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Sighting a Cardinal and Why It is Important


Many people know about different animals and superstitions. There are legends and myths that often surround different animals. So, what does it mean when you see a cardinal?

If you get lucky and you happen to see a cardinal, you should feel joy in your heart because the cardinal can represent a loved on that has passed on. This can mean that they are looking after you.

Sometimes in superstitions, seeing a cardinal means that your loved one wants you to know that they are close to you, and they are keeping you safe. This is a way that you can know that you are never alone, and they are watching you.

Even if you feel that you have no one left in the world for you, the cardinal can tell you that you are not alone and that your loved one or friend is with you.

If you see a red cardinal around your home, then you should leave them some bird seed out so that they can be more attracted to your area. Spend more time outside and take time to notice the cardinal and try to make a connection with it.

When you do this, you are connecting with the loved one that you miss that has passed away. You might even choose to get this cardinal a bird house so that it can stay in your yard, and you can encourage it to stay close to you.

Cardinal in the Window

If you see a red cardinal outside of your open window, then you need to not worry about it being by your window. Even though some say this is bad luck, chances are that this is actually good luck. This can also mean that a loved one that you miss is looking at you and thinking about you in their next life.

In dark superstition seeing a red cardinal that is trying to get into your window can mean that someone that you love is going to die.

Another bad superstition about the red cardinal is that if it knocks on your window with its beak then someone that you know might die fairly soon.

Another superstition says that when a red cardinal is tapping on your window with its beak that it can tell you that someone is going to die, and the bird is just warning you.

The truth is, this is only superstition and if you see a bird pecking on your window do not be afraid. This can just mean it wants to come in.

Seeing Two Red Cardinals

When you see two red cardinals at one time, it can mean that you need to take time to look around the world around you. You need to remember that the world has many opportunities and that you can embrace it.


If you have seen a red cardinal while you are outside or walking around your home or your garden, see this as a good thing.

You will see that these cardinals can come to you to show you that your loved one is looking to make you have peace in your heart. Be happy with this and let the excitement in your life keep happening.

What is the Spiritual Agenda in Your Life?

Spiritual Agenda

Everyone has a life purpose, and this can be a psychic purpose, a physical purpose or even a spiritual purpose. The best thing that you can do is to find out your purpose and learn to live a life full of joy and peace.

What is Your Life Mission?

Look at your life and the mission that you have. What do you think that your spiritual purpose is? What kind of business do you feel that you need to do?

Write Out a Plan of Action

Take a look at your life and write out a plan of action that you need to take to make your future better for you.

Find Peace and Worth

You can find things that can make your life peaceful and great. Find ways to clear your negativity out or to find a peaceful life with worth. Find the purpose that you want to have in a spiritual way.

Finding Your Psychic Gifting

Doing this can be as easy as getting healthy or finding your gifting of your psychic powers. You need to figure out what your mission is and what priorities that you need to put first. Every journey needs to have some kind of outline.

Setting Priorities

Find the priorities that you have that make you feel good about who you are. Find the attitude that makes you have peace and joy. Are you wanting to increase your psychic giftings?  There are things that you need to do to develop yourself and to find your self-wroth.

Having self-worth allows you to find your purpose in your life and to discover who you are.

Knowing Your Purpose

Once you know your purpose, you can find value and you can make a place for your purpose to take off. You can discover who you are, and you can find a way to make a place where you can embrace what you find exciting and purposeful.

Making a Mission Statement

Doing this allows you to feel that you are using your gifts. Make a mission statement. If your idea is to increase your psychic purpose, you can increase your own self-wroth and this can help you to live a better life where you can find your psychic gifting.

Having purpose can help you to get rid of guilt and sadness that you have and help you to reach what you deserve in your life. Start by writing things down on paper. Write down the things that you find important in your life and the things that you want to do.


What priorities do you have? What are your short-term priorities and your longer-term ones? Do you have goals? Do you want to fall in love, or do you want to get organized or lose weight?

Tell the universe what you want in your life. Here are some things that you can do:

  • Talk to a psychic to find out what information they can give you.
  • Get guidance from someone you trust.
  • Get a horoscope reading.
  • Find someone that does tarot readings and get one.
  • Get a psychic reading.


