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Breaking Up With Little Pain

Breaking Up With Little Pain

When you figure out that you don’t love someone, it can be hard to end the relationship. You don’t want to hurt someone, and this can be emotional. There are ways that you can end a relationship easier and save some of the pain.

Ending the Relationship

The first thing that you have to decide is if you are sure that you want to end the relationship or not. This can mean that you want to move on with your life. You should base your decision on leaving on long term and not just a little disagreement that happened.

If you are in a relationship where there is manipulation or abuse, this is a relationship that you should leave without question.

Deciding if you want to stay or leave a relationship can be hard but you need to weigh the goods and bads. Look for red flags and toxic traits. Put a list together of the good and bad things and figure out if staying is your best option.

  • What to Say

Once you decide to break up, you have to decide what you’re going to say. It can be emotional to be in this situation and if the other person wants to stay and you don’t then you need to make sure that you are saying the right things. Don’t let the last conversation that you have with that person get out of control.

  • Make A Checklist

Instead of trying to just wing what you’re going to say, make a checklist of things that you want to point out. There might be certain things that you need to address. Don’t wait until the day that you’re going to have the conversation but plan ahead on what you’re going to say.

Write down your thoughts and then put them into words. Talk about anything negative such as embarrassment or red flags. If the list is super long, decide what and what not you’re going to say.

  • Focus on Now

It is important that even though you have to focus on things that are negative that you focus on what is going on now. Say things like, “I felt,” and make sure that you use “you” statements so that you aren’t blaming. You shouldn’t go back into the past on things that they had done.

The best thing is that you can create a way to express your feelings, and this is a way to give you power to leave a relationship that makes you unhappy. No one can prepare for being dumped and this will hurt but as time goes on, you will see that the pain and anger will go away with time.

It is possible that you will be hurt or angry about what you are talking about but be prepared for what you need to say and what actions you are going to take. You need to also prepare for the actions that your partner might have to the breakup.

Where to Break Up

It depends on where you break up with your partner as to who they are and what you think will happen. If you’re breaking up with someone violent, do it in a public place. If you break up with someone kind and loving, do it in a private place.

Never break up with someone in a way that is going to make them feel embarrassed and make sure that you are having compassion and care when you say the things that you need to say.

Text Break Up

Breaking up by text is never a real good idea. This is impersonal and can be hurtful. But of course, there are exceptions to this such as someone that is too clingy or someone that will go to extremes to not listen to you. If your safety is in check, you need to make sure that you leave the relationship totally. You can do this by text if that makes you safer.

If you decide that meeting someone to breakup up with them will make it harder to leave them, then doing a breakup text will work. Just be firm with your words.

Where Not to Break Up

You should make sure that you don’t break up with someone where you go often. This could be a place that they will come back to you to look for you. You don’t want them to come back looking for you and making the breakup harder.

Find a place that you don’t go often and where you won’t be interrupted. Don’t go to the bar or to concerts or places that will be too loud for them to hear you. You can go to a place where you will eat dinner but not somewhere that is special to you or somewhere that you went on a first date.

To give them the bad news, don’t make it a place that will cause them to feel that they are experiencing extra hurt. Consider the breakup a business meeting so that they will be serious.

Positive Finale

The best thing that you can do is to leave them with a good impression of who you are. Even if you breakup with them and you do it in a kind way, you will see that you can let some of the hurt go. Suggest that they move on and don’t bend backwards to make them feel that you’re going to come back to them.

You need to make sure that they know that the relationship is over and don’t give them false hope. You can do this in a positive way, and you can see that the ending will be one that can bring hope for their future and yours with someone else.

It can be hard to imagine that there is a final breakup and then you will get back together later. As years go on, if something does happen again, so be it, but leave it in the past and let the universe guide you.

Final Thoughts

Breaking up isn’t easy and no two breakups look the same. Write down what you need to say and make sure that they know that the breakup is a permeant thing. Don’t give false hope and try to be loving and compassionate without embarrassing them.

When you have a plan on what you want, stick with it, and allow yourself to live a happier life by yourself or with someone else that you can love.

Sacred Geometry and Manifesting

Sacred Geometry and Manifesting

There is amazement in Sacred geometry, and it is something that happens in everything that is living and non-living. This kind of geometry is something that is more than science, but it is a language that helps exchange energy and changes who you are inside and outside.

