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9 Signs of Clairvoyance

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Clear seeing, clear vision is known as clairvoyance.   Someone who has this ability to clear see is called a clairvoyant.  Not everyone who has this gift is able to use it as quickly or as deftly as seeing or hearing or any other sense.   It can be developed and polished, and should be cherished as the true gift it is.

Through clairvoyance we can look into our own souls and gain knowledge from the souls in the universe.

How do you know your gift is real?

Many people who have this gift often dismiss it as daydreaming or other mental wandering.   On the contrary,  clairvoyance comes from the right side of the brain, the same place as your creativity.  And while this is indeed where your imagination grows, it is through imagination that the clairvoyant makes sense of the images and ideas that appear to them.  Because clairvoyance is so connected to imagination, it is sometimes difficult to recognize the images as the truth they represent.


9 signs your clairvoyant abilities are opening up:

  1. Vivid dreams are a definite sign of clairvoyance
  2. Multiple episodes of daydreaming
  3. Feeling as if you are not a lone and visualizing a spirit sharing your space
  4. Precognitive dreams when sleeping or while meditating
  5. Seeing light flashes or blurry vision.
  6. Noticing things “in the corner of your eye.”
  7. The ability to explain things descriptively.
  8. Visualizing conversations as if they were movies
  9. Visualizing whole scenes about future occurrences

If you encounter any or all of the above, you may be gifted with inner vision.  Embrace your gift!

The Power of Curiosity – Clairvoyance Psychics – PsychicOz

5 Simple Steps to Open the Third Eye

imagesThe third eye is our link to the unknown (some use terms “intuition” or “clairvoyance”). Anatomically it is related to the pineal gland, a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. The pineal gland has a shape of a cone and is associated with clarity of thinking and clairvoyance. Images of a pine cone can be found in many religious or occult orders (there is a huge brass pinecone in the centre of the Vatican courtyard, for one) as a manifestation of ultimate knowledge.

Clairvoyance meditation is key if you want to open the third eye.  I love teaching people this technique because they are always surprised at how easy it is.  If you have about 10 minutes, you can try it right now.  It’s that easy!

The main factor in this exercise is visualization.

If you’re a visual person (meaning when I say imagine a tree, you can see a tree in your mind), this psychic development exercise will help strengthen that ability.

If you struggle with seeing things in your mind’s eye, following these steps will help.  Please don’t get discouraged if you don’t have a great experience the first time you use this meditation.  If you’re not very good at visualizing, it will take a little bit of practice and patience.

1. Get Comfortable

Start by choosing a quiet place to sit and relax for a few minutes.  Some people say that clairvoyance meditation should be done sitting in an upright position, but this is really not necessary.  Just sit or lay however you are the most comfortable.

2. Breathe… the proper way

Close your eyes and take some deep breaths.  Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Many people make the mistake of breathing too shallow from the chest when they begin.  If you are new to meditating, I suggest that you place your hand on your stomach.  When you breathe in, feel your stomach expand.  This will ensure nice, deep breaths.

wpid-facebook_-4048081573. Begin the Visualization

Now, the fun begins!  In your mind, with your eyes closed, visualize the number one.  It doesn’t matter the size or color of the number, just focus on seeing that number one in your mind.

You might start to feel a tingling sensation in your forehead, in between your eyebrows.  This is where the third eye chakra is located and the sensation is totally normal.  Actually, it’s a good sign of psychic awakening!

If you don’t feel anything, that’s OK too.  You may feel something once you’ve practiced a bit.

Some people struggle when they first begin clairvoyance meditation.  Relax, this is common.  When I first started, my mind kept wandering to my grocery list!

I promise that it gets easier with practice.  If you are having a tough time, just take another deep breath and redirect yourself back to what you were doing.

Another helpful tip is to start doing this for just a couple of minutes.  Then, as it becomes easier, gradually stretch out the time you spend in meditation.

