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Understanding Shadow Work


The “shadow self” is the aspects of ourselves that we seek to suppress due to feelings of insecurity shame, or frustration.  This concept is rooted in the mindset we hide the facets of our personality that either we or other might consider negative or undesirable.

We fear that showing this “shadow side” we would not be accepted or loved by others and therefore must bury these traits.  We can heal this pain by doing shadow work, a practice of loving ourselves as we are and releasing the restrictive feelings of shame or judgement.  In the words of Victor Hugo, “The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved, loved for ourselves or rather, in spite of ourselves.”

Uncovering the shadow self

Carl Jung, a 20th century Swiss psychologist, a preeminent researcher into the human personality and mind, devised of the concept of the “shadow self.”  He did not intend for the term “shadow” to be linked with spookiness, instead associating it with a reflection of ourselves.  The shadow self is impacted by the effects of someone else’s words or actions, causing us inner turmoil and cognitive dissonance as well as increase our likelihood of judging or lashing out at others due to our insecurity.

Shadow work in a nutshell

Shadow work empowers us to explore our shadow selves in order to purge their toxicity in our lives and bring the many facets of ourselves back into alignment.  When we allow our persona to become too disjointed over the course of our lives, we can’t even recognize what lurks within our shadow self.

By shining light into our shadow, we can process and embrace each of our traits regardless of if we view them as assets or hinderances, to more fully integrate ourselves into holistic wellness.  At its core, shadow work is a style of psychoanalysis that yolks the compartmentalized versions of one’s self into a vibrant self-actualized being.

How to perform shadow work

Shadow work is difficult due to face stings of past-rejection or reopening partially heal wounds.  But mending the fissure of self and shadow self provides lingering life-long benefits.  Jung stated, “shadow work is the path of the heart warrior.”  He believed this therapy could result in returning balance, peace, and grounding within the self.  When a person feels whole, rather than broken, they attain a new level of freedom and open doors to a myriad of opportunities and blessings.  Attending to emotional baggage long ignored in our shadows can encourage us to become more present in our commitments and all of our relationships.

Shadow work reinvigorates us with a purpose and connection to an ever-changing and ever-challenging world.  By reclaiming our narrative as one of wholeness, we become authentic agents of meaningful change in every facet of our life.

Through embracing ourselves: treasures, quirks, and warts, we can identify ways to improve and grow.  Even our warts can be viewed in a new lens to discover healthy ways of working with these traits, rather than manifesting them in impulsive ways (like picking a fight, negative self-speak or sabotaging our chances at happiness). Through this radical acceptance we can learn new level of unwavering self-love.

Types of shadow work

Stop judging yourself:  Shadow work seeks to help you heal and growth.  This means you must surrender to the process and begin to accept yourself, all of you.  The is not benefit to overanalyzing or criticizing everything that doesn’t seem to go your way.  Instead give yourself grace and compassion for everything you have endured.  As you become more patient and kinder to yourself, you will find shadow work to be easier and more effective.

Ask why:  Shadow work is shining light into all of your dark corners.  When you ask “why” you create a dialog with your emotions, behaviors, and thoughts, and thus can begin to understand the roots of your patterns or belief system.  By asking why, we are able to dig deeper into an emotion or feeling and potential expose abstract fears or lingering trauma wounds.  It shows the interconnectedness of our existence and how we relate to the world within and around us.

Journal:  Writing down your experiences helps to remove them from your mind and place them in an area where you can better process these thoughts, feelings, and emotions.  Through processing one gains awareness, and thus can begin to create solutions to the pressing issues.

Writing things down can provide a top-down perspective to reveal patterns or connections we wouldn’t otherwise notice if we kept observing things head-on.  Journaling is an essential tool in any self-growth practice such as shadow work.

Meditate:  Stillness can be a powerful tool for healing.  In the quiet we become more mindful and bring us into better alignment with ourselves and the world around us.  Consistent meditation practice can provide remarkable breakthroughs and healings, especially when it comes to our emotions.

Talk it out:  You can choose to speak to a loved one or a therapist.  By sharing your thoughts and feelings you can gain a new viewpoint on your issues and this confidant can help you with how to craft your action plan to self-improvement.

Analyze your limiting beliefs:  When you unpack your hardships, you typically can reveal the cause of many limiting beliefs.  Do you feel like an imposture in your life?  Are you scare to apply to your dream job?  Often, anxieties like these have a basis in our shadow selves.

By understanding the fears, rejections, insecurity, or dread you can begin to identify ways to dismantle these toxic patterns.  This process of release can be immensely freeing and empowering.  Shadow work emboldens us to overcome the obstacles preventing us for becoming resilient and confident holistic versions of ourselves, capable of pursuing any goal or dream.

Personalize your approach:  Each of us is an individual with unique interests and goals.  You may respond better to a hike that connects you with something bigger than yourself like nature, rather than an introspective therapy like EFT.

