “narcissistic personality disorder.” As with most other psychological issues, there’s a continuum of severity. Some people simply have narcissistic tendencies, while others are inescapably involved in the behavioral patterns that are associated with it.

What Causes Narcissism?

Nobody is born a narcissist. People don’t turn into narcissists because they want to hurt other people. The actual cause is childhood trauma, which impedes their capacity to operate with others and themselves in a healthy way. Childhood trauma and emotional abuse are always at the core of narcissism.

People long for unconditional love above everything else. But sadly, some children learn to expect that they can’t simply be loved for who they are; love would only come if they were impressive or perfect. They were taught that they wouldn’t be loved unconditionally, so they formulate a fictional version of themselves that they feel would be more worthy to receive love.

Also involved is being shamed for expressing emotions in childhood, or from feelings of abandonment when they risked opening up. When their alternate self is threatened in any way, they become alienated or lash out.

A lack of unconditional love is severely traumatic to a child. This is where their emotionally abusive tendencies come from. When narcissists feel that their false self is threatened, their fear is overwhelming, so they lash out in an attempt to distance themselves. This closes off their hearts, so the way they deal with emotions, relationships, others, and self is corrupted. This is why narcissists appear to lack empathy—their intuitive response to trauma was to shut down.

The more self-aggrandizing someone is, the higher the stakes of rejection in early life will be. Opening up to experience their true emotions feels so threatening that they block their natural response to those emotions. But this also unconsciously prevents them from feeling understanding and empathy toward other people.

Narcissists exist within their own rendition of reality they created to nurture and support their false selves. They become entangled in continual stressful internal battles with themselves and become even more insecure when they feel that other people are trying to overcome their defenses.

So, narcissists are therefore attracted to other people who they feel will accept their false self and alternate reality. If they sense that someone can see who they truly are underneath. It’s common for them to unconsciously draw lightworkers, healers, and empaths into their lives.

They often end up using and abusing these people because they perceive them as “safe.” They avoid openness and true vulnerability because they fear they’ll be rejected, so they view genuine love as threatening.

When You Encounter a Narcissist

Interacting with a narcissist is a challenge, but the proverbial lock can be opened, using love as the key. Don’t believe other people when they say it’s not possible. You wouldn’t still be trying if it was. When done in the right way, it can be a fairly quick and simple process.

Regardless of the narcissistic person’s behavior, he or she is still a spiritual being of love and light, just as you are. Attacking will only exacerbate the problem. The more attention you pay to the alternate self, the stronger it will grow, so always attempt to see behind it.

For best results, try not to concentrate on the created alternate self. Focus instead on their true, higher self, and try to resolve the source causes of the behavior on a spiritual level. Their behavior does not involve malicious intent. It’s simply driven by fear that has nothing to do with you. It’s rooted in their past trauma. Inside their alternate self, they’re an immortal spiritual being that’s composed of love and longs for love, which they think they won’t receive unconditionally.

Here are some more tips for dealing with a narcissist:

  • Listen to your intuition and stay safe. If you feel threatened, retreat.
  • Don’t fight hostility with hostility. They may block you or get vindictive or aggressive.
  • Don’t be judgmental. This will only create more distance between you.
  • Don’t try fixing things externally. Resolve things behind the scenes, internally, with spiritual healing techniques.
  • Disregard the drama and ego as much as you can. Interact instead with their spiritual self.

The Spiritual Perspective

Abuse is an outward expression of the inner desire to self-harm. Narcissists are projecting their pain and loneliness onto others. And many loving, generous people attract wounded partners. This is among the most complex reality regarding love in the physical realm. Narcissists feel so unloved and unlovable that they construct an alternate self to give and receive love.

Maintain your existence in a spiritual state so you don’t align with other people’s trauma. It could pull you in and block you from following your optimal path. We’re all immortal beings of light who are equally loved and sustained by the universe. So, it isn’t your job to fix anybody.