Write down all of your goals and put your life in order. Make a timeline for each of the things that you want to accomplish in your life. Make a spiritual, physical, and emotional plan. Write down your goals and look at them each day. When you talk to your psychic, find a balanced way to live your life and to get what you want.

How Do Past Readings Work?

How Do Past Readings Work?

Past life readings help you to connect with your subconscious mind to help you to understand what has happened in your past life. This is a time where you can find your karmic debt and where you can learn different lessons about life. Past life readings can be done with a psychic or a therapist or you can learn to do them yourself.

There are different ways that people can use to find out about the past life. You have to figure out which method is best for you and do the one that will benefit you most.


Reincarnation is a belief that people will be rebirthed, and they will come back to the earth again as the same soul in a different body.

This is a time where they say that you will learn karmic lessons and that you will do actions that will affect your life and the life of others.

Reincarnation comes from the philosophy where you can reach enlightenment and be healed.

Past Life Readings with a Therapist

People that want to know where they were in their past life can talk to a therapist or a psychic. They can get them to do therapy sessions where they can learn about their past life.

A past life therapist will help the person to connect with their subconscious mind to remember who they were from their past life, and they will understand more things in depth.

When someone wants to do this, they can do a therapeutic approach and they can do hypnosis and other things that will help them to find out about their past life.

Hypnosis is something that is not easy, and this is often called past life regression therapy. This is a time where you can use your senses to find out more about your memories that have been hidden for a long time.

Hypnosis will suggest you to figure out your reality and this will allow you to be able to see your past and to explore things such as trauma in your life.

You need to know that hypnosis does not violate ethical or moral laws, and no one will be able to force you to be hypnotized. You will not be able to die when you are in this state and it cannot force you to do things you don’t want to do.

If you like the idea of being hypnotized, you can find a group so that you can din out more. There are different techniques that can be done in order for you to get to your past life and some of it includes things such as meditation, breathwork and more.

Past Life Reading

One of the other methods of learning of your past life is to talk to a psychic. They can help you to be able to know what happened in your past by looking at your energy and by finding more about your spiritual information.

Reading and Astrology

You can learn more about your past life by using astrology. This is where most believe that karma and astrology are connected.

Astrology uses different things such as birth charts and they find the purpose of your life through your chart.

The two lunar nodes from the birth chart, the south and the north represent the paths that you have taken and the karma of your life.

The south node will help you to see things from your past life and it will help you to know things and the north will show you what your destiny is.

Past Life Reading and Entities

The discarnate entity is a spirit being that has no body. This is when there is something that lives past the earth.

The spiritual entities will help to communicate with you through a medium and you can do this by going into a trance or by doing utters or writings.

These entities will give you knowledge about your past life and help you to know things that you didn’t know.

Remembering Your Past

There is a method called the resonance method that can help you to get past your thoughts and your feelings and can help you to see things that aren’t even logical.

This is a method that requires you to feel form your past life and to know things such as your past hobbies or culture.


You can use your dreams to understand what has happened in your past life. Dreams will help you to reach different spiritual places. It will show you things that you will see about your past life and will show you different feelings and emotions.

You will have a hard time recognizing past life dreams sometimes, but you can do this if you are open to what your mind is telling you. If your dream shows you wearing clothing that is different than your present culture, then this might be a past life dream.


Meditating can help you to find out about your past life. It can help you to meditate and get rid of fears from your past. Always be cautious when you do this.

The unconscious mind is very smart, and you need to ask your higher self for answers. Here are some ways you can do past life meditation:

  • Find a quiet place to meditate.
  • Clear your mind.
  • Breathe deeply.
  • Let go of stress.
  • Talk to your higher self.
  • Ask for protection.
  • Relax.
  • Visualize an open door and go in it to see your past life.


Using self-hypnosis is not the same as using past life hypnosis. This is a way that you can start to remember things. You can do this by repeating things and asking yourself questions.

Past Life Partners

Sometimes guided meditation will help you to see other people that have come into your life. You will be able to compare yourself with this person and know why they are part of your thinking.