Trust your inner wisdom to know what is best for you.  It doesn’t matter what style your pick, what matters is you follow through with the process.  With improved self-awareness, one can enjoy relief, growth, freedom, and wholeness.  Think of what the world could be with people who have healthy levels of confidence due to know who they are, love themselves fully and are empowered to achieve greatness!

Spirit Animals Explained

Spirit Animals

Animal kindred in the spiritual communities are known as totem animals, animal guides, and spirit guides. It is likely you have heard these terms and met others who claim the power of animals as aides in their sacred matters and everyday lives.

What you may not know as well is the stories behind these helpful creatures and the number of people who believe in them. Take a tour around the world to learn how different cultures view the animal guides in the past and today.

North America

The term totem comes from the indigenous Ojibwe tribe who speak of a time when seven beings called migis showed them a sacred way of life. These migis established dodem which was translated to totem in English. It means ancestral family clans as represented by animals.

One clan is the bear clan and quite large. People in the bear clan were often police officers, warriors, and protectors of the tribe. In the mid-90s, members of this clan blocked a train shipment of sulfuric acid and showed concern about mining on tribal property. This was all based on a vision tribal members had.

The Justice Department got involved and the mine was shut down. The bear clan drew upon the power of their ancestors who taught them of protection, strength, and power that comes from working together. Modern guides in books and online, have lists of Native American power animals and how those not part of these tribes can harness the totem animal’s strength, but this is cultural misappropriation. While it is fine for non-indigenous people to learn about totem animals, the practices are not for anyone, but tribe members.


Much like the indigenous tribes of North America, the Celts were separated into tribes and clans. Each group had their own beliefs, and we know some of those beliefs today. One such story is that of Boudicca, the queen of the Iceni tribe, who revolted against Romans who were invading.

As the story goes, she was said to release a hare from her cloak before entering battle and after watching the way in which it ran, she shouted, “Andraste,” meaning victory. The hare was believed to have the ability to see the future.

Another story is about Gauls who held the boar as a sacred animal. The boar was revered for ferocity and strength which the warriors wanted to possess. Some warriors styled their hair as boar bristles, coins and temple carvings bore the boar image, and when it was hunted for food, hunters had to be careful to avoid injury. The Celts believes hares could give them answers and boars strength and nourishment.


Though many of the Norse people are believers in animal spirit guides, few are as strong as the elite warriors known as the Berserkers. These warriors were impossible to defeat and entered battle in the skins of bears.

Another group of warriors wore the skin of wolves. They were called the Ulfhedner. For these groups of warriors, the wolf and bear were representative of tireless strength and unconquerable power. Also, for the Norse in general, ravens were considered the extra eyes and ears of their god Odin.

Raven wings were also thought to be used to carry the dead into the afterlife. The power of ravens was transportation into the afterlife and knowledge. Finally, the letter M represented the horse because the Rune Ehwaz looked like the letter. The horse’s power was transportation and a forward movement to better things. The horse represented wealth and an opportunity to move to better things.

South America

South Americans also had lore around the power of animals. The Mayans were well known for believing that jaguars could move between earth and the underworld. Royalty and warriors wanted to emulate the stealth, winning nature, and safety of jaguars.

Priests wore jaguar skin to protect them when navigating the spirit realm and return safely. Jaguars are represented in much South American art, as are snakes that are believed to reference the lifeforce.

Along the same lines, the Aztec goddess Coatlique is drawn as having a double snake head and said to be the mother of over 400 other gods and goddesses. Without Coatlique, nothing would exist as she is said to be the mother of the god of the sun and the god of the moon. To the Aztecs, the snake is the bringer of life, birth, and rejuvenation.


Today, people are often knowledgeable about many belief systems. Many feel a type of kinship with animals and can draw energy from them for wellbeing, guidance, and healing. Whether you believe the ancient myths or not, there are specific strengths that can be inspired. To draw on the power of spirit animals, first figure out which you are most drawn to in life.

Observe this animal closely and decide which characteristics you want to share or adapt to, even if other people see it differently. Then, find a physical representation of the animal and absorb the energy, using it to meditate.

How to Keep Your Aura Cleansed

Aura Cleansed

Everyone is surrounded by energy, and these can be good vibes, or they can be negative energies that can cause you to have a bad day or to be down in your emotions.

People have auras and sometimes their auras are clean while other times their auras are full of debris. The aura will need to be cleaned because the energy field that surrounds you will attract and will bring energy to you. The clearer that your aura is, the more attractive and happier you will be.

What Does Aura Cleansing Mean?

We all have a physical body, and we all have energies, as well. The energies come and go through your body, and they surround your body. The energy that surrounds your body is called your aura. You can know what someone’s aura is like right when you walk into a room. If someone is happy and kind, hateful or rude, you will know that this energy is coming from their aura.

The energy is surrounding you and this has to do with your emotions. This also has to do with the energy in your chakras, which is the energy that runs like a wheel throughout your body. This information will help us to know if we are happy or stressed or what is going on in our lives.