If your partner is displaying narcissistic behaviors, remember their true self. Concentrate on their inner light, work with them spiritually to purify the energy of emotional wounds and trauma, help them recover, and picture yourselves content and happy.

Nothing is impossible. The way to overcome deep trauma is unconditional love. When we clear our energy, we increase our spiritual potential, and our real-world circumstances undergo a positive shift as well. You’re still there for a reason, and it’s certainly possible to resolve the situation.

Don’t assume that your current circumstances are the only possible reality. Take action to change things for the better. Follow your intuition. It always works to protect you and to guide you to love and peace. Above everything else, don’t neglect self-care. You deserve it.

7 Common Psychic Skills

7 Common Psychic Skills

Have you ever gotten a sudden sensation that has no tangible origin?  Maybe you get feelings in the pit of your stomach.  You might be able to taste an item you see in a magazine, or instinctively know facts about a person you just met.  These intuitive messages can be transmitted partially or in full.

What you are experiencing is natural and is one of seven common psychic senses known as “clairs.”  These psychic talents help connect our physical world, with our inner wisdom and the spiritual realm.  Every person has the ability to develop their dominant and subordinate gifts.

Understanding the Seven “Clairs”


Clear seeing: Probably the most well-known psychic talent, people skilled in this ability receive visions from the Universe.  Pictures are able to manifest in a clairvoyant’s third eye.  These visualizations can appear quickly as flashes or more detailed as if you are seeing a movie.  People may see colors, people, scenes, objects, symbols, spirits, or places.


Clear Hearing:  Messages are sent in form of sound directly into the third ear.  You might experience a phantom voice, or have a sudden song pop into your mind.


Sensing emotion:  Clairempaths get emotions transmitted to them directly by spirits.  This helps you understand the experience of another person more easily.  Their emotions of happiness, joy, elation, pride, sadness, anger and fear suddenly becomes yours.


Sensing feeling:  This can be experience as a feeling your gut.  You instinctively feel and sense positive and negative emotions.  Your guides send you these messages to either warn you that something bad is about to happen, or get a feeling of elation when something that will bring you happiness is about to occur.


Sense of smell:  Spirit sends messages through the form of a fragrance or odor, which cannot be detected by others.  These messages can be transmitted by a deceased loved one to confirm that they are nearby or at peace.


Sense of taste:  Messages come through as psychic taste.  Spirit provides information in the form of flavor that frequently correlates to aspects they enjoyed during their lifetime.


Touch or feeling:  Also called psychometry, messages are transmitted when you touch or hold an object.  This object reflects a personal connection to the owner and carries their vibrations within the material components of the item.  You can understand the personality of the owner and even receive information about what they are have, currently, or about to experience.

Psychics often possess one or more of the “clairs.” These gifts can be used singularly or in tandem.  One of the most common abilities is clairsentience due to prevalence of people reporting “gut feelings.”  Typically, people have one to three “clairs,” but in rare cases an individual possess all seven of these psychic senses.

Meaning Behind a Bear Sighting

What Does it Mean When You See a Bear?

Seeing a bear can be a powerful situation or a powerful meeting. If you see a bear as an image or in a dream, it can be because this creature will play a huge role in your life. Seeing a bear can be full of tradition and myths.

Learn to pay attention to what your spirit guides are trying to show you and learn to take the message that the bear gives you to heart so that you can make changes in your life.


Bears are mammals that are strong and fast. Bears are very smart and since they are so strong and big, they are considered to be very powerful.

There are bears that are bigger and some are smaller such as polar bears or even panda bears. Bears have many special characteristics such as:

  • Strong sense of smell.
  • They can climb, run, swim, and jump even though they are large.
  • Bears can sniff out things.
  • Bears like to hibernate when it is winter, and they will return later to get food.
  • Bears are omnivores and they can eat both vegetables and meat.
  • These animals are at the top of the food chain, and they are apex and natural predators.
  • Bears are very protective of their young.