Sacred Geometry Language

This kind of Sacred Geometry is something that is part of your life force. It is found in all patterns of all things. It is a symbol that shows images and shapes that are outside of you but are also part of your DNA. This can include things like atoms, crystals, mandalas, galaxies, nature and so much more.

Divination and Other Practices

You can use your own Sacred Geometry to figure out things like celestial, natural and ceremonial practices. This is a Vortex that goes to a higher place and allows you to manifest things quicker.

Fibonacci Sequence Golden Ratio

This is part of math and is something that works to go through patterns and spirals and even vortexes that will copy themselves everywhere they are. The Fibonacci sequence starts with the number 0 and 1 and then each new number that comes is the sum of the previous two numbers. This means there are numbers such as 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 and so on all the way to infinity.

All of the ratios are two adjacent Fibonacci numbers, and they are the Golde mean which is also called the God Number or the Phi. This is a ratio between numbers that will equal around 1.618.

This can cause a magical thing to happen in your life when you can look act the Fibonacci sequence that works in a spiral way and the 21st letter of the Greek Alphabet is used. Phi is a symbol that has a powerful energy that is drawing and is part of a vortex that will carry and send energy and information to different places.

The Emerald tablet says that whatever happens in a plane that is higher than you are, will also happen in a lower plane that you are in, and this is what the Fibonacci Sequence is.

Star-Gate Doorway

When you use Sacred Geometry to look at the different portals, you will see that you can see that creation is amazing and that there are powerful symbols and tools around you that can help to balance your energy. This also will reach a higher level in the Cosmic world, and it will create a doorway or a Star-Gate that allows you to go to a higher dimension.

Why Use Sacred Geometry?

Using this kind of geometry will allow you to reach a higher conscious level. This will allow you to raise your vibrations and your energy and will cause you to reach into your Cosmic frequencies and will activate new things in your DNA.

Creative Forces

There are signs and symbols that are in everything around them and are part of geometry. This can be monads or dots or other things that spark energy and give you new things to hold on to. Here are some of them:

  • Waves.
  • Circles.
  • Lines.
  • Cubes.
  • Triangles.
  • Spirals.

All of these things and more are considered creative forces.

Vortexes and Ladders

There is always going to be something that bridges the people and the divine. The divine use their own language and their own forms of vortexes and ladders. They will transcend through space and time and when you are able to bridge the gab and connect with the divine then it can cause you to have change.

Light and Blueprint

Sacred Geometry is also called light and a blueprint of the universe. You can activate your own light and use the Star Tetrahedron to help you. This is called Merkabah. It is one that has all designs.


This word means “Light, spirit and body.” It is an energy that is in everything:

  • Mer: Light.
  • Ka: Spirit.
  • Ba: Body

This means, “The Trone of Chariot” in Hebrew and it is something that carries light to a different dimension. The Tetrahedrons point and spin in opposite directions and some of them will point upwards which are the masculine energies and these will channel the energies from upward and bring them down to earth.

Being a Merkabah

You are the highest vibration that there is in regards to shapes in the universe. The vibrations that you have are part of the Fire element and are part of the life force that you have inside of you. The Merkabah is who you are, and you are the one that brings consciousness to higher dimensions, and you create a bond between the body, spirit, and light. This is how geometry helps you in your own life.


You can use Merkabah to help you to open up doorways in different dimensions and this can allow you to be able to do things like balance your chakras as you raise your vibrations. As you communicate with the divine and you see that you are changing, your psychological structure will change as well.

Metatron’s Cube

Metatron’s Cube is one of the best sacred patterns that you ocan see. It was named after Metatron, an Archangel who will watch where the energy flows and the patterns that are connected between humans and the divine. It is a blueprint of who you are and is part of everything that you do. 

Metatron and Fibonacci

Fibonacci numbers are a huge part of the Metatron Cube and there are circles and spirals and different shapes inside of the cube that make up feminine and masculine parts of you and even the seed. 

This is the reason that the cube is so powerful, and it has five Platonic solids that are inside of it that mean the universe and the Flower of Life.

Flower of Life

This is a sacred geometric symbol that has 19 circles that are equal, and they overlap. It looks like a flower when it is drawn out and is very pretty. It has a meaning for who you are and what the universe has for you.

Vesica Pisces

This is a design that is another shape that has two circles that overlap and create a third. They intersect and they are also called the Goddess, or the Mother Earth and they are the shape of an almond. They have a passage that goes between the earth and the non-phyiscal worlds.