Use your imagination to keep your mind strong. Increase your intuition and help yourself to know your companion.

Professional Past Life Therapists

Doing a past life reading on your own can be hard but you can talk to a past life therapist to help you. You can also talk to someone in your family that you trust.

This can help you to find the people that you need and get the answers that you need about your past life.

Using Witchcraft as a Hobby


Do you feel that doing magic or witchcraft is just something else that you are trying to add to your busy life? We already have busy lives with taking care of our families, working, taking care of ourselves and more. When you add something else, it can be overwhelming in your life. Sometimes you have to figure out how to add things together so that you can have more time and get more things done without overstressing yourself.

When you feel stressed and overwhelmed in life, you will see that you can do witchcraft and add it to other things that you are already doing and then you won’t have to add one extra thing. If you feel that you have neglected your talents of spells and magic, try to add this to your everyday life and see if you can use witchcraft each day and make your life even more magical than it already is.

Don’t Separate It

Your witchcraft isn’t something that you have to put in a separate box, but you can put it in things in your life that you do each day. You can do kitchen witchcraft which is adding your hobbies and things that you do in everyday life to your crafting. Stop thinking that your crafting has to be something completely separate. You have to stop seeing your crafting as a separate thing and add it to the ways that you interact in your own life each day.

If you are doing kitchen witchcraft, then you are using magic while you cook. You can do this by using herbs and certain foods and add magic to your recipes. You don’t have to do this each time that you cook but you can practice this in some of your cooking techniques.

You can also do magic in all of your other hobbies as well. If you knit, you can use knot magic or color magic or you can even meditate while you are working. Do you ever knit scarves? Have you ever made a protection scarf? Do you love to paint or draw things? You can do this while you are singing, moving, or chanting. Do you love to hike? Use your magic ingredients to make your nature outings more adventurous and to protect you from things such as snake bites and other dangerous things. Look at the opportunities that you have to incorporate your magic in all of your life.

Adding Witchcraft to Hobbies

When you think about your hobbies, you might think that witchcraft could never fit but that is not true. You can incorporate almost anything in your life with magic. You can even play games like poker and use magic while you do. Use your magic when you play sports to keep you from getting hurt.

The hardest part is to find out what kind of magic you can add to your hobbies so that you can do your practice and other things. Learn to be creative and think of things that you can do. Even if something sounds silly, try it anyways and see what happens.


You need to look at all the hobbies you have. Make a list if you want and see if you can see how, you can add magic to these hobbies. Hobbies are part of your life, and you need to start by writing down all of the things that you like to do, even ones that you cannot imagine that you can use magic with.

Then, pick out three of the things that you do the most. Which hobbies are you most attracted to, and which ones do you do the most? Look at how the hobbies work and see if you can add magic into them. Do this as many times as the hobbies that you list to see what you can come up with.

Brainstorm Your Ideas

Now you have to find ways to be creative in ways that you can add magic to your hobbies. Find the hobbies that you have listed and see if they fit with what is listed below:


  • Use color magic by picking your yarn colors.
  • Use knot magic while you weave.
  • Enchant your needles so that they work better.
  • Turn your knitting time into meditation time.
  • Use knitting to talk to your spirit guides.
  • Use knitting to keep your mind connected with your ancestors.
  • Knit when you are worried and banish the worry.
  • Knit spells to keep you safe.


  • Make charms to keep you safe.
  • Use the paddling to create a meditation rhythm.
  • Connect with the spirits of the nature.
  • Use weather magic to change the weather.
  • Use this as a time to talk to the water gods.


  • Put magic on the strings so they don’t break.
  • Put magic out on your guitar so it will stay in tune.
  • Use the instrument to make rhythm spells.
  • Write an incantation song.
  • Play music to your gods.
  • Play a ritual song.
  • Put sigils on your guitar case.

Come up with as many different ideas that you can so that you can use magic in your hobbies. Some will be easy, and some will use a lot of your energy to create. Some hobbies that you have can connect to the gods or your ancestors without much work and you can even use these hobbies to meditate with.