If you have a lot of energy in your body, you might feel stressed and you might realize that you have emotions that do not belong to you. You need to cleanse your aura when this happens. This is no different than taking a shower to cleanse your body. Cleansing your aura will get rid of the feelings and emotions that are affecting your life and your body.

How to Do Aura Cleansing

There are different ways that you can do aura cleansing and you can even do these things at home:

  • Pranayama

This is called breathwork and breathwork will help you to cleanse your body from negativity. When you do this, it changes the chemistry of your blood because you bring a lot of oxygen into your body. Do this slowly and breathe as deeply as you can and hold it for 10 seconds. Repeat this 3 times and see your energy level rise.

  • Bathing

You can take a salt bath, and this will help you to get rid of negative energies that is attached to you. Add Epsom salt to your bath and then sit in the water for 20 minutes. When the water is let out, see all of your negativity go down the drain.

  • Calming Music

Put on some calming music and let the energy waves fill your life. You can do this each day to get rid of negative energy and to help you to feel stronger. This can fill your home with positivity and help you to reflect on things going on in your life.

What Happens Next?

When you clear your aura, you will be more positive. You will be happy, and people will know that you are in a good mood. You will let go of unforgiveness and resentment. You will stay away from fear. Here is what can happen when you get rid of negative energies:

  • People will be comfortable when you come into a room, and you will attract people to your life. This will mean that you will interact with people that are positive.
  • Aura cleansing gets rid of mental blocks that stop you from being the best that you can be. It also gets rid of inflammation that is caused by stress. It helps you to feel better in your body and your mind.
  • When you let things go, you are able to open up to new relationships and meet new people. You will be confident, and you will feel better and lighter. You will have an open mind and you will be able to see that even your physical body is stronger.

Having a strong aura can mean that you have parts of your body that are stronger such as:

  • Digestion
  • Granular
  • Lymphatic system
  • Endocrine system
  • Immune System
  • Nervous System
  • Musculoskeletal System

Keeping Your Aura Clean

There are things that you can do each day to keep your aura clean and strong:

  • You can do yoga, or you can make sure that you are doing things that keep you positive.
  • Your body will hold on to the electrical currents that go throughout the world and when you need to tune up your life, you can do things to be stronger. Make sure you are eating healthy and that you are speaking positive words to yourself.
  • Take a shower when you feel that you are out of energy and keep your body and your energy clean. This will help to get rid of stress in your life.
  • Start each day with good intentions. Think about how much you love yourself and how thankful you are for life. Make sure that you choose to be positive and that you only allow positive energy to come into your life.
  • When you are ready for bed, imagine that your aura is being cleansed of any negativity that has attracted to you. This will help you to sleep and make you in a great mood in the morning.

Clear and Open Mind

Clear your aura and make sure that you are living the best life that you can live. Take salt baths, get a massage, do workouts. Find ways that you can stay positive that do not cost you a lot of money.

When you are trying to start a new routine, make sure that you are managing your emotions and that you are staying positive in all things that you do. Let your brain relax and meditate so that you can be stronger.

Wear jewelry that is made of crystals such as amethyst necklaces or bracelets. Or you can carry healing stones in your pocket or in your car.

You can use different incense or herbs such as sage and these will help you to have more energy. This will clear you from negativity and will be part of your daily routine.

You can get Reiki or a massage or even go get acupuncture in case you need to feel lighter. Doing this will help you to change your thought pattern and to be more positive. Say positive affirmations to yourself each day and this will change your thinking over time and make your mind clearer.

The Benefits of Angel Therapy

Angel Therapy

Most people strive to live a peaceful life and when you have peace in your life, everything else seems to go smoothly. Being happy in your spirit can bring you joy, and comfort and it can help you to be more productive and to be calm.

Everyone has problems here and there and there are issues that can cause us to be in a state of mind that brings destruction, depression, and a lack of motivation. But when you go through these things, you can seek help and you can see that there are ways to find your happiness again.

You can get therapy, or you can talk to religious counselors. They can help you to find your purpose and to understand what you are supposed to be doing in your life.

There are different ways to approach your life and there are different methods that you can use. There are people that can give you guidelines and help you to grow and they can help you to approach things in a calm manner.

When you have a relationship between your mind and your spiritual being, you see that you can grow, and you can learn to have faith and believe in different things. You can be religious, and you might not even go to church.

Angel therapy is something that can help you to recover from hurt and loneliness and help you to learn to cope with problems that come in your life.

Mind, Body, and Soul

People often understand that there is a mind and a soul but when it comes to the spirit, they are confused. They don’t understand that this is part of their being and that they need to be able to learn about taking care of their outer and inner body.

The soul and the spirit are different, and the soul is your mind and your emotions and where your brain is, and your spirit is the part of you that controls what you are doing and thinking. This is where your values come in and where you learn who you are.

You see in your spirit what you believe, and you have things like your intuition that is there to help you.

Who Founded Angel Therapy?

Angel therapy was something that was founded because it is thought that the angels can come to you and give you messages and help you to live your life in a happy and easy way. It is thought that the angels can help you to make good decisions.