When you have a bear encounter, you need to pay attention to the different characteristics that bears have.

Bear Species

There are many different kinds of bears such as grizzly bears, panda bears, polar bears and more. Bears come with different characteristics and species and there are different characteristics that can help you to understand the message you get when seeing a bear:


A panda bear is a bear that is a vegetarian. They eat bamboo and they are survival bears. This kind of bear is a species of the subfamily, and they might show up when you need to survive something and be stronger.


Grizzly bears are bears that have been known in North America. They are brown bears that are large, and they have very large claws. These bears are stronger than black bears and they enjoy a diet of berries and meat.

Grizzly bears are dangerous to humans and if you see one in a dream, it can mean that you have some danger approaching you.

Black Bears

Black bears are found in North America, and they are smaller than grizzly bears. These bears are not as dangerous to humans, but they should not be bothered. If you see a black bear, it can mean that you need protection in your life.

Polar Bears

Polar bears are considered the biggest bears on Earth. These bears can survive in harsh weather and are often found in places that are very cold such as the Arctic Circle. These bears can survive in winds that are strong.

Polar bears are great swimmers and if you dream of a polar bear, you need to learn to adapt your life and be flexible in things that come to you.

Healing Spirit

A bear can represent great qualities such as courage, leadership, strength and more. If you are a good leader, then you need to have certain skills in order for people to follow you. You cannot be forceful or rude and you need to always make sure that you are grounded.

When you ask your bear to help you, your spirit animal can come and heal you and help you if you are weak and need strength.


The bear has been a symbol of the totem animal more than other animals in history. Many people from the shamanic culture associate the bear with healing and with women.

There are different cultures that see the bear as important, and this is because bears have strong gifts to heal wounds and parts of the body that are hurt.

A bear has strong claws, and they can dig deep between life and death and help you when you need protection.

Other Cultures

There are many cultures that connect with the bear. The Celts believe that the bear is considered a protector and the Greeks and Romans believe that the bear is there to help with fertility.

Vikings and people in North America see the bear as a warrior and they even have been known to wear bearskins in order to fight and to hunt. The Norse warriors would wear things called “berserkers,” and this means “bear suits” because they were made out of bear skin.

Some Native American tribes use the bear as a symbol of strength and healing. They have used the bear as medicine and for wisdom. Some of the tribes will wear charms of the bear so that they can keep it close to them.

Spirit Animal

Animals can be spirit animals and if you have certain abilities, chances are that you have a spirit animal that is strong. If you are always seeing a bear in your dream, this could mean that the bear is your spirit guide.

The bear can be there to help you through cycles of life and if you need healing or grounded, you might realize the importance of the bear. The bear can help you to heal and help you to have rest that you need. The bear is a healer and if the bear becomes your spirit animal, chances are that you need help through things in your life.

A totem animal is an animal that you will be drawn to. This can be something that you want to buy such as rugs, or statues or pictures of. You will want to surround yourself with this animal and you will be courageous when you see this animal. This animal might be seen where you live.

Having an animal as your spirit guide can help you to figure out things in your life and help to give you inner strength and healing. You can get the support you need by having a spirit animal.

Bears and Dreams

Dreaming is the way that your spirit guides can connect with you. If you have dreams that involve a bear, you might be curious about why you are having this dream. Chances are that the bear is your spirit animal and that you are connecting with the bear in your spirit.

You can meditate and ask your guides to give you more information and to send you messages in your life so that you can be stronger and healthier in your life.

Know the Different Types of Intuition

Understanding the Different Types of Intuition

People are always trying to get information so that they can understand what to expect in a psychic reading. The idea of intuition is that it talks to you and allows you to know things without any concrete information. There are four main intuitions that are often talked about, and these include clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience and claircognizance.

Some people are stronger int heir giftings than others, but everyone can increase their intuition by developing their gifts. Find out what intuition you have and what you are best at:


Clairaudience is when someone can hear something, but it is not through the sense of hearing but in the mind. This is not the same as someone that has a mental disorder or an imbalance, but this is when you can hear a voice that is giving you information. The voice will be calm and strong.