There are times that you will be able to do what you like to do and there are times where you will be so busy that you have to learn to put things together. No matter what is happening you can learn effective ways to keep your magic strong.


Now you have to come up with your own magic ideas. You can find out what your hobby is and google it and see if any witchcraft comes with this hobby. There are things such as music witchcraft and it can help you to get new ideas.

You can understand how magic can work with anything that you do, and you might even find spells that you can use with your hobbies. Knitting, sewing, making paper things all can be used with magic, and you can find the information online.

If your hobby is playing sports, exercising, or working on cars, you will have a harder time to find information, but you can still use things such as spells to make your hobbies strong or to keep you safe.

You can maybe get lucky and find a spell that can give you luck when you gamble or when you play sports, or you can look at the technology witchcraft to help you when you are working on cars.

Some hobbies have many books written on magic and how you can turn your creativity into magic right before your eyes. You can do things such as art or sigil magic, music magic and more. Some of these things work right with your spiritual practices and once you start researching you will find what you need to find.

Try It

Once you get your ideas, you need to try them out and see how they work. This can be exciting for you and can help you to open your world up to new opportunities. You can put your magic in your hobbies, and you can make sure that you are using your witchcraft in everything in your life. You are trying to find a way that you can fit this in without getting overwhelmed or giving up on what you love. Your hobbies should be things that you love to do so don’t make it hard by doing witchcraft if it doesn’t make you excited.

When you are trying to use magic in your hobbies need to make sure that it doesn’t take away from you loving your hobby which is the first thing to concentrate on. Meditating while you do activities can help you to focus more on the hobby and can help you to love it even more.

You can even add chants or incantations when you do certain hobbies, and you will see that using your magic can be good for you. If your hobbies start to become work though, you need to calm down and back off. You don’t want to take the fun out of your hobbies and make them like jobs. You need to focus the time that you have on doing your magic while you are having fun.

Make sure that your foremost idea is to love your hobby and to make your hobby fun and exciting. Then you can put magic into it while you still love it. Find the different ideas you have and find out which ones you love, and which ones feel exciting to you.

Your witch crafting should be fun to you and when you add hobbies to it, you should love it even more and it should bring joy in your life.

Get Your Aura Ready for Spring

Get Your Aura Ready for Spring

If you are a human, then you have felt the energy of the universe around you. This happens because we all have an energy field. There is an energy field that surrounds everyone in their body, and this is the place where your stress, aggravation, and pain stays, for a while and while your aura is strong.

The energy field is called the aura and it picks up all of the negative energy that comes to you when you are around other people and when you deal with negative things in your life. Since your aura picks up all of the negativity, it can cause you to feel negative and to feel sick and upset. You must cleanse your aura so that you can be strong. Here are some ways to do that:

Imagine Your Aura

Imagine your aura as you sit in a meditative state. Imagine that you are doing whatever you can to get rid of the negativity. Deep breathe and imagine that you are getting rid of the negativity as you inhale and exhale.

Once you are completely relaxed, imagine a white light surrounding you from the top of your head to your feet. Do not get distracted but if you do, go back to imagining the light. Keep focusing on your breathing.

Get Rid of the Negativity

Get rid of the negativity in your life such as negative people or even energy vampires that want to better themselves with your energy. Know how these people affect you and find people that you want to be around that are positive. Let them show you goodness and get rid of some of the negativity and send positivity to your aura.

Cleaning Thoughts

If you want to have a really strong aura, you have to make sure that you are paying attention to your own thoughts as well. Do you think negative thoughts a lot? Look at what you are thinking and feeling and see if you are living the best that you can be.

Do you feel stressed or fearful? If so, you have to get rid of these thoughts. Find reasons to focus on things that are good. If you are having a bad day, you can say this, but you need to be more mindful of what you are doing and saying. When you are positive, you keep your aura in check, and you can get rid of negative thinking.

Make a Bubble

One of the best ways to keep your aura clean is to imagine a bubble surrounding you. Imagine it coming from the universe and going from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. Now the bubble is surrounding you and will protect you and your aura.

Energy Healing

If you have blockages, you might need to have healing. You may need to have emotional cords that need to be cut. You can go to an energy healer that can help you and this is important if you feel that your moods are up and down.