4. Next Steps

Can you see the number one in your mind? Great!  Now try to hold the image in your mind for a few seconds.

When you get comfortable with this process, move onto the number two, then three, etc., all the way to number 10.

When you can close your eyes and easily see the numbers 1 – 10 in sequence, then you’ve mastered this step.  Congratulations!

If you are struggling to open your third eye, give this a try:

Write down the number one on a piece of paper.  Make it really prominent.  For example, write it large with a permanent marker, or jazz it up by using a bright pink crayon, etc.

Now stare at the image for 10 – 30 seconds.  Now close your eyes and see if you can visualize the image you were just staring at.  This little trick helps a lot!

5. Moving Forward

27451693d2c026f15aa679e144a158f1When you get bored with numbers (and believe me, you will), move onto colors, flowers, or anything else you would enjoy visualizing.

Remember, it only takes a few minutes every day to do this clairvoyance meditation and it really does help to open the third eye.  I have one friend who does it during her lunch hour.

Ready for an Advanced Exercise:  Try this same technique with your eyes open.  All you do is keep your eyes open while focusing on seeing a different image in your mind’s eye.

Psychics Can Help in Relationships

Psychics Can Help in Relationships

Do you remember when you used to get butterflies in your stomach just at the thought of being with that certain someone? You were suddenly breathless, and your heart thumped a lusty backbeat of desire. Your communication was reduced to little stutter-like snippets, and your vocabulary dwindled to sappy, endearing expressions. In other words, that chubby little Cupid shot his scarlet arrow of love straight into your heart!

But that was then, and this is now. Now you’re left wondering if you should bust that darn arrow in half and throw it right back at that fat little winged troublemaker. Those butterflies have turned your stomach sour. Your breathlessness leaves you feeling suffocated. Communication between the two of you has escalated to shouting matches, insults, and accusations.

Has true love run its course? You may need help to sort it all out. Sitting for a psychic reading with a medium who specializes in healing relationships might provide you with the insights you need to better understand yourself and your partner. Psychic “love readers” will provide you with guidance on how you can be a better partner to the man or woman you love.

Every love relationship and marriage is vulnerable to problems. But every troubled relationship deserves a second chance. When faced with relationship problems, you owe it to yourself and to your partner to take that second chance.

Tarot Cards and Other Tools

Psychics who specialize in love readings may make use of tarot cards and other divination tools to give you a personalized love reading. Psychic love readings using tarot cards give advice, guidance and predictions based on how the images of the cards are interpreted by the psychic. Through tarot cards, psychics can clearly see the state of your current relationship. Tarot cards can also show how ways your relationship can work out.

When you’re getting a love reading through tarot cards, each card will reveal certain things about your love life. You can use one spread of tarot cards for all your love questions, or you could have a separate spread for each question.

A psychic love reading can reveal relationship problems that you may not even be aware of. For example, a love reading can sense if a lack of communication is the main reason for the problems you and your partner are experiencing. Psychic readings on love can warn you of upcoming fights and confrontations you and your partner may face either over petty issues or cheating or by either one being sneaky. A psychic love reading can reveal if your partner has ceased to find you attractive. Love readings can tell you if your partner has shifted his mind and heart to someone else. A psychic love reading can tell you if your present relationship is headed for a worse or a better future.

Predicting and Repairing

Love readings not only predict what will go wrong with your love life but can also help you save your troubled relationship. Love readings can help improve your love life and make you more romantically attractive to your partner.

In finding solutions to your love problems, you need to share important details of your relationship with the psychic reader. Withholding information about your love life prevents the psychic from pinpointing the real cause of your love problems.

What Can Psychics Do?

A psychic can see the aura or energy which emanates from, or surrounds, a physical body. This energy holds valuable information, such as physical and emotional issues, or vibrations that are present, and may be affecting the individual. This energy, or aura, constantly changes color, and also intensifies. It never remains stagnant.