Messages that come to clairaudients during a reading will be things such as “ask for the promotion,” and will normally be something that is short and to the point. The message can even just be a symbol or a number. A clairaudient might get a message from someone that is blocked because of a traumatic event, or the client might get a message to answer what step they should take next in their life.

When someone comes for a reading and they are hearing their name being called but no one is there, this means that their third eye is opening, and they have the potential to be clairaudient.


People that are considered to be clairvoyant are considered to be psychic. These messages will come as visions or as scenes in the mind. These can be strong messages and images and they can cause the person getting them to feel shaky and even scared at time. This can be a gift that leaves the receiver feeling uneasy or unstable.

A client that is looking to start a new business might see little fish swimming and they should be waiting for a bigger or better “fish” or offer. The wind can mean that change is not predictable, and they should wait but each message will be different.

Always pay attention to images that come to your mind and work on your abilities. Be patient because your gift will grow over time.


The clairsentience messages will come as an emotion or a gut feeling. If you sense the energy in a room before you go in or you believe you are about to get a phone call and then you do, chances are you are clairsentient. This kind of gift can leave you feeling outgoing and serious all at the same time.

Messages for clients are important and if a client has a sickness, they will want to figure out what their issues are. This can be hard for a psychic because the emotions are sometimes closed off.

When you get a strong feeling about something, learn to journal it. After you do this for so long, learn to recognize these messages and you will pick up more on them as you go.


If you want to know if you have a child that is sensitive, you can try to remove blocks that happen to you. Learn to pay attention to what you are feeling and when your intuition comes, it will happen, and you will have to understand what message you are getting.

When you are trying to figure something out, but you are confused, you can ask your intuition to give you answers and know that your guides are always listening to you.

Intuition is an important gift, and everyone has this gifting. Do not be afraid of getting in touch with who you are and tuning into your intuition.

What Do Dreams Mean to You?

Dream Meanings

Dreaming is something that everyone has, and some people have nightmares, while others have good dreams. Some people do not even remember their dreams. Nightmares can be ones where you dream that your partner is cheating on you, and this can hurt you and make you wonder if the dream is giving you information or if it’s not even true.

If someone cheats on you in a dream, it can make you feel like it really happened and make you wake up wondering if you can trust your partner. This can leave you feeling bad and make you wish that you could shake it and figure out what it means.

What You Think

Even though you have a dream about cheating, it does not mean that you are having a partner that cheats on you or that you are leaving your partner and are going to cheat. The truth is that the dream can be a symbol of you trying to figure out what is going on in your regular life.

Cheating Dream

What does it mean when you dream that your partner is cheating on you? There are different interpretations that some experts say a cheating dream means. This can mean that you have pain in your relationship, or you are worried about it. Here are some issues that a cheating dream can make you see:

  • Sometimes a cheating dream means that you are neglected or that you are not getting much attention from your partner. Maybe you have someone that works a lot, or you are not spending enough time together in your relationship. Talk to your partner about this.
  • Some cheating dreams can mean that you feel that you are abandoned. This can mean you are insecure and that you want to know why you are feeling this way. This doesn’t mean that your partner is leaving you.
  • Another thing that your cheating dream can mean is that you have no self-esteem. Maybe you dream of your partner cheating on you because you feel that you do not have enough strength to love yourself. Remind yourself that you are worthy and that you are good.

Being the Cheater

When you dream of cheating on your partner, it can mean that you feel guilty for something, but it doesn’t mean that you are cheating. This kind of dream can mean that you are not honest about things in your life. This can mean that you need to be more open in your relationship.

Do you feel guilty of hurting your partner or saying something rude to them? Even if you apologized to them, this could cause you to have that dream.