When you connect with your angels and your guides, you can get the answers you need. Some people can connect on their own while others need help through angel cards or other techniques. Some will seek counseling for this.

Doreen Virtue founded this kind of therapy because she felt that angels were a part of her life since she was little. Even though she believes that people repress these feelings, she feels strongly in the idea of angels and in the idea of what happens inside of her.

She has had clairvoyant experiences with angels, and she has patients that have been able to heal from problems that they have had since they started this kind of therapy.

Things changed for her when she was younger, and she begin to hear the voices of her angels that saved her life many times. This made her realize that everyone needs to use their psychic abilities to grow stronger and to hear the voices of the angels.  This is why she created Angel Therapy.

What is Angel Therapy
Agnel therapy is a way that the counselor can help people to be able to speak to their angels and guides. This brings unity to them and helps them to be in touch with people that have died. The messengers can come and help people through hard times.

The angels love people unconditionally and they want to be there to help them through hard things in their life. Therapists can bring them closer and deeper and help them to feel secure. They can show their purpose and use positive energy to do their works.

How Does This Therapy Work?

Angel therapy will work by calling on the angels to come to them and then letting the energy synch with theirs. They will answer questions and will help them.

There are different ways that they can send the answers and different ways that they can be asked to help. The angels can come and can guide people with warning signs about dangerous things or to encourage them in situations where they are making good choices.

The angels will have your best interest in mind and will do what they can to encourage you. They will motivate you and inspire you to be who you are and to make good decisions that build your self-esteem.

Angels never get vain, and they are very patient in all situations. They will talk to you how they choose and when you are free to hear them, you will see signs and hear voices to make right choices.

Your angel will never leave you.

Angel Readings

If you know your angels, you will be able to call upon them when you need certain things. You can ask them to come to you and help you.


Archangel Michael will be there to help you get rid of bad relationships and to get rid of negative energy. If you need strength, ask him to come and encourage you.


Archangel Gabriel is there to help you to be creative and to help you to stop procrastinating. He is there to help you solve problems and to use your skills.


Archangel Raphael is there to help you to be stronger in your mind and your body and he can help you if you deal with strong emotions.


Archangel Chamuel will help you to have love for yourself and for others.


He is there to help you memorize things and will help you when you need to forgive people.


Archangel Uriel will give you peace and help you if you need to make strong decisions and be more aware.


Archangel Jophiel will be there to help you see the world in a different perspective. He will help you to find your part in life.

Angel Cards

Angel cards are a tool of divination that can help you to be guided in connecting with your angels. These cards can give you instructions that you need to be clear when dealing with your guides. They are similar to Tarot Cards.

When you have an Angel card reading, it is similar to a tarot reading and you can learn things about yourself and about your life. Your angels will be there to help you to have love and to follow the right path.

Angel Card Subjects

Here are the subjects of the angel cards:

Love and relationships are hard, and these cards will help you to know where your future is in love.

When you have familial relationships, they can be hard. These cards will help you to find answers for your family.

Your job might be hard, and your career can be developed by your reading.

Health is important and you need to know what you can do to make your body strong.

Welfare is something that people need to take care of themselves and to get medicine to make them stronger.

The angel cards are easy to read, and Michael and other angels can come and help you to know your role in life. They can talk to you and help you to get rid of bad things in your life such as relationships and things that you need to leave behind.

Angel cards are also part of romance, forgiveness, support, and other themes that help you to live a better life. They can give you messages and help you to know the right things to do in your life.

Angel Therapy Courses

You can look online and find different angel therapy courses that you can take. These will help you to connect with your angels better and will guide you and teach you different ways that you can see and feel your angels. You will learn to recognize them and know their names.

Thank your angels and work on the things in your life and try different methods to connect with your angels. The course can help you to look at your life differently and help you to know what to do to have the best connection.

The spirit guides will be there to help you when you have had a loved one pass away and you miss them. There are also different kinds of meditation that you can do to help you to get over grief and loss.

Is Angel Therapy for You?

Angel therapy is something new and it is something that is there to help those people that want to be able to reach their agnel guides. This is a religious thing and considered new age practices.

This is why Doreen Virtue founded Angel therapy because she feels that people have been deceived in what they can do and that there are advantages to be able to connect with their angel guides and their spirit guides. This therapy helps people to be open minded to new ideas.

Some people don’t think that agnel therapy is real and they feel that it should never be done but others disagree with this.

Your Spiritual Awakening Journal

Spiritual Awakening Journal

When you have a shift in your consciousness and when you are changing in your spiritual being, this is part of your spiritual awakening. This means that you start to see things from a different perspective, and you want to let go of things such as your ego and your conscious mind.

The journey of your spiritual awakening will be a hard journey but there will be no reward like it. When you start your spiritual awakening, it usually happens after you go through something bad or hard in your life. It then opens up your heart and mind and makes you desire something more.

Once you start going through it, you will see things differently and you will find that you are able to accelerate your journey and make it happen faster. You might wonder if you can open up your mind and your soul to higher thoughts and things and there are things you can do to make that happen.