Psychics are experts at analyzing these auras, and its color and appearance will reveal much to the psychic about how the person is feeling and thinking. It can also show what the person is experiencing.

Among the different types of mediums, psychics are among the most mysterious (and most popular). A psychic is defined as a person who is gifted to have a supernatural ability to predict events in the future or is able to perceive information beyond normal sensory means.

While psychics are truly gifted and amazing individuals, do they have the ability to save troubled (or messy) relationships? Let’s explore some of the many reasons why psychic love readings can help save troubled relationships.

How Can Psychics Help?

Psychics can be very good at resolving and addressing relationship issues or concerns. This is because they are compassionate, and they receive assistance from spirit guides. This gives them a deeper assessment of peoples’ problems or issues.

A legitimate psychic can give a couple insight and guidance into their motivations and can also help the couple come to a conclusion about what each party needs to do to save and strengthen the relationship. Psychics can also provide helpful relationship maintenance tips, which a couple can use as a barometer when they feel their relationship may be starting to head downhill.

What to Expect from A Psychic Love Reading

Before the psychic reader starts advising a couple, he or she will first likely inquire about what the couple truly wants and needs. While some psychics just ask their spirit guides to read the couple’s energy, others will meet separately with each of individual, to try to get a sense of each person’s aura and emotional state. The psychic will also assess the couple’s body language.

No matter how well-versed or gifted the psychic reader is, one thing is for certain: if couples leave the consultation without clarity regarding how to save or fix their relationship, they will at least come out of the session knowing what they want from each other. Perhaps at the end of the reading, the couple will be more calm, non-blaming and firm in expressing their needs and desires to each other.

So, if you’re having a difficult time understanding or discerning what your partner needs, a psychic reader may be able to provide you with some much-needed insight. You’ll need that to rebuild the connection in your relationship.

5 Important Facts About Clairvoyant Psychic Readings

Clairvoyance is one of the popular types of psychic readings that are practiced. Many people get help from the services of clairvoyance in order to solve the different problems of their life. There are many readers who now offer this type of consultation. The readers perform clairvoyant psychic readings in order to get different types of information regarding a person, any object or a location. This is done without using the five senses of a human. This is actually performed by connecting to the spirit. The psychics can get details on various topics such as career, money or relationship from the clients. This is a specific type of extrasensory perception. This has been proved to be one of the most effective forms of psychic readings and lots of people now rely on this process. The people who practice this have paranormal strength of feeling, knowing, seeing and hearing. These psychics are known as clairvoyants.

Sounds interesting, right? Here are other fun facts about clairvoyance:

  1. images (26)Clairvoyance is a human ability. Much like our creativity which greatly varies depending on each person, clairvoyance is also an ability that people can or can not have. Like creativity, you can choose to develop and practice it to help yourself tune in better to things that you would normally not pick up on a regular basis.
  2. Most of us have had clairvoyant experiences before. Individuals are often born with strong clairvoyant abilities, but usually lose them when they reach a certain age. This is why most children report things that older people do not usually see – special friends, colored auras, spirits of re deceased. When this happen, little children are often shocked when they find out that they are the only ones who see what they report to seeing.
  3. Clairvoyants see things through their own viewpoint. If you visit one psychic to another, and wonder why they’re telling you different things, then here’s your explanation. Clairvoyants and other individuals with the gift see what is happening through their own viewpoints and perspectives.
  4. There’s a scientific explanation for clairvoyance. In very simple terms, a clairvoyant individual is someone who has their “third eye” open. This eye is located in between our two physical eyes and is believed to be the seat of spiritual and mystical powers. Science, however, tells us that there are actually parts of the body that are responsible for these third eye abilities, and these are the pineal and pituitary glands.
  5. Some clairvoyants use tools to help them. Some clairvoyants work with the use of tools. These tools do not give them the insights or what they want to know, but rather help them tune in and focus so that they can attain the information that they need. These tools can range from crystal balls, runes, tea leaves or tarot cards.