These circles and spheres are connected and form a Seed of Life and the Flower of Life that helps to show that creation can reach a higher power.

Platonic Solids

Platonic Solids are a spiritual thing, and you can use them each day to manifest things and to create things in your life. These oldies are building blocks, and they help you to understand your spiritual self and the universe:

  • Tetrahedron: Fire.
  • Cube: Earth.
  • Icosahedron: Water.
  • Octahedron: Air.
  • Dodecahedron: Ether.
  • Circle: Consciousness.
  • Star Tetrahedron: Light.
  • Tetrahedron: Triangle and Fire

This is the element of fire, and it shows the stability of the Platonic solids. It helps you to have direction and to focus on your soul. It is represented by the Solar Plexus chakra and the energy is a source of power that you can find in your stomach. It can be found in your spiritual and material self.

  • Cube: Hexahedron and Earth

This is the Cube, and it represents the earth element. It is named after Plato, and it was believed to link the Cosmos with the element.

  • Icosahedron: Water

This is the element of water and has triangles that are identical, 20 of them. It helps to create a portal that carries the energy and the emotions. It is a place of change, and it can support you when you have shifts in your emotions. It is a doorway that reaches the heart and the mind and allows you to have good energy. It works with your Sacral Chakra.

  • Octahedron: Air

This is represented of the air element, and it has eight triangles that are the same. It connects the heart chakra to your peace, compassion and harmony and it can be used to help you forgive yourself and others. It can show you how to align your inner and outward man and to love yourself and other unconditionally.

  • Dodecahedron: Ether

This is the ether element, and it is a concept that gives you energy from the universe. It is the life force that gives life to everything including creation and healing. It has energy that goes with your throat, crown and third eye chakra. 

This is a basic element that looks like spirals, circles, double circles, a dot and triangles and each one tells its own story.

  • Dot: Represents zero and is a single thing. No start or finish and it is like a seed of an oak tree.
  • Line: This is movement that goes from one point to another and goes through space and has strong vibrations.
  • Spiral: A plan of nature that has rhythm and expressions. It is a pattern that continues and evolves.
  • Circle: Represents creation, wholeness, consciousness and oneness and it is the beginning of the circle of life. It is an egg, and it carries life, death, and rebirth. It is a feminine energy, but the lines are masculine.
  • Double Circle: This represents duality and equal forces. It is an attraction that forms equal but opposite forces such as light and darkness and yin and yang. It is a creative force.
  • Triangle: This is a balance and a connection. It is a building block and has four equal triangular sides and is a tetrahedron that has a square base. It represents manifestation and units of family, spirituality and is a rising of the divine consciousness. The downward triangle is masculine but relates to the divine feminine energies.
  • Square: This is a reconnecting with the earth energy and represents stability and grounding and foundation.

Using Sacred Geometry for Manifestation

The energies of Sacred Geometry are endless, and they are inside of each and everything that lives and doesn’t live. The universe has a vibration that is always moving, and it carries its own vibrational frequency. Light is even part of this and is spiraling through the world and it brings magnetism and electricity. It will give DNA light pockets.

Take time to get a Clear Quartz Crystal and use it to meditate when you are trying to manifest. Selenite Crystal Plates are also a great thing to use, and they work with elements. You can choose to get a Metatron’s Cube and use it to allow you to tap into the energies of the vortexes and symbols. You can choose any of these:

  • Symbols.
  • Fibonacci Spirals.
  • Phi.
  • Platonic Solids.

Work with them and you will see that you can tap into a higher dimension and manifest things into the spiritual world with ease.

As you build an altar, place your Clear Quartz solids in the circle and allow there to be a bridge that is built.  This will take a form that allows the field to go in different layers such as the Etheric, Emotional, Mental and Astral. The Celestial and Causal bodies will each have their own layers and carry their own information to you. The Astral body will help to open a doorway into the spiritual realm, and you can use Sacred Geometry to help you to change your mind, body, and spirit. This will also open up your chakras and your auric field.

Send everything into a spiral and use the symbol Phi to help you because it has its own vortex and will bridge between the dimensions. Work with all of these symbols so that you can manifest things into your life. Make this part of your ceremonial, natural and celestial practices and you can use it as a tool of divination for healing and for change. 


Learning About Claircognizance


Are you someone that seems to just know things? Are you someone that drives around and picks up information in your surroundings without anyone telling you anything? Do you ever know who is calling before you even see the call?