Ways to Open Up Your Mind for Your Spiritual Awakening

One thing that you can do to make your journey go faster is to meditate. When you meditate, you quiet your mind and you let the spirit world talk to you and encourage you.

Doing this can help you to open up your mind and have support. There are benefits of meditating each day and this can help you to be closer to your spirit guides and your angels.

Ask for Help

When you are meditating, you can ask your guides to help you. You can ask that they will support you and show you inspiration.

Sometimes they will be there to help you to control your mind and to have better things happen to you. When you ask them to come to you, they will guide you and bless you. There is no real or wrong way that you can call on your guides, just talk to them.


We live in a time where we can learn anything and can find information on anything. Find a book or an online podcast and do what you can to learn about spirituality.

If you want to increase your awakening, you need to pay attention of things that are beneficial to you and that can help you such as:

  • Ancient texts.
  • Spiritual texts.
  • Learn about spiritual realities.

We all need to help ourselves by learning new things, but you can ask your guides to assist you in these things.


We need to be mindful of what we are going through and how we react. Make sure that you are being positive and that you are being aware of the energy that you bring into your life.

Pay attention to how you respond to things and how you look at things. When you are mindful, you can lower the brain chatter and you can be aware of what is going on in your mind, body, and spirit.

Go in Nature

Go outside and spend time in nature. You can go barefoot in the dirt or work in the garden. Being in nature will help to calm you and will help to open up your spirit world. Here are some things you should do in nature:

  • Go for a walk.
  • Pay attention to the fresh air.
  • Meditate by a tree.
  • Go by the river.
  • Look at the sunset.
  • Look at the sunrise.

When you go out and look at how amazing nature is, you will see that you have a life force of energy that helps you to live a better life.

Accept and Surrender

You have to learn to surrender when you go through your awakening. When you do this, you have a higher self, and you are able to lower your ego and to have a stronger self being.

Surrendering is one of the greatest things you can do. Here is what surrendering means:

  • Accept what is happening.
  • Accept that things are okay.
  • Accept that you are growing.
  • Surrender yourself to the divine and learn to accept the blessings that come with it. Give yourself time to grow and to change.

Once you accept things, you will be letting the awakening come.

Be Thankful

Thankfulness is one of the most powerful things that you can have in your life. This helps you to reach your higher self and to be part of the divine world.

When you are in a place of thankfulness, you realize that things are good in your life and you are thankful that you are alive.

Thankfulness allows you to see how much you are blessed and how good things are in your life. Be thankful for everything even when you feel that you have nothing. This will help to accelerate your awakening.


Detox things in your life that are clouding your mind and your energies. Get rid of toxins in your body from processed foods, alcohol, or other chemicals.

This can help you emotionally and physically. Getting rid of toxins in your body can help you to have an overall wellbeing.


Find places that you can give your time to help others. Once you are serving others, you will see that you are accelerating your journey. Be of service to everyone that needs you and take the opportunity to grow and to advance in life.

Your awakening is about everything and everyone you are connected to because it is all about divine force.

Be Positive

Be positive even when things get hard. Learn to teach others and to help others to grow. Do not block your energy by refusing to help others or by being negative.


Your awakening is meant to be something that you go through that brings goodness into your life. When you face hard times, you have to be full of positivity so that you can make it through.

Tell yourself how amazing you are and be open and positive to all things that come to you. The more opportunities that you have to grow, the stronger you will be.

You will see that in the end you will have a state of peace, joy, and happiness. You will be empowered to be the best that you can be, and your spiritual journey will accelerate.

Are You a Clairsentient?

Are You a Clairsentient?

Do you feel very emotional, and you are often drained and tired? If so, you might be a clairsentient. Some people do not know they have this gift, but the truth is, this is a very good and powerful gift.

A clairsentient is someone that is able to feel the emotions and feelings of someone around them. They do not have the same gift as an empath because they are not able to feel the powerful emotions that strongly, but they are able to help them to heal. If someone is depressed and sad, a clairsentient can help them to function better in life.

When you are not aware of your gift, you might find that you are around people that are always draining you and making you tired. This can mean you are clairsentient. You might wonder if any of the gifts that you have mean you are clairsentient or an empath and you can learn more about your gifts and learn to manage the feelings that come with it.

Here are some things that can come with your gifting:

  • Do you feel stressed when you are alone with some people?
  • What makes you feel calm?
  • Do you feel that you need alone time?
  • Do you notice when people are lying?
  • Do you have good and bad days?
  • Can you notice that people look different when they are sick?
  • Do you have physical problems and pains that you can’t explain?
  • Do you have things like depression and trouble being creative?
  • Do you have relationships that make you emotionally unavailable?