Whether you’re looking for a clairvoyant to visit or deciding to open your third eye and develop your own skills, these facts should provide you more information about the gift and understand how it works.

The Clairvoyance Energy Fields

Clairvoyance Energy

Clairvoyance means ‘clear-seeing’. Almost everyone knows what clairvoyance is – it’s the ability to see spirit through your third eye. Clairvoyants can see energy fields, spirits, symbols and get visual premonitions. It is often called ESP or extrasensory perception. For some clairvoyance is innate, while for most people it can be developed through various psychic development exercises, meditation, and yoga.

Nature of Reality

To understand how all psychic abilities work, is to understand the nature of reality as a consciousness hologram, in which we vicarious experience. The human brain is an electrochemical machine (computer) forever viewing streaming consciousness for experience and interpretation. It is programmed by binary code with patterns of experience based on one’s DNA codes. To become more clairvoyant is to focus your mind to see into the endless consciousness grids that comprise the realities in which you experience simultaneously.

Paranormal Psychology History

Clairvoyance today falls under the heading of pseudoscience or Paranormal Psychology. There have been anecdotal reports of clairvoyance and ‘clear’ abilities throughout history in most cultures. Often clairvoyance has been associated with religious or shamanic figures, offices, and practices. For example, ancient Hindu religious texts list clairvoyance amongst other forms of ‘clear’ experiencing, as siddhis, or ‘perfections’, skills that are yielded through appropriate meditation and personal discipline.

Seeing Your Dead Loved One

A large number of accounts of clairvoyance are of the spontaneous variety among the general populace. For example, many people report seeing a loved one who has recently died before they have learned by other means that their loved one is deceased. While anecdotal accounts do not provide scientific proof of clairvoyance, such common experiences continue to motivate research into such phenomena.

Somnambulistic Marquis de Puysegur

The earliest record of somnambulistic clairvoyance is credited to the Marquis de Puysegur, a follower of Franz Mesmer, who in 1784 was treating a local dull-witted peasant named Victor Race. During treatment, Race reportedly would go into trance and undergo a personality change, becoming fluent and articulate, and giving diagnosis and prescription for his own disease as well as those of others. When he came out of the trance state, he would be unaware of anything he had said or done.

This behavior is somewhat reminiscent of the reported behaviors of the 20th century medical clairvoyant and psychic Edgar Cayce. It is reported that although Puysegur used the term ‘clairvoyance’, he did not think of these phenomena as “paranormal”, since he accepted mesmerism as one of the natural sciences.

19th and 20th Centuries of Psychic Abilities

Clairvoyance was a reported ability of some mediums during the spiritualist period of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and psychics of many descriptions have claimed clairvoyant ability up to the present day.

William Gregory, Gustav Pagenstecher and Rudolf Tischner

Early researchers of clairvoyance included William Gregory (chemist), Gustav Pagenstecher, and Rudolf Tischner. These were largely qualitative experiments in which selected participants sought to identify a concealed target image, or to provide accurate information about the history of a target object.

Charles Richet and Ina Jephson

Charles Richet, the noted physiologist and, later, Ina Jephson, a member of the Society for Psychical Research, introduced more quantitative methods. A significant development in clairvoyance research came when J. B. Rhine, a psychologist at Duke University, introduced a standard methodology, with a standard statistical approach to analyzing the data, as part of his research into extrasensory perception.

US Funded Projects

Perhaps the best-known study of clairvoyance in recent times has been the US government-funded remote viewing project at SRI/SAIC during the 1970s through the mid-1990s; at least those studies amongst these that did not involve “agents” visiting or being otherwise aware of the target sites.

Functional Labels of Parapsychologists

Some parapsychologists have proposed that our different functional labels (clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, etc.) all refer to one basic underlying mechanism, although there is not yet any satisfactory theory for what that mechanism may be.