All of these instances happen because you are probably claircognizant. This is a gift that means clear knowing. This means that you can know something without anyone telling you. Claircognizance is hard to discern sometimes but those that have experienced have strong intuition.

When you are a psychic and you are doing readings as a claircognizant, you will be able to know the answers to the problems that they are having. You will also be able to help people that know you and this can be super powerful for everyone around you.

Claircognizant might not seem like a fun gift because you can’t hear into the spiritual world or see visions, but the truth is, it allows you to use your five senses and to learn to trust your intuition.

Knowing You Are Claircognizant:

Here are some ways that you can know that you are claircognizant:

  • Strong Thinker

You are probably someone that thinks about things a lot. You will just get information in your mind, and it might even surprise you. These are flashes of information that others would be surprised about but you are so used to them that you aren’t ever surprised.

  • Interrupting People

Maybe you are someone that interrupts people fast. This happens because you already know what they are thinking and what they are going to say. You might even be someone that finishes other people’s sentences.

  • Strong Gut Feelings

You seem to be able to know things and this is because you listen to your intuition. You will know if someone is doing something that they shouldn’t be doing if they are lying to you or if they are fake. Even when other people are fooled by them, you aren’t.

  • Love to Learn

You love to learn and read things. Reading and learning might be one of your favorite hobbies.

  • Solving Problems

Another thing that you are probably able to do is to solve problems easily. Even when people seem stumped, you seem to have it all figured out.

Developing Your Claircognizance

When you have any clair gift, you can always develop it and be stronger in your gifting. You have to understand that using your clair gift is just like using any other skill that you have. You don’t just know things without working at it and claircognizant and any psychic gift is the same.

There are ways that you can develop your psychic gifts and even your claircognizant can get better. One way that you can do this is to use a pendulum. Do this and ask the pendulum questions each day and see if you are able to get the answer. Ask things like, “will my mom call me tomorrow?” Write these questions down and then see if the pendulum answered it correctly.

Another way to practice your gift is to use automatic writing. This is when you just start writing whatever comes to your mind. You will see that this helps you to learn to trust yourself more. Find a place that is quiet where you can concentrate just on what comes to your mind. Have a pen and paper handy and when things start coming into your mind, write them down. Do this while you are meditating.

Using Claircognizant in Your Life

Some people wonder if there is a difference between thinking or judging people and things or having claircognizance. The truth is your mind is always thinking and the thoughts that you have are often hidden inside of you. The wisdom and your intuition help you to reach your higher self and the things that it tells you aren’t always rational. Don’t rely constantly on logic but learn to listen to your irrational thoughts as well.

Sometimes people don’t realize that they have a psychic gift and if you are claircognizant, chances are that you are someone that says, “I knew that was going to happen,” often. You will be in places all over and you will feel this information come to you out of nowhere. This is where your claircognizance comes in to surprise you again.

Let Your Intuition Guide You

Make Your Intuition Stronger

Following your intuition might seem like something simple but when you are making a hard decision in your life, are you really listening? Listening to your intuition might not be as easy as you think. This is true especially if you have disconnected from your intuition because of being afraid of trusting your senses or because of doubting yourself. The great thing is that you can practice and make your intuition stronger.

Understanding Intuition

Intuition is the voice inside of you that guides you. It helps you and guides you and the universe is the center of it. When you need to make a decision, if you follow your intuition then you will see that you are on the right path in your life.

Intuition will guide you and even though it is the same idea for everyone, intuition might work differently in everyone. Some will get a gut feeling, or some will just hear a voice. Other people will just seem to know things.

Make Your Intuition Stronger

Here are some ways that you can make your intuition stronger:

  • Know Where Your Intuition Went Wrong

Everyone has intuition but not everyone is able to use it right. If you have something in your life that has caused you pain, even in your past, you might not be able to listen to your intuition like you were able to at first. Sometimes people will even teach you that listening to your intuition will cause you to fail. If you are someone that was always told to be overly dramatic, you might think that listening to yourself is showing too much confidence. Or, if you thought you were listening to your intuition and you made a wrong choice, this might hold you back.

It doesn’t mean that something went wrong with your intuition, it just means that you have intuition hurt. When this happens, it can be harder to trust yourself.

  • Calm the Mind

It is important that you calm your mind so that you can hear what your intuition is saying to you. It can be hard to listen to everything happening around you and still hear the voice inside of you. Intuition can become cluttered when your mind is so busy, and it can be hard for you to hear the voice of it.