How to Understand being a Clairsentient

Here are some symptoms of being a clairsentient:

  • Feeling that you are different since you were small.
  • Feeling that people don’t understand you.
  • Knowing that you get blamed for things that you didn’t do.
  • Feeling responsible for other people and their behaviors.
  • Seeing a pattern in your life.
  • Feeling that you should do something different.
  • Knowing something without someone telling you.
  • Feeling guilty when someone else isn’t happy.
  • Choosing to take care of others over your own feelings.
  • Giving people the benefit of the doubt that don’t deserve it.
  • Knowing that you are strong.
  • Having a strong sense of self.
  • Knowing that you are strong when people call you emotional.
  • You have fear sometimes when you have to deal with other people. This can lead to anxiety and stress in your life. You leave yourself feeling vulnerable when you go into big groups.
  • You host your emotions for other people, but you are there to make them feel better even when they make you feel negative.

Making Reiki Part of Your Every Day


Reiki is a spiritually guided life force energy that is not exclusive to humans or animals but can be channeled into inanimate objects as well. The ways in which Reiki can be used in your everyday life is endless, but several of those ways will be shared in this article with a focus on the things that can be infused with the spiritual energy of Reiki.


Water can transform with energy. This happens as we speak, act, and think which microscopically shifts water. One doctor found that when water is exposed to pure intentions, thoughts, and speech the structure changes as it freezes.

Take that into consideration with the fact that our bodies are over 70% water, and you will realize that we can find harmony with Reiki infused water. Hover your hands around a bottle or glass of water, allowing Reiki to flow to infuse the water.


For a special way of elevating a space, try Reiki infused candles. As the candle burns it raises the vibrational levels in the space, making way for support. Hold the candle during meditation, while unlit and set the intention to give it to Reiki.


Crystals can absorb and store energy, but also generate it making them perfect for Reiki healing. Choose a crystal you connect with, hold it, and set the intention you wish for it to receive for that day. Allow Reiki to program the crystal and then carry the crystal with you all day, paying close attention to the effects on your energy. After observing, look up the stone’s meaning and see if your observations match.


This one may be shocking because electronics are solid, but even solid items have moving atoms. Use Reiki to fix your technology by using your energy to create harmony and balance. When you are ready to surrender to this life force, take some cleansing deep breaths, hold your palms over the electronic, call in a greater presence and take note of the flow of energy you create.


Our belongings take on the energy of our behaviors, actions, and thoughts. If we are resentful, like when making payments or when money is scarce, we can create a blockage around money in the form of cash or credit cards. Call for abundance by channeling Reiki and gratitude into your wallet. Commit to this for 40 straight days and watch as your relationship with money evolves over time.


Plants thrive with Reiki energy. Offer healing by placing your hands on the soil or even by sending distant Reiki to your outdoor garden. You may notice that you are also receiving healing energy from the plants because energy is exchanged constantly. Using Reiki with plants creates grounding and leaves us feeling more centered.


Reiki can create a protective energy that blocks, transmutes, or releases low vibrations that are stuck. You can visualize a golden or white energy around your vehicle to strengthen the energy field, but also help others feel at ease on the ride.


Using Reiki over your food for even a minute or two can increase the vibrational level of the meal. This can support the body breaking down the food and absorbing the nutrients. It is also a time of connection to the food and offering gratitude for the sacrifice. This can lead to a form of intuitive eating as well as learning to listen to what the body needs.


Infusing medications and supplements with Reiki can bring the lifeforce back into them, even after processing. Listen to the parts of what is being consumed and see if they have a message.


Laundry is a natural part of life, so the next time you are folding, consciously open your palms to share Reiki. Infuse these minor belongings with energy to feel aligned and supported. This also works with family members.


Your home needs peace and alignment. Sit in meditation, palms facing away from the chest and visualize your home so you can share Reiki. Create a protection around your home and keep negative energy at bay. This will help heal relationships and the people who are living there or have lived there in the past.

Aromatherapy/Essential Oils

Essential oils are high in vibration, so they offer healing properties. Infusing them with Reiki and then using a diffuser can lift the vibration of a space quickly. You can also spray yourself after an oil has been Reiki infused.


Animals respond to Reiki energy. It is healing, just like with humans. Use your healing touch to help animals that have dealt with trauma.

Bath Salts

Bath salts are great for many things, including powerful cleansing. They absorb and then neutralize the noise stuck in our aura. When infusing the salts with Reiki, the effect is stronger. Infuse the salts and then bath with some of the infused salt for energetic hygiene.

Art/Music/Sports Supplies

Hobbies are wonderful outlets that can create alignment, but if we infuse our supplies with Reiki, it can be supportive of these creative endeavors. The energy creates a sacred space to pursue passions. Reiki energy can make us highly intuitive so we can be instinctive with our hobbies.


Elevate the space in which you rest and restore your being. Spend a couple minutes prior to bedtime to put your hands on your mattress and pillows to create an intention for a peaceful sanctuary. We spend so much time in this space, it is important to clear it.

Skin Care Products

We tend to use multiple skin care products daily. Reiki infused options are becoming increasingly available, but you can also create your own. Next time you are using your favorite product, allow Reiki to flow through your fingers as you affirm your beauty is shining from within.