Understanding the Third Eye Chakra

Numerous spiritual philosophies contain the notion of an inner third eye that is related to the third eye chakra and also the pineal gland, and to which is attributed significance in mystical awakening or enlightenment, clairvoyant perception, and higher states of consciousness.

This idea occurs historically in ancient, central, and east Asia; and also, in contemporary occult theories relating to yoga, Theosophy, Pagan religions, and New Age spiritual philosophies. The secretory activity of the pineal gland is only partially understood. Its location deep in the brain suggested to philosophers throughout history that it possesses particular importance. This combination led to its being regarded as a “mystery” gland with mystical, metaphysical, and occult theories surrounding its perceived functions.

Increasing Your Clairvoyant Power

Increasing Your Clairvoyant Power

Too often psychic abilities and spirituality take on the connotation of evil and darkness.  This is a huge mistake.  This gift has nothing at all to do with bad spirits and feelings. On the contrary, there is an inherent talent in all of us that connects us to the spirit world.  Connecting to your spirituality can open up your third eye or crown chakra.

Psychics are so much more than exotic women seeking answers in a crystal ball, telling fortunes for cost. In fact, you can develop your own psychic abilities. You are able to help your own power evolve from within you.    Clear seeing, or clairvoyance can be used to see the future as well as the past and the present.  Here are a few signs that you have already tapped into your psychic power.

  • You have had dreams that come true.
  • You have found a lost object after visualizing the location where it can be found.
  • You suddenly think of someone who you haven’t seen in years. Then you get a call or email from them.

These are common psychic experiences. They are actually very useful as you move through your world. You can help your inner clairvoyance develop and grow with practice.

Here are a few ways to help this along:

  • Stop being afraid of the future

You may have had flashes of clairvoyance when you were younger, but as you got older you closed yourself off to visions and signs out of fear. You may have even dismissed any of your signs and visions as being part of an overactive imagination. To develop your inner power, stop being afraid.  Actively practice this by meditating on embracing your power.

  • Ask specific questions

To get into the practice of clear clairvoyant visions, ask correctly stated questions.  Word your inquiries specifically so that your answer will come in loud and clear.

  • Concentrate as you welcome your vision

Once you have posed your question, breathe as deeply and mindfully as possible. Focus on opening your inner eye. This is traditionally seen as the area between your eyes. As you focus on this, remind yourself that you welcome the information you will receive.

  • Pay attention to any visions you may see

Some messages clairvoyants receive are highly symbolic and appear only as pictures.  They can be true to life or even cartoonish, appearing as drawings or paintings.

  • Ask for clarification of the visions

Think about the increasing the clarity of the vision. Tell yourself that you want the message to come in more clearly.

  • Ask the universe to help interpret your vision

Again, you may have to state this out loud by asking what your visions mean. Be open to the feelings and thoughts that occur to you.   Trust in the spirit world. They want you to receive the message, so they will help you clarify.

  • Trust in the message

Do not deny your power by denying the message.  Open yourself up to the realization that you have power, and your own clairvoyance will guide you.  This is the most important thing. Do not throw away your opportunities to see more clearly.

Keep a journal of the messages you receive so that you may see the pattern of your own ability.  Soon you will be able to learn how to visualize and appreciate your power.


Curiosity has Power


We think of curiosity as something that is innate and inherent in each person, but it is also something that can be developed.  If we nurture it, we can use our curiosity to help us get through the mundane and dreary nature of day to day tasks.

But where do we start? The development of curiosity starts with want to learn.  Let yourself open up to the possible. Don’t over plan your very existence. Opening yourself up to the possible leads to questions. One question will lead to another and there you have it! There is always something new to learn.

According to Seth Godin, curiosity finds knowledge and the conscious asks if knowing is worth the risk.   Some resist curiosity because of this risk, and it is true, we have been encouraged since we were children not to ask too many questions.