Take time to meditate and to calm your mind. This is a way that you can hear your intuition over the mind clutter.

  • Know Your Body

Figure out how to know your body. The body is what makes you feel things and if you are always feeling too many things, it can be hard to listen and to hear your intuition. Intuition helps you to make decisions and if you aren’t listening to what your body is showing you, you might miss is.

Take time to place your hand over your heart and concentrate on how it feels. Deep breathe and focus on what your heart is showing you. If you get a message, write it down.

  • Don’t Listen to Chatter

Chatter can be outside noise that can affect your decisions. You have to allow yourself to get rid of these noises if you want to be able to hear what your intuition is saying. Intuition is kind of like a whisper and if there are other voices screaming in your mind, you won’t hear your intuition. Take time to be silent so that you can hear what you need to hear.

  • Change How You Talk

Change how you talk about your intuition if you want to make it stronger. Pay attention to the things that you say. Instead of saying, “I think I can,” tap into what your intuition is telling you and say, “I feel…” Make sure that you are using positive words and positive sentences when talking about your intuition. Say things like, “I am able to hear my intuition clearly,” or “I have intuition that is strong.”

  • Practice

Practicing getting your intuition strong is just like practicing for anything else. Your intuition is already there in you, and you have to just learn to listen and hear what it is trying to tell you.

Tune out things that you don’t need to hear. Practice listening to your intuition when you want to make a small decision such as what to have for dinner. As you keep practicing, listen, and hear what your intuition is saying. You will feel connected to your intuition the more decisions that you make.

  • Do It

When you are listening to your intuition, the biggest thing is that you have to actually do what it is telling you. Tune into it and listen to it. If you get a feeling that you need to call someone, do it. Journal whatever kind of interaction comes from that. Don’t ignore subtle nudges or subtle messages that your intuition might be saying to you. Trust yourself and you will see your intuition get stronger.

Saying yes to your intuition will help to guide you when you need to make both small and large decisions. You will find that you will get messages as you trust this guidance. Even if you get scared, follow through with whatever your intuition says to you. You might see that you make less mistakes than you expected.

What Does He Even Want from You?

finding yourself in relationships

Are you always finding yourself in relationships where you feel confused, and you aren’t sure what someone is feeling or thinking about you? Do you find that you are always frustrated when you date? The best thing that you can do is to find out what a guy wants from you.

Hinting Around

It is important to pay attention to what a man is saying to you and how he is acting. Is he one that seems to want to get married or have children? Notice what he watches on YouTube and other videos and see if he is watching ones that are marriage or children related. Does he look at rings when he passes by a store that sells jewelry?

Some guys won’t come right out and tell you what they want but they will show it through hints. Pay attention to the hints he is leaving you.

  • Talking and Touching

You might be able to tell what a guy wants from you by the way that he talks to you or touches you. Does he text you and call you often? These are signs that he is interested in you and what you are doing in your life and how you can make his life better.

  • Notice What He Does

Pay attention to the signs that he is giving you and notice the way that he talks to you and what he talks about. If his signs contradict each other and you are still confused, you might need to just come out and ask him.

  • He Wants Time with You

A man that is interested in you will want to make time with you. He will make plans with you, and he will do whatever he can to be around you. If he is always coming with you even if it isn’t something he really enjoys, chances are that he likes you.

Guys that are only interested in casual dating won’t put time or effort into seeing you and they will just see you when it’s convenient for them. You can get other opinions about this guy by introducing him to your family and friends and see what they think about him.

  • Looking at You

Pay attention to how he looks at you. Does he keep eye contact and smile when you look at him? Notice his body language and if he seems to put his body close to yours when you are talking or walking together. All of these signs are important.

  • Pictures

Does he show you pictures or videos of things that he does? This happens because he wants you to see all of the good things that he does and to show off his talents to you.

  • Picking Where to Eat

A guy that likes you will pick out all of his favorite places to eat so that you can enjoy them to. Don’t feel like he is trying to be in control but that he wants to share what he likes with you.

What If He Only Texts Short Texts?

Men don’t talk like women do and sometimes it takes a man a lot of time to open up and to really become a conversationalist. Also, he might not be sure how to start a conversation or what to say so that he doesn’t sound stupid.