Vision Board/Journal

After a Reiki attunement, send Reiki to and through your wishes by journaling them or creating a vision board of your deepest desires. The ritual helps set clear intentions to attract what we desire.


We can create an uplifting space by sending Reiki to a room or chosen altar. Add a healing component at the end of your next cleaning session as you visualize the space in pure light. Allow the energy of others to leave the set aside space.


Reiki infused jewelry allows you to easily receive healing when needed. After programming a piece of jewelry with Reiki, wear it as needed. Make sure you first clean the jewelry and then give it 3-5 minutes of Reiki daily.

Oracle Cards

Oracle decks can take on energy from multiple people when used often. They should always be cleared before a new reading. Share Reiki by holding the deck in your palms and witnessing the Reiki energy as it flows forth.

While we cannot use Reiki on all items each day, we can still incorporate Reiki into our daily lives very easily. Energy transforms and shifts our reality. Sending Reiki to different objects creates protection. Experiment with bringing Reiki energy into your life.

Dreaming of Someone Dying

Dreaming of Someone Dying

You go up to your friend and shake them, calling out to them only to find out that they are not sleeping but dead. You try to get to them but there is a darkness that comes, and you cannot reach them.

You wake up and feel like you have lost someone close to you, but you are not scared. Maybe you have had a dream of dying before and you wonder what it means. The truth is a dying dream probably does not mean that your friend is going to die.

Seeing a Dead Person in Your Dreams

People that are terminally ill will often dream about someone dying. Others that have lost someone recently might also have these kinds of dreams. Some people find these dreams to be good, but others find them to be terrible and some people are very disturbed about these kinds of dreams.

Dreams can help people to mourn. This can be a reflection of what you are feeling inside and of loss that you are having.If you aren’t sick or if you haven’t lost someone recently then your dream is probably not about death at all but about some kind of change that is going on in your life.

When you want to interpret your dreams, you have to learn to focus on the details of the dream and how you feel after you have it. Did you wake up from this kind of dream fearful or did you feel anxious or stressed? Maybe, you woke up feeling peace and calm and excited about the new things you are going to experience.

Predicting Tragedies

Dreams about death can be upsetting but having a dream does not mean you are predicting the future. The thing about dreams is that they are often symbolic and so dreaming about death can mean change or it can mean a recent loss that you have experienced.

Falling Dreams and Death

When someone dreams of falling, chances are they have feelings such as:

  • No self-confidence
  • No control
  • Want to be free of something

This can be a symbolic dream that means the start or the ending of something.

Dreams of Death

Death can come in many different forms in your dream and if you dream of someone you care about or yourself, this can mean that you have issues with them that you need to work on.

Family Dying

Children often have dreams, and the dreams can be very strong. If a child has a nightmare, chances are that they dream about things such as:

  • Someone dying
  • Someone getting hurt
  • Someone being threatened by something
  • Dreaming of a loved one dying can have to do with changes in life or relationships.

Dreams About Yourself Dying

Dreaming about your own death can mean that your life is going through changes. This can be a dream that is symbolic, and it can mean you are changing things, or you want to have change in your life.

This can also mean that you have not met your own needs and you have neglected yourself along the way.

Celebrities Dying

When you dream about a celebrity dying, it can mean that you are lying about something, or it might mean that you don’t know who you are.

Pets Dying

Dreaming about a pet dying can mean that they might be sick or old and that you are worried about them. Or it can mean other things such as a lack of:

  • Feeling secure
  • Being comfortable
  • Wanting to have a companion

Dreaming of your pet dying can mean you are worried about not having these things.

Friends Dying

When you dream about a friend dying, it can mean that you worry about someone in your life. It can also mean that you are trying to be free of that person. Dreams do not always have a solid meaning and these kinds of dreams might not be about your friend at all.

A Dead Loved One

Some people dream about someone that has already died. These dreams are not bad dreams, and they are dreams that help you to cope with death.

Avoiding Death Dreams

You do not want to stop yourself from having these dreams, but you need to learn to look at them from a different point of view. Dreams that keep coming back can mean that you have issues that you have not resolved in your life. This can cause you to have stress. When you control these dreams, it might cause you more issues.

You can have better sleep if you learn to calm down before you go to bed and if you turn off your electronics about a half an hour before laying down. If you wake up in the middle of the night, do what you can to relax before you go back to sleep.

Try deep breathing or other exercises. If you have trouble with dreams coming back again and again, try to talk to someone such as a therapist or a doctor.

How Dreams Happen

Dreams happen because your brain is always on. Everyone dreams but not everyone remembers the dreams that they have.

Dreams can be:

  • Thoughts you had from your day
  • Feelings in your unconscious mind
  • Random dreams

The mind works in different ways and there is no real answer as to why someone has certain dreams. Letting a person go through their dreams can help them to work out what is going on in their life.

If you have intense dreams about dying, it means you most likely have strong emotions. Some dreams of course are just random dreams, but others can be symbolic.


Dreams about dying can be upsetting but you should never take them literally. Some dreams are just symbols of things in our minds and our emotions.