Smudging is a way to cleanse your area and your aura from negative energy. Smudge your home so that you can feel better and be more positive. This is a Native American practice that has been used for many years.

Explaining Clairsentience


Whether you have had a firsthand experience with a psychic or not, most of us are pretty familiar with those born with a sixth sense. This sixth sense allows a person to pick up on information about the past, present, and future, but just as we have five senses that help us in the physical world, there are many ways for those with extrasensory perception to perceive as well.

One of these extrasensory perceptions is that of clairsentience which is the ability to feel energy and knowledge. Just what makes clairsentience unique is shared below. Clairsentience translates to clear feeling and is defined as an ability to pick up on knowledge through intangible feelings.

This is an innate emotional awareness of psychic information instead of having visual or audio cues like those of other extrasensory perceptions. Being clairsentient is “feeling” everything meaning a high combination of discernment, spiritual awareness, and compassion.

Clairsentience Meaning

Being clairsentient gives people access to crystal clear feeling and energies that may relate to something happening in front of them or in some other place and time. Being clairsentient can also mean that someone is accessing this information on a psychic level. This is empathy taken a step further. It is knowledge about things that have not been revealed consciously or unconsciously and may not even be in your general area.

Someone who is clairsentient means you feel answers to things. It is much like a voice in your head that knows things about the energies you feel close to and also allows you to pick up on good and bad vibes from others. It can be compared to a supernatural strong sense of intuition combined with very deep spiritual empathy for others.

How Does It Feel?

Being cognizant of energies and feelings is a natural part of the human experience. Most of us have gut feelings about certain things or are able to emotionally connect with people. However, psychics say that the preternatural feelings associated with clairsentience are more pronounced and much more intense than the average person. This tends to bring deeper and more insightful information forward.

Due to the high sensitivity, clairsentient individuals may struggle not to take things personally and seek out those who have strong positive energy. This ability can feel like high-powered intuition that is hard to ignore but can become overwhelming. This is why it is so important for clairsentients to cleanse their energy fields often, so they do not hold on to the psychic burdens of others.

Clairsentience in Mystic Arts

Clairsentience is a psychic gift but can be utilized to enhance other mystical divinatory arts like tarot or energy healing. It can further be helpful with structured practices like astrology to help you integrate, flow, and synthesize. Clairsentience used with other forms of knowledge can bring deeper personalization to almost any practice.

Developing Clairsentience

If you are interested in developing clairsentient abilities, you must first learn to trust your intuition even when it is very subtle. Anyone can tap into this, but the most important thing is to ask for it and broaden your energy field. If you are ready for this, practice listening to your inner voice and trusting in its accuracy. Your internal guide will tell you what to do and what is best for your life. The more this is developed, the stronger your intuition will become.

Clairsentience is more than empathy and feeling the feelings of others, it is about energy perception and an innate knowledge of certain truths. Understanding the meaning of clairsentience can help us develop stronger intuition to navigate our lives.

Making Your Love Life Better

Love Life Better

It is not always easy to deal with relationships because the world is all about hooking up and not being in serious relationships. If you are in a relationship already and you are normal, chances are that you can get ahold of your partner anytime you want with social media and with the use of mobile phones.

Sometimes you can become insecure about your relationship and when this happens, you might need to see a psychic. A psychic can help you to figure out how to deal with your love life and how your partner is treating you if they love you and if they are really right for you.

How Psychics Can Make Your Love Life Better

Most people question things in their life such as their careers, their life, and their relationships. We often feel that we don’t deserve to be happy and because of this we often let go of relationships that can be good for us.  Many people worry about what their family or friends will think or if their love interest will really even like them.

A psychic can help you to know the answers to these things, help you to see that you are worthy and give you self-esteem to be confident in your relationships.


A psychic can help you to be confident enough to make the first move with someone that you like. Even though you might like someone that you have never talked to, you will never have a relationship with them if you don’t make a move.

A psychic can help you to be brave and to know how to approach someone based on the energies that they feel. This will help you to know what relationships you should pursue and which ones you should avoid.