If he sends you a text that you don’t understand, ask him what it means and give him a chance to answer you. People aren’t the same in relationships and some will behave differently and will talk more while others might be quiet.


Figure out his behavior when it comes to communicating. Does he answer you openly and honestly when you ask a question, or does he avoid answering you? Asking logical questions about life will show you how he communicates. Also, notice the sexual pattern. If you are having sex, does he just come over when he can get laid or does he talk to you even when you aren’t having sex.

If you aren’t sexually active with him, see if he take the initiative to make you feel that the relationship is important. Notice if he is too busy for you or if you are a priority for him.

Is He Interested?

A man that is interested in you will make sure that you know he is interested. He will give you time and he will message you even when he’s busy. Always set boundaries and find out what you allow in the relationship and what you won’t allow and don’t let him cross these things.

People normally know what they want and if you aren’t sure what you want then you need to make sure that you know before you ever try to get the relationship serious. Once you are clear about these things then you will see if he respects you or not.

Knowing what he wants will help you not to have to look deeper into the meanings that he is giving you and it will give you an idea if he is the right guy for you or not. Here are some ways that you can get a clear picture and find out if you are on the same page or not:

How Does He Date You?

You should know his intentions and here are some ways:

  • How does he treat you? Does he meet your needs? Does he treat you like a partner?
  • Is he someone reliable and honest? Does he do what he says he will do?
  • Does he make time to see you and talk to you?
  • Does he try to get to know you better?
  • Do you have a hard time talking to him?
  • Is he accountable?
  • Does he let your connection go at a normal pace without rushing you?

If you answered yes to these things, then you are probably dating someone that likes you and wants to have a deeper relationship with you. Someone that is opposite of those things likely just wants to be in a casual relationship.

Makes it Obvious

The most obvious way to know if someone likes you is that they tell you. If the guy tells you that he is serious and looking to commit to you then you will be able to know what he wants. Listen to your intuition and see if your dreams and ideas line up together.


Notice how he reacts and how he communicates. If you’re in a bad mood or he is, how does he act? Does he act certain about who you are, and does he show that he is clear when he talks to you about what he wants?

Other Signs

Some men will give subtle signs and you need to pay attention to how he talks and what interests you share.

Moving Forward

When a guy wants to move forward with you, he will tell you and show you. Pay attention to this and see how he mentions things like committing to the relationship.

You should know what a guy wants and if you have to then you need to have a relationship bout being committed. Tell him what you want and make sure that he isn’t just trying to get laid.

Focus on the Talking

Focus on what he is saying to you and see if he is showing you that he wants a casual relationship or if he wants something more. A guy that doesn’t talk about his goals or the future with you probably doesn’t want that with you.

If he is interested in, you then he will talk about being serious and about where you and him fit together for the future. Focus on what he is saying and notice if he is being wishy washy about the future together.

Men can be hard to read but here are some things that you can notice to see if he wants more from you than casual dating:

  • He introduces you to his family and his friends. This can mean he wants you to see his world.
  • He calls and messages you first.
  • He talks about deep things, and he talks about his goals and dreams.
  • He tells other people that he wants to be serious with you.
  • He wants to be in a relationship with you.

Here are some signs that he probably just wants to be casual:

  • He only texts late at night when he wants to come over.
  • He doesn’t introduce you to people he knows.
  • He doesn’t compromise for your needs.
  • He will schedule other people over you.
  • He only gives small talk.

Finding the Perfect Guy

Finding the right guy for yourself happens when you love yourself and when you are confident in who you are. Be open to meeting new people and to going out and doing new things. When you do this then you can meet new people and you will see that you are on the right track in finding love.

Final Thoughts

Women often make the mistake of just guessing what a guy wants when she is dating him. Instead of doing this, she needs to pay attention to if he complements her, if he is caring and loving, if he is consistent in what he says and if he is giving off signals.

Don’t put what you want in the relationship and think that just because you want to be with him that it’s just what he wants as well.

If your guy is sending you mixed signals, then you need to find out what he wants and always set boundaries. These will keep your heart safe and won’t allow you to get hurt if the relationship isn’t what you thought it would be.

How to Develop Your Clairaudience

Develop Your Clairaudience

Psychics have different gifts and sometimes a psychic will have multiple clair gifts and not just one. Most psychics will have clair gifts and strong intuition, which is also another psychic gift. People that have the gift of clairaudience are people that are able to hear into the spiritual world. Clairaudience means “clear hearing”, and this is a gift that can be practiced and developed.