It only takes a few times of being rebuffed for a child to lose the fearlessness that is necessary to risk taking.  Education doesn’t want to quell  discovery.  Now we want conformity.  This leads to a fear of questions.  We don’t want to be perceived as ignorant.  We don’t want to be embarrassed for speaking out.  You want to blend in and don’t want to draw attention to yourself.  You are used to blindly believing.

Children have a natural curiosity. Unfortunately, adults quash this either willingly or unknowingly.   Children watch how adults behave. If they see a lack of curiosity they can’t develop in a productive direction.

Questioning not only leads to truth but also to a better understanding . Questions bring about change. This is seen in editorials and in news articles everywhere.

Questioning will lead you to new knowledge and risk taking.  You will evolve and visualize a new life.  Innovators such as writers, explorers and artists ask questions.   The only way a culture can survive and move forward is to ask questions and move boundaries. Questions have led to new answers and new ways of thinking. 

Curiosity is its own reward. Giving yourself permission to take the risk helps give you a better sense of worth and self esteem. The bonus is that you will have fun on your journey.

Are You a Clairvoyant?

are_you_clairvoyant_featuredAre you someone who would like to increase your trust in your own intuition?

Or maybe you’ve a healing practitioner and would like to increase your abilities and enhance your current modality.

In developing your clairvoyance or inner vision, you heal yourself. Using Clairvoyant energy tools support physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing. You gain clarity and certai
nty in making decisions and knowing you are on the right path. This is true inner power.

In this post I will illustrate everyday Clairvoyance and how to use it in decision making and discovering your joy.

Clairvoyance 101

Clairvoyance means the ability to see clearly. This gift comes in many forms: dreams, seeing future events, receiving visions, daydreams, seeing colors, and recurring sights in the physical world. This gift is your spirits way of giving you guidance by appealing to your vision. I have found that this is the most feared gift due to the apprehension of seeing “other-worldly things”.  It is due to this fear that many of us overlook the practicality in having the gift.

Everyday Clairvoyance

The formula is simple: request, imagine, and accept. For instance let’s say you have a decision to make with three available options. Begin by labeling your choices as A, B, C and asking which will be in the highest good of all? That’s the request. Then imagine the joy you will feel once the decision has materialized. Last keep your eyes open for which letter you see most repetitively throughout your day. The key with spiritual guidance is that it is always repetitive so if you are unsure just ask clarification. It’s really that simple, Clairvoyance without the ghosts!

images (5)Clairvoyance and Me

I have been a vivid dreamer for most of my life. So when my dreams started predicting future events and showing me disharmonious patterns, I wanted to bring that ability to my waking life. I had multiple dreams in which my vision was dark. One day I sat down and had a conversation with my life guide about it. The guidance I received was to hold the intention of seeing love and that I would begin to see energy that week on a Wednesday. I was so afraid of seeing spirits and deceased people.

Wednesday came and I was eager and afraid. All day, I was on edge and anxious. Then as I was driving home from work, I felt the urge to put a crystal in my right hand and chant over and over, “I see divine love clearly”. After the mantra stuck in my spirit, the sky opened up and I saw vibrations and infinite many sparkling lights twirling about. When I focused, it looked like a blue and purple tornado tunnel covered in white Christmas lights. Unfocused it was just movement and floating white lights.

I know what you’re thinking; it was unbelievable to me as well. I rubbed my eyes to make sure that I wasn’t hallucinating but it was there, it was everywhere. I received it in the car where I was most comfortable, alone, and at ease listening to music. It wasn’t scary at all. My experience was extreme because I had overlooked all the other ways in which I could already see Clairvoyantly, all the ways that I have shared in this post.

How to See Clairvoyantly

Like the other gifts discussed in this series, to see Clairvoyantly you have to make the intention to see clearly in the manner that you are most comfortable. That manner may mean seeing sequences of numbers, repetitive physical signs, lights, energy, or colors. There are infinitely many ways in which to see with spiritual sight.