Be a Good Partner

Relationships are not always easy, and they take years to improve and to work through the kinks. It takes time to get to know someone and to find out if you really love them or not. You might find that you are asking the same things over and over again and if so, you need to see a psychic.

Psychics can give you guidance on your relationship and help you to know what you should do to make your bond stronger.

Toxic Personality Traits

There are times when we need to face the truth and realize that we need to be a better partner. When we have toxic traits that we need to work on, a psychic can help you to figure these out.

This can prevent you from attracting negativity in your life and help you to be a positive partner that can bring much to the table.

Healing Your Broken Heart

Everyone has had their heart broken here and there and a psychic can help you to deal with this kind of let down. If you have spent much time trying to heal after a bad relationship, talking to a psychic can help to pull you out of your mess.

A good psychic can give you information on what went wrong and help you to find closure in your life.

Getting a Psychic Reading

You need to always have an open heart and an open mind when getting a reading, but you also need to have expectations that are realistic. A psychic can give you more detail into your love life.

Before you go to a reading, always stay calm and make sure that you are tuned into your partner and what your psychic asks of you. Here are some things to know:

  • Use your energy to focus on what the psychic is going to tell you.
  • A psychic will use different tools for their reading, and some will use tarot cards while others might use a crystal ball. They will use these tools to get the message needed to you.
  • You do not have to give your psychic too much information and you need to allow them to naturally tune into your energy.
  • Once you are ready, ask the questions that you have been wondering about. It is smart to have some questions already written out before your reading so that you are prepared with what to ask.
  • Let your psychic give you the most detailed guidance that you need.
  • Your reading will be as detailed as your psychic is. Some will give you exact information while others will not be able to give you as much information as you need.
  • Some psychics can help you to know what your next partner will look like, but it is important to remember that your psychic can only give you information based on what they pick up from you. The rest will be up to your free will.

Remember you are in charge of your destiny and because of your free will, you can get whatever you want in life if you work hard and stay focused.

Journal Prompts for Psychic Gifts

Journal Prompts for Psychic Gifts

When you want to start a journal to help you to develop your giftings and to live your best life, it can be hard to know what to do. When you have psychic giftings, you will want to learn to practice these gifts and to learn to live your best life. You will want to trust yourself and learn how to build your self-esteem around your giftings.

Journal prompts can help you to know what you should write about and to help to get you started. You can look at books, read online articles and talk to other people that have psychic giftings to help to develop your gift. They can help you to grow and to be stronger in who you are.

When you journal, use the prompts to just get started and don’t just answer the questions. Be more mindful of what you are writing and consider following up with more than just an answer. Use your intuition to guide you as to what to write.

Prompts for Journaling

Here are some prompts that you can use to get you started in your psychic journaling:

  • What is the best psychic gift I have?
  • When was the first vision I had as a psychic?
  • What are three people that I know that are psychic?
  • What kind of crystals do I like to use?
  • What do I use to make my clair gifts stronger?
  • Which of the clair gifts do I have the most of?
  • How often do I do a reading?
  • What are my favorite tarot cards and why?
  • What do I do when I have different feelings about my giftings?
  • Do I think everyone is psychic?
  • Do I believe in free will?
  • Do I believe in destiny?
  • How do I understand karma?
  • Do I believe people can have a psychic touch?
  • How does destiny and karma go together?
  • What is a past life?
  • Do I Believe in a past life?
  • How does my past life make me less or more intuitive?
  • How many psychic people do I know?
  • Do I have a mentor?
  • Have I ever been afraid to talk about my psychic giftings?
  • Do I know anyone that had a bad psychic experience?
  • Can I ask a psychic to help me get over relationship problems?
  • How often do I meditate?
  • Do I have problems with meditation?
  • Do I ever consider using hypnotherapy?
  • Who are my favorite psychics?
  • Do I know anyone that is a psychic that I have a relationship with?
  • Am I an empath?
  • Do I have a way to develop my skills?
  • What are my favorite tools of divination?
  • What do I use the pendulum for?
  • What do I know about psychometry?
  • Do I keep a dream journal?
  • Do I feel like I have been in other people’s dreams?
  • What is my favorite energy healing?
  • Does being a psychic make me happy?
  • Do I believe in numerology?
  • Do I believe fate changes?
  • Do I believe in cleansing?
  • How often do I look at horoscopes?
  • Do I memorize the signs?
  • Has my intuition ever taken me to the wrong place?
  • What lessons have been a psychic taught me?
  • If I was a psychic what would my strongest gift be?
  • Do I do inner work?
  • What is a psychic healer?
  • Have I ever had a bad relationship?
  • Do I set boundaries?
  • What about my past life do I need to change?
  • Do I believe in unconditional love?