Cheating with a Friend

If you are dreaming of cheating on your partner with a friend or someone you know, chances are that you are giving that person too much attention and not enough to your partner. This could mean that you are overwhelmed from too many people and that you are bored in your life.

Issues in the Relationship

No matter who the cheater is in the dream, chances are that this can mean that you have issues that you have not resolved in your relationship. Maybe you need to talk to your partner and see what is going on and what they are feeling.

Communicate About Your Dreams

If you are having these dreams, go back and talk to your partner and tell them. Ask them is everything in your relationship good. Listen to your gut feeling and pay attention to what is going on in the relationship.

The dream is probably just something you saw when you were awake, but always make sure you listen to what your intuition tells you.

Clearing Your Karma with Angel Messages

Clearing Your Karma with Angel Messages

Most people do not really understand karma and they think it is just some bad thing. The truth about karma is that it is something that happens because of something else or it is a cause and effect situation.

Karma is a word from the Sanskrit language that means actions effect the future. This is something that many people know the word for, but they do not really know what it means.

What is Karma

Karma is something that you send out to the universe and it comes back to you. This can be as small as a negative comment that you have made and then it will determine what happens to you both directly and even indirectly.

You are in control of what you say and do and so you have the power to decide what kind of karma will come back to you and what you are manifesting.

One thing that karma does not explain is the time limit it has. There is no limit as to when bad karma will come back to you. Some people are impacted now for something bad that they did while others do not experience the actions of their karma until they reach a new life or before they go through their awakening.

You can cleanse your karma, and this can help you.

What is Karma Cleansing?

Karma cleansing is not just saying you are sorry for what you have done but it is going to a place inside of you and asking the universe for forgiveness. You can do this, and it can get rid of negative karma and negative energy that you have manifested to yourself.

Doing this can also stop the cycle of more negative karma coming to you and it can create blessings for your life and your future.

In order to cleanse your karma, you have to connect with the spirit world, and you have to ask the Counsels of Light to forgive you and protect you.

Karma Meditation

Take time each day to stop and listen and relax. That is what meditation is. By doing this, you can be healed, and you can cleanse your life of bad karma. You can reach into the spirit world and you can take care of your mind, body, and soul.

When you stop to relax and listen to what the universe is trying to tell you, you can get rid of negative karma and clear things such as unhealthy attachments or darkness out of your life.

Karmic healing has been around for all time and it is the Divine Will of the universe that you reach your highest good.

Listen and connect with the energy and experience the process of letting go of negative things in your life. This can help you to cut karmic ties that are causing you pain.

The Angel Message is a meditation that is guided and will lead you into your healing. It is something that you can find online, and it is a recording that can help to open up your heart chakra and allow healing and energy to reach you.

By connecting with this message, you will release yourself from negative karma and you will be cleansed and cleared. Your energy will be stronger, and you will be a better person.

This message will help you to open up your chakras and to bring light into your being. It will show you how to balance and heal your energy and to accept the love that is all around you.

With this message, you will connect with your spiritual self and you will be blessed and healed, and you will see your life change.

Negative Karma and Angels

You can also reach out to your angels to help you clear your energy and your karmic problems. You are dear to the angels and they want you to have confidence and to be happy and have love in your life.

When you connect with your angels, it will be an experience that helps to make your spirit and your emotions stronger. This can be challenging because you have to let go of yourself and you have to release the pain from the past.


Angels are there to help you because it is part of your birthright. When you connect with your spiritual source, you are reaching out to the divine and feeling the energy that they connect to you with. This can make you more open to healing and other blessings and help you to find unconditional love.

You will notice light when your clearing is coming, and you need to let this light in. Open up all of your chakras and start with your crown chakra and see if you feel tingling there. Relax and let the light flow completely through your body while you release negative feelings, thoughts and emotions that are trapped inside of you.

These will be washed away with the light and you will restore your joy and love. See if you all of a sudden feel extreme joy and creativity.

Opening your heart and your soul will help to calm you and will lift you to the angels as they surround you with light.