The emotions that you have help you to have dreams and often cannot be interpreted. If you are stressed about your dreams, talk to someone that can help you work through your thoughts and emotions.

Aromatherapy: Retrograde Style


When Mercury turns direct, instead of retrograde, it is often a relief for empaths. It can leave them feeling low in energy, unmotivated, and struggling for the ability to take any form of action in life. Fortunately, there is a useful tool that can curb the effects of retrogrades, that of essential oils and aromatherapy. While this is something widely available, it is rarely considered in terms of astrological influences. However, it works effectively if you are prepared to take the steps for use.

Even if you are not an astrologer, you can easily access talented ones that can help you know what is to come and how it can possibly affect well-being and emotional health.  Some will suggest essential oils that can be helpful in support of emotional energy when it comes to a major astrological event. The blending of certain diffusing oils can be supportive to emotional energy during astrological events. This is specifically aimed at balancing retrograde energy. This is how the idea of retrograde aromatherapy came about.

There are a few common energy themes that present during retrogrades. Things like feeling there are loose ends or a sudden emotional shift are often followed by unexpected or even unwelcomed events. When a retrograde occurs, we need to ground ourselves and focus on tasks that remain unfinished. It is a time for life and choice evaluation, as well as evaluating our relationships and careers, all while managing emotions that are erratic. Retrogrades tend to cause upheaval, transition, and change. If we can create feelings of peace, centeredness, and feel confident and clear then it can be useful. To achieve this, essential oils can help. Some of the suggestions below may not be as well known as others, but being willing to explore a bit can bring on positive benefits.

Clary Sage

This is the oil of a flowering herb that can inspire clarity and confidence. It is excellent for soothing emotions that are intense. It has a strong scent that may not be great for diffusing on its own, but that is up for personal preference.

Mandarin, Bergamot, and Sweet Orange

These are also a matter of preference, but the three citrus oils all have an uplifting, soothing effect for the spirit. Orange essence is well known as a happy aroma that can be used alone or combined for a more intense experience.


This is perfect for the more intense emotional days, especially the Roman Chamomile version. While the soothing effects of chamomile tea are known universally, diffused chamomile can also be relaxing for the nerves. Combine 4 to 6 drops to a diffuser and adjust as needed.


Though not often used, vetiver is known for its grounding abilities and the ability to create balance and relaxation. A little can go a long way with this scent. It is a strong, wooded scent with an earthy feel that blends well with those already mentioned. Try 1 or 2 drops in a diffuser for effects.

Lemon and Lavender

If lighter scents are more your style, then lemon and lavender, used alone and in moderation, are wonderful options. Lemon can help you to feel energized, refreshed, and cleansed. It is motivating and uplifting. Lavender is well known and one of the most often used because it is pleasant and comes with many benefits. Lavender is calming and relaxing, creating balance with its beautiful, soft smell.

Take time to discover what blend creates the scent and balance you want to feel calm the next time a retrograde occurs. You may be surprised at the difference essential oils can make.

Knowing You Have a Psychic Gift

Knowing You Have a Psychic Gift

Some people wonder how to know if they have a psychic gift or if they should get a psychic reading. Others wonder how a psychic reading would change them and how a psychic has the gift that they have to tell them things. A psychic uses intuition, and it helps them because they have developed their giftings.

Everyone is born with a psychic gifting but not everyone uses it or knows that they have it. Those that do not know or do not use their gift have underdeveloped gifts and they are not able to use their gift to help themselves or others. Some people have feelings that seem weird or unusual and they do not realize that it is part of their giftings.

Psychic Giftings

Here are some things that might happen to you if you have a psychic gift:

Déjà vu

Some people that have a psychic gift will experience déjà vu. This means that they feel that they have been in a situation or that they have been to a certain place before. A psychic can help you to know why you are experiencing déjà vu and tap into your past life energy.

Sensing Things

A person with a gift will be able to sometimes sense the feelings and thoughts of others. They will be able to know what someone is feeling, and they will be able to tune into their energies.


Some people have the gift of psychometry, and this means that they can touch and object and know where it has been and what kinds of energies it has attached to it.

Strong Senses

A person that is gifted might be very compassionate and sensitive to those around them. They can also hear things or see things that others cannot.

Lucid Dreaming

Dreaming is a big sign of a psychic giftings and if you have dreams that are very real to you or dreams that you seem to be in control of, this can mean you are a psychic or have a strong gift.

Negative Energy

Some people are very good at picking up negative energies of others. If you feel affected by others when you are in the room with them or if you are able to know when someone is angry or upset, this can mean that you have a special gift, and you can pick up on negative energy.

Knowing Something Will Happen

Psychic people are often able to know when something bad is going to happen. They sometimes talk about being afraid of something or having a feeling in their gut that something is going to go wrong.


If you feel that you have any of the psychic gifts that were mentioned above, then you can explore your inner being and find out what kind of gifts that you have. Some people have many different giftings and you have to embrace your gift and use it to help yourself and others.