When you begin knowing that you are clairaudient, chances are that you will hear different sounds, songs, words, and other things that other people don’t hear. You may get to the point where you are able to even hear into your own mind and the minds of others. If you want to develop your gift of clairaudience, here are some tips:

Listen to the Universe

You have to be able to know the difference between the sounds that you are hearing. You can do this by going outside in nature and sitting with your eyes closed. Listen to all of the sounds that you hear, both close to you and those that are far away.

Once you have listened to the different sounds, try to only listen to one sound. Maybe you hear a bird chirping, concentrate on just that sound. Learn to hide away the other sounds that are going on around you. Try this again with a different sound.

Practice with Friends

Find a friend that will practice with you. Have them imagine a word in their mind and say the word in their mind and “send it to you.” Once they tell you that they have done this, listen to the sounds that you have in your mind.

See if you can figure out what word or sound that they sent you without them telling you.

Use Flashcards

You can use flashcards if you don’t have someone to practice with. Write down a lot of words on different flashcards and lay them facing down. Choose one and don’t look at it but see if your mind will give you information on what is on the card.

This can take time to do but you need to make sure that you are open to what is happening because the point of this is to be able to hear things that are going on around you in the spirit world and being open to these things.

Picture the Sounds

You can picture the sounds that you are hearing. If you hear a bird, picture the bird in your mind. Be very detailed about the sound and the picture that comes to your mind. Do this with other things like songs and other things and learn to pick up the energies of what you are hearing and feeling.

Talk to the Songs

When you want to practice and you are in the car, ask a question that you want to get an answer to. Ask your spirit guides to answer your question with the next song that comes on the radio. You can shuffle the music on your radio or let it play on its own.

Listen to the lyrics of the song and see if any of the lines give you the answer that you are looking for. This will help you to be more aware of what you are hearing in the spirit world when you aren’t meditating. You can practice this anytime you want.

Ask a Question

You can ask a question and you can ask your spirit guides to answer you. See if a song pops up in your head that answers your question. You might need to do this in a place where you meditate so that you can have a clear mind and a quiet place.


Meditate and ask a question. When you meditate, you are closing your mind and concentrating on the spiritual world. Let your spirit guides answer your questions and make sure that you are being intentional with what you want to know.

Close your eyes, deep breathe, and make sure that your heart and mind are open to getting the answer that you are looking for. Chances are that you will get a simple answer to the question that you asked if you just listen.

Final Thoughts

If you want to develop your psychic gifts, make sure that you practice and that you are open to the answers that you get. The more you practice the more you will see that you can increase your gifts each day.

Making Your Clairvoyance Strong

Making Your Clairvoyance Strong

Your clairvoyance is part of your spiritual gifting, and it is one way that you can learn to open your third eye. Clairvoyance is not what it looks like in the movies where people are always telling you that bad luck is coming to you, and it isn’t about most of the stereotypes that people see when it comes to psychics.

Clairvoyance is one of the most common gifts that people have and once you train yourself and you are more visual, you will see that it can help you in many ways.

Understanding Clairvoyance

Clairvoyance means clear seeing. This happens when people are able to see into the spiritual world and most of the time people with this gift are visual people. Clairvoyance is part of the third eye and the pineal gland.

Increasing Your Clairvoyant Gift

Here are some ways that you can develop and make your clairvoyant gift stronger:

  • Look for Visuals

One thing that you can do is to look for visual clues. You might see images that come to you in different ways such as a flash, a vision, something that comes to your mind or even a symbol. When you look at symbols, you will have to learn how to decipher them. The things that you see will come to you sometimes in steps and you have to be able to piece them together.

Sometimes part of your vision might be like a movie, but then other ones might be more like a picture or a symbol. You can try and pick up on the impressions that the vision gives you.

Flashes will come at random times, and they will be fast. This might be a mental flash that comes when you are out eating dinner or when you are walking. If you are someone that is visual, you will see that you can have these happen often and you just need to learn to trust yourself and to work through your development.

Be thankful that you are getting any kind of message even if you don’t understand them right away. The meaning will come to you in time.

  • Open Up the Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is part of your clairvoyance, and it works with the pineal gland. There are seven main chakras in your body and each of them work with a different gland. For the pineal gland, you need to make sure that you are using this for your benefit and to develop your gift. Some people call this eye tapping or third eye tapping.