Get started journaling today and be the best psychic that you can be! Embrace your gifts and find peace and happiness!

Creating Good Feng Shui in Your Home

Feng Shui

Cultivating good feng shui in your home can be overwhelming. It may be difficult to know what rooms to begin with, whether to strip a room and start fresh or leave it decorated. Thankfully, it does not have to be quite so challenging. This article will share a few ideas that will help you get started on your personal journey to a more energized, happier home. Whether you are a feng shui expert or new to the concept, below are several essentials to help you create good feng shui in each room of your home.

  • Entry Way – According to feng shui, the entry represents how energy enters the home and life. It is said the front door is called the ‘mouth of qi’ so it is the place to begin when creating good feng shui in your home. Start with decluttering and removing all debris as objects tend to accumulate in this area of a home. This does not mean bare, just uncluttered. Then, sweep and clean the area well by wiping down the door, shaking the mat, and general cleaning. Make the space inviting by adding or removing items as needed. Finally, make sure the entry is well lit and bright.
  • Clean Your Windows – Windows symbolize the eyes of the adults in a home and the voice of the children. To create positive fengshui, clean your windows regularly to let in more sunlight. Sunlight naturally energizes and wakes us up as well as rendering all the colors and objects we see. This means our homes become more expansive, energetic, and vibrant when more light is allowed to come inside. Clean windows metaphorically wake us up to see the world with the most clarity and precision. When possible, use natural or homemade cleansers like white vinegar and water with a few drops of essential oil.
  • Focus on Doors – According to feng shui, doors are representative of the voice and communication. Doors are the way opportunities enter our lives which is why they deserve attention. There are two things to look for, first to be sure that all doors open to at least 90 degrees, meaning no clutter to stop them. This means you can receive a full portion of all that life offers. The second is to check that all doors properly work without squeaking hinges and effortless opening. You want the flow to be as seamless as possible.
  • Commanding Position – One of the main principles in feng shui is the commanding position. This position governs how you position yourself in life so apply it to the location of your desk, bed, and stove. The bed represents you, the desk your career, and the stove your wealth. When in these spaces, be sure you can see the door without being in line with it, often meaning at a diagonal. When in a commanding position, you are in command of your own life and in a position to receive energy and opportunities.
  • Remove Obstacles – Take a look at your daily path through the home. This is the actual physical path that you use to move through your home. We often become desensitized to all the physical obstacles and blocks that we pass each day. It may be a door that sticks or a light switch that flickers or even a cluttered hallway. When you peer into your closet, is it jammed with clothes? All of this has an effect. Over time, the obstacles accumulate and create problems. Adjust these obstacles with kindness, one thing at a time.
  • Be Spacious – Feng Shui is less about decluttering and more about creating space. Make your life more spacious by starting with your home. Find a physical area, a drawer, a room, the fridge, size does not matter. Let go of what is not necessary and as this space is created you invite in fresh opportunity. If the space gets refilled, do not beat yourself up, this is how the universe works. Always be open to start fresh.
  • Space Clearing – Being spacious means space is being cleared. In feng shui this is sometimes called a space blessing. Along with the physical space is energetic space which can be cleared at the same time. Try using smudging or visualization to clear the energy of the space.
  • Plants – In feng shui, plants are the embodiment of life. Living, green plants connect us to nature while bringing vibrancy into the home. Plants introduce vitality and freshness. The most important thing to remember is to find plants that are appropriate for the space and you can care for well.
  • Offer Gratitude – When your feng shui is complete, make sure to offer thanks to the home. This is a shamanic tradition that believes everything is alive and the life energy in us also flows through the home. Speak to your home with a humble heart to say thank you.