Like all gifts there is purification before you are able to recognize the gift. Mostly, until you are able to see things without judgment your ability to see guidance may be skewed. My purification process began with the dreams I had about darkness. They were showing me that I was afraid of the dark and it was limiting my ability to see what was in front of me. The path to all gifts begins with your belief patterns and behaviors. What you think you create. You will have to purify and release your fears in order to fully accept your blessings. Below are a few tips to help correct your vision.

Tip 1: Intend to See Only Love
Create a personal mantra stating what you want to see and repeat it to yourself. You spirit will respond with the form that is most comfortable to you. Make it positive and present, “I only see love and light”.

1976927_642319952490436_713009601_nTip 2: Get Outside

Nature is the ultimate healer and ultimate example of pure beauty. Fresh air cleanses the energy of fear, anxiety, and confusion! The creativity in the way that the flowers and trees change colors is inspiring. By making a habit of viewing beautiful things that don’t require anything of you; you will begin to cultivate a better self-image and outlook in life.

Tip 3: Build Your Vision Appetite
Simply view things that are pleasant to the eye. Examples would be pictures of babies, puppies, rich colors, and people laughing, whatever brings a smile to your face. Every time that you see something that is pleasing to the eye your spirit uses that happy energy to bring you more of what pleases you.

What to Expect:

In my Clairvoyance I can see divine energy everywhere, in the sky, in my skin, on the walls. My dreams are crystal clear, deceased loved one visit me in dreams. I see aura colors and angels energy. When you hone your ability it can extend beyond physical sight and encompass patterns that reveal guidance. I can also see disharmonious patterns that hinder my clients from seeing clearly or experiencing joy. Seeing the energy helps me feel continuously comfortable, loved, and protected. Pretty amazing right!

To develop your Clairvoyance intend, get outside, and make a habit of seeing beautiful things. The more that you see beauty in yourself you will be able to see it all around you.

Have You had a Psychic Dream?

Psychic Dream

Everyone dreams. Even if we don’t remember them, we can have several dreams throughout the night.  It just stands to reason that out of so many dreams that a few may be intuitive or even psychic dreams. This is not uncommon.

Throughout history people have recorded visions that they have had; early man painted on the walls of caves, the Ancient Greeks and Romans had oracles, nowadays, people post records of their dreams online.

When you sleep, you dream during the REM cycle of your sleep. This is because this is when you are most deeply asleep.  The depth of your sleep allows your subconscious to take over, and this is when you dream.

Sometimes we experience visions or dreams or premonitions during other times.  We may dismiss them as meaningless, or we may not even remember them.  Some of these may be psychic dreams.  When we have a psychic dream, we see things that will happen in the future.

Common Psychic Dreams

The most common types of psychic dreams are as follows; precognitive, clairvoyant and telepathic. We can find these types of dreams confusing because we don’t envision ourselves beyond the plane of existence where we are currently.

Dreams that are clairvoyant

When our dreams show us as linked to an object or situation this is called a clairvoyant dream.  This kind of dream can show natural disasters such as earthquakes or even current events.

If you have ever dreamed about a tornado and later hear news of one near you, you may have had a clairvoyant dream. Some find these dreams so disturbing that they ignore or block the dreams.  This type of dreaming proves that we are connected to the earth and the energies that surround us.  Our subconscious locks on to this energy and presents us the dreams.

Precognitive dreams 

Precognitive dreams also predict bad news.  The dreams of death are fairly common. Some cultures believe that dreaming of someone’s death is a sign of an impending marriage. Either way, it’s a transition!  Those who predict the death of those they know, see dreaming as less of a blessing, but more of a curse.

Some people have dreams that portray an event in the future, that eventually comes true.   These are more common than you think.  If you have ever dreamed about someone you haven’t seen in a long time and then you run into them, you have had a precognitive dream. Some lucky few dream winning numbers for raffles or lottery or even just when is a good time to go to the neighborhood bingo game.

