Is Your Memory Strong and Reliable?

Is Your Memory Strong and Reliable

Memories might not be as reliable as we think that they are. Sometimes we use the things that we remember to share stories about our lives and the things that we have experienced. Our memories are personal to us, and they are something that we know about who we are and what we have seen. Our memories might not be as reliable as we want to think that they are though.

Sometimes we add false things to our memories as we retell our stories, and this can make you feel that you aren’t being honest. Why do we think that the things that we remember are so real? According to science, there are things in our memories that might not be reliable, and this is unknown as to why this happens.

The memory is a strange thing. We can tell someone something or tell a story about something that we have done in our past and if the person that we are telling the story to get the message wrong then it might not be the same as it really happened.

When we remember things, we remember that last thing that we remember of that event and maybe not the actual event. Each time we remember it again, the thoughts and the emotions change, and this can change the story.

There are always going to be differences or errors when we retell a story even if we think we remember each and every detail. We do this because we want the person that we are telling the story to, to understand it as strong as we do.

Whenever we tell the story differently, we will remember it differently. As it changes in our minds, the memories will store different proteins in the brain and the proteins will change shape and form each time the memory comes back up.

Here are some ways that we can lose sight of what the real memory is:

  • When the Story is Funny

We want to tell a story that is funny and interesting. This is why sometimes we add humor to the story. This is an emotion that is easy to remember and the more you tell it, the more the brain processes the memory as something funny.

  • Forgetting Details

As we get older, our brain forgets certain details and will take the details that it remembers and make them stronger. This will be an important part of the original memory but might not be totally accurate.

  • Positive Over Negative Memories

Most people can remember positive memories over negative memories. This is especially true with people that are older.

  • Period of Time

Depending on how often you tell a story, the memory of the story might get different each time. If you tell it more often, you will be able to remember the details better.

  • Recalling

Recalling times when you were younger might be harder because your memories get filtered through things that you have seen, things that you have been through and prejudices that you may feel. This is why there can be many different people that have the same experience but see it from different perspectives. Our memories tell us something about who we are and will tell us truths about our lives.

Final Thoughts

Most people don’t want to invest a lot of time to make sure that they are telling the memory the right way. Instead, they will make changes that they feel to the memories. This makes the memories not be as accurate as they could be. Our memories are only as reliable as how we tell them to others.