Donkey Meaning and Symbolism as a Spirit Animal

Spirit Animal

If you are having difficulty standing your ground or bearing your heavy burdens, the donkey as a spirit animal can be helpful in balancing responsibilities and expressing opinions in a surefooted way. Learn more about this spirit animal and totem as you read on.

Symbolism and Meaning

Historians believe that donkeys were first domesticated around 4,500 years ago by Nubians to use as a pack animal. This allowed the donkey to become an integral participant in agricultural communities. The donkey could travel over long distances allowing their meaning and symbolism tied to the growth of civilization, trade, service, and travel. The versatility of the donkey is legendary. By the second millennium, the donkey made its way to Europe where they were thought to be watched over by the god of wine, Dionysus. From there, donkeys were moved into Spain, Italy, France, and then the Romans spread them throughout. Still, no matter the area, the donkey’s stubborn nature was an asset because it refuses to move if danger is sensed. The donkey is well versed in knowing what it can and cannot do, so humans trust the intuitive sense to prevent trouble. As a spirit guide it is one of caution and resolving issues rather than running ahead without regard.

On Columbus’s second voyage, the donkey arrived in America and shortly after, Mexico where they became a landmark for mines and missions. The donkeys were used to reach treacherous places to dig during the gold rush. As some donkeys escaped, the donkey established itself in a variety of places. The donkey has funnel like ears that are able to hear things from a distance. As a spirit animal, this means active listening skills and keeping senses honed to what is coming. There are different superstitions around the donkey spirit. For example, a pregnant woman seeing a donkey will have a child who grows up wise and attentive or if a donkey brays while twitching, rain is to be expected.

As a Spirit Animal

The donkey as a spirit animal may arise when you are taking on too much responsibility. This ally wants to help, but will physically fail if you overload them. In human terms this is spiritual and emotional damage. This means we must learn to say no to honor the self. On the other hand, the donkey may challenge you to be responsible for the self, others, or some specific situation. Donkey will give you a push if you have been shirking responsibility. The donkey spirit animal may bray as a form of warning when they sense danger. You need to stop and reassess before moving forward. The donkey is smart and loves to learn, especially with those who have a playful spirit. Donkey can offer determination and confidence, as well as focus. The donkey wants us to be self-aware of our own needs for positive change.

As a Totem Animal

If you are born with a donkey totem you have a stubborn streak, but for a good reason. You will learn early to stand your ground and get yourself out of harm’s way. Donkey totem people are often smart and independent. They will not suffer cruelty or fools. They will seek the gentleness in people and have a soft spot for the frail who cannot protect themselves. Donkey people tend to be guides for others and walk in their personal truth. The donkey’s dedication is noble, creating an unsung hero.

As a Power Animal

Call on the power animal of the donkey when you need to stick to some decision as it creates support and teaches you to say no with meaning. When your burdens are heavy, donkeys will help as they take on some of the weight until you are finally burden free. They will teach you self-awareness and self-preservation in every day life. As a power animal, the donkey is loud when you need to be heard.

Celtic Symbol

The Irish have a strong relationship with donkeys as they were a central part of rural life. They ground corn, cleared fields, and transported people, eventually becoming pets. The donkey came to represent adaptation and survival.

Far Eastern Symbol

Donkeys are common in North China for plowing fields and transporting goods. It is viewed as steadfast and determined. There are many tales around the donkey in this culture.

In Dreams

Dreaming of the donkey represents working through until something is complete. There is a message of not taking on too much at once. If the donkey has a rider, there is someone letting you do the work for them. If you are the rider, it means you are humble, modest, and gentle. At times, a donkey means you are being stubborn and you may need to give a little. A braying donkey will represent someone insulting you while pretending to be a friend.

Common Donkey Meanings

To close, we will share a list of the common symbolic meanings associated with the donkey.

  • Fortitude
  • Hard Work
  • Faith
  • Dedication
  • Service
  • Responsibility
  • Speaking Up
  • Versatility
  • Standing Your Ground