Wrapped in Love

You will see that you are being wrapped in love. You will get rid of your earthly attachments that have trapped you and you will let go of energy attachments that keep reminding you of negative things and pain in your life.

You can also get rid of spirits that have bothered you that have not yet passed over to the other side. Because you are a spirit, the bright light that will be laid on you might be mistaken as their light and they might have attached on to you at some point to be comforted.

This is not good for you or for them and with this clearing you can cleanse yourself and them of these attachments.

Know that your angels are all around you and surround you with light. This light will get rid of any attachments in your body or your spirit.

Release with Light

You are able now to release these things. Return to your spirit so that you can continue on your journey. Look for people in your life that are welcoming you back to the universe and let them welcome you with open arms.

Look up into the light and see the angels cutting cords that have been causing you pain. These are energetic attachments that have followed you for a time.

Have you ever noticed that when you talk to someone it leaves you drained and feeling exhausted? This person has attached an energy cord to you. These are energy vampires and sometimes they don’t even mean to harm you, but they do.

The universe is full of energy and when you have energy and someone takes it, it will take away your peace and happiness.

Surround yourself with light and ask your angel Rafael to pull out any cords that are not working for you. This might make you feel tense and strange at first but just relax and Michael will cut the strings.

Once they are cut the energy is now just yours and you need to purify this energy.

The rest of the cords can be broken by pouring light down and clearing away any negative feelings or emotions and wrapping yourself in light. When the cords are gone you can easily open up your heart and feel better.

Let your energy flow and feel loved. Feel connected and feel happy. This is part of the law of cause and effect and now you are bringing goodness to your life.

Bad Karma

When your angels are with you and protecting you, you can ask Rafael to pull karmic cords that are bad for you. Michael will cut them down with his sword.

All of the cords that will not help you can be cut immediately, and this is the bad karma that has caused bad things to happen to you.

Do not worry and let the spiritual light wrap around you and make you creative and cleansed. The dark energy is gone.

You may or may not feel this but when the cords have been cut you will see that your life is more loving and that the energy flow has taken away any negative feelings that are not good for you. Once you release these things, imagine that there is a door that is full of light in front of you.

This door will help you to ascend and to become a better person. Go through the door and let the light fill you and help you reach your connected source.

This door is a step forward and the angels will be there to see your soul moving towards your purpose.

You are entering into a place full of light and once you go through this door, use the elevator to go up and take you to where there are more lights. This is where your chakras are and your higher self and where you can connect with the spirit source.

Breathe in and out and let the light enter into your body and let your spirit become stronger. This can bring you healing and joy.

Make your connection and let the light come back to you. Increase your mental, physical, and emotional state.

You will see your intentions and be able to clear out anything negative. Ask your guides to show you if anything else needs to be released or if anything is holding you back. Look into the spirit world and do not be afraid or scared. Believe that this is on your behalf and that your loved ones are helping you to get rid of bad karma and to be in a better place.

This is the time where you can find your life purpose and mission and you can let the power envelop you and let it in you. Let the light return to you and ask your guides to help you to let go of anything that no longer serves you and any belief that has held you back.

No matter what pops into your mind, identify it and let it go. Where did these thoughts come from? Try to find out where they started and what the source of that belief was. Let it be centered in light and let the energy fill you.

You are finished and you will now have peace. Your vibrations will increase, and you will be a better person. You can hear these messages right from the spirit world when you allow your energy to flow throughout your life and your body. Be free.

Enter the spirit world and get your power back. Let the light bring you in and see your energy flowing all through your body. Relax and see that you are one with your energy and that it is there to help you.

Feel the light enter you and know the universe is there to help you be open and balanced. Let the energy restore all that has been blocked inside of you. Now open your eyes and see where you are. Know that healing has come to you.

Carry the light with you and share the light with others. Give goodness to others and serve others. Be kind and compassionate and loving.

Let the angels teach you who you are meant to be and be at peace in your life.