Those who interpret dreams note that it is important to know when a dreamer is “too close” to a subject to accurately predict an event. The individual dreamer’s personality and experience should be considered.

Dreams using telepathy

Sometimes we dream and connect with another person. Our consciousness links in to another person’s thoughts and actions. This kind of dream is known as telepathic.  We can dream that someone is sick and then subsequently discover that they are confined to bed or a hospital.  Telepathic dreams are quite common between mothers and their children. Twins also have telepathic dreams. Sometimes friends who have known each other a long time will be able to reach out to each other.

The telepathy is not always constructive. Sometimes a dream can indicate the dishonesty of another.  This is due to the cues that the other is giving that the dreamer stores and is released when the subconscious takes over.

Spying psychically

Some people can cross into the psychic field of those they know and play out the details of their lives in a dream.   It is as if they cross over to your home and go through your life room by room until they find all of the secrets.

This can be highly symbolic or can be just as plain as watching a movie. Generally speaking, it can happen by accident; your subconscious just picks up on feelings and thoughts from another. Some people have mastered the art of this kind of psychic spying.

Dreams are fascinating and it can be hard to differentiate psychic dreams from the random images that course through our brains every night.   Every dreamer is different and there is no concrete way to interpret them.   There is no formula to determine what is prophetic and what is not.  You may wish to consult someone who is in tune with their own intuitive mind to see if they can help you gain some perspective when interpreting dreams.

Creating Your Own Life’s Vision Through Clairvoyance

Do you have an active dream life or wish to cultivate one?

Active dreaming is an experience where you are aware of and can remember vividly your dreams – a practice that you can easily develop.

Clear, colorful and imaginative and lucid dreaming is a sign of unawakened or awakening clairvoyant abilities. And you can develop your clairvoyant abilities gently, using your dreams.woman-is-the-spirit-of-nature

Clairvoyance is the ability to see clearly and, while this in an intuitive ability, it begins, grows and flourishes from the same part of the brain as your imagination. Fo many of us, imagination is cultivated through the world of dreaming.  Often, people with natural clairvoyant abilities are known as daydreamers and are very good at storytelling and describing things to others in metaphors – because they can see the metaphor unfold before or behind their own eyes.

Have you ever had a dream that felt so real, it became real?

When you woke up, for a split second all you knew was that dream reality; perhaps it was preferable to what you actually had.


The true power of clairvoyance lies in being able to create a vision. You really can dream up your own reality. If you can see it, in other words, you can create it.

eyesCreating your own vision for the future is far more interesting than waiting for someone else to predict it for you. It’s also scarier, because there’s nobody to blame if your vision doesn’t quite work out the way you expected.

One of the most important lessons I learned in art school was flexibility. More often than not, my finished paintings did not match my original vision. Sometimes they were better, and sometimes they weren’t. Either way, I made new discoveries that wouldn’t have shown up any other way.

The real beauty is in the discovery.

This is what living your life is all about. The amount of control we each have is quite small, but the ability to invent, visualize, and create, is enormous. We have hardly scratched the surface of this magnificent ability that each of us has already, this clairvoyant ability.

Now, more than ever, we need capable clairvoyants on this earth. Fortunately, we are living in a time of clairvoyance, so they are showing up. It’s time to let go of the old pictures of what others declared was and always will be reality, and to create the new pictures.

6328162Just because we currently live on a planet where war is prevalent, hunger is allowed to exist, and greed rules the day, doesn’t make any of this the whole reality of who we are as beings. These are choices, unconscious ones perhaps, what we need or want to experience as beings.

What changes would you like to see? How does your planet Earth look to you, the one you would love to live on? How would you like to live and create? Perhaps you’re already working on your own vision of the future. But if you’ve gotten yourself caught in someone else’s ‘reality show’, you can disengage by creating a new vision. Begin to look for yourself and to share your new vision with others.