The pineal gland is one that can be tapped and the way that you do it is to just lightly tap your forehead right between your eyes. Don’t do this hard and when you do it softly you will feel it tingle.

This is something that you can do before you meditate. Just tap between your eyes three or four times and when it starts to tingle, stop. Other people try humming and some will say things like, “om” when they hum. This is something that has been done since ancient times.

To hum, don’t close your mouth all the way, leaving your lips slightly open. You can feel this humming vibrating between your eyes and when you do this for a few minutes each day, you should feel your pineal gland start to vibrate. This will clear out any negative energy and open up your third eye.

Once your third eye begins to open, you might experience things like a headache, but this is something that is natural. Some will also feel tired or dizzy so just adjust to these sensations.

  • Practice, Practice and Practice

Some people hate to practice but if you really want to develop your gifts, the best thing that you can do is to practice. As you practice, you will see that you can learn how to open up your gifts. Make sure that you are practicing and doing your best and you will see results.

You can also try and learn new things about your gifts by watching videos online or reading blogs or articles. Some books can be bought that can show you how to open up your gifts.

  • Journaling

Journaling is one thing that you can do to keep up with your development and how much you have grown. You can see that you are developing your gifts as you write in your journal. Write down what you have experienced, what images that you get, symbols that you have seen and even sensations that you have in your body as you develop your gifts.

Final Thoughts

Whatever you do, make sure that you are doing what is best for yourself. You can make your clairvoyance stronger by trying the tips above and you will see that you can develop your gifts.

Healing with Meditation

Healing with Meditation

Meditation is a thing that can help your mind, body, and soul. As you meditate, you can start healing yourself. No matter how old you are, meditation can help you. You might find that over the years you have ached and hurt and that the things that you do in your life such as working, going to the gym or other circumstances can leave you feeling tense and sore. You might even have health problems or chronic illnesses that you have battled with.

If you are someone that is in a lot of pain or someone that has been sick for a long time, you might see that you need to stop calling yourself sick or else everyone will see you as someone sick. Instead, you need to look at your body and figure out what you disease is and what condition that you have all while loving your body and yourself.

There is power in the universe that you can use to help you love yourself, but you can also use it to help you to face your limitations and your challenges.

How to Heal While Meditating

You will never better yourself if you just sit there. You can sit for a while but there are things that you have to take action on in order to really heal yourself. You have to start by surrendering yourself and allowing yourself to really be there in your body. When you do this, it will open up your heart and you can begin to heal.

Take time to focus on how you are breathing and let this bring you into the moment. Most people have to deal with stress on a daily basis and this can affect the body. You have to learn to reconnect yourself and this starts with breathing.

Focus on how you breathe and how it feels going in and out of your nose and mouth. Let the breath totally fill your body and expand your lungs. If you are just starting, you might want to just start your first meditation session with breathing and learning how it feels.

You need to reach your higher self and find your inner self and be present where you are. Meditating can help you to find your internal energy and you will then be given compassion, patience and more.

If you are sick or have a chronic disease and you are physically in pain, you need to make the intention that you have distractions and that you might be uncomfortable, but you will sit there anyways. You can sit there and work on you. Stop thinking about the bad things that happened that day or get distracted by your life problems and stop mediating, but if this happens, just re-center yourself and let the thoughts move on.

You will start to feel forgiving and caring as you meditate and be in the present. Even if you start to feel uncomfortable at the beginning, give yourself time. Let yourself be hearted and let yourself be felt. Doing nothing isn’t always easy but it is something that is good for you. As you do nothing, you will see that you can get wisdom and insight. You will see that there is more than the pain that you are feeling in your body.

Connecting with the Soul

As you meditate, you will connect with your soul. This will allow your mind and your body to come into alignment and you will see that your energy will flow, bringing healing.

Easy Healing Meditation

Start by sitting somewhere comfortable such as a tall chair and sit up tall. Close your eyes and inhale and exhale deeply. Do this for a count of two in and a count of two out. Keep breathing until you reach at least 5 minutes.

Then, you can start saying mantras as you breathe. Say something like, “I am perfectly healthy.” Say this over and over as you breathe in and out and see that your mood will get better and stronger.

Is Your Memory Strong and Reliable?

Is Your Memory Strong and Reliable

Memories might not be as reliable as we think that they are. Sometimes we use the things that we remember to share stories about our lives and the things that we have experienced. Our memories are personal to us, and they are something that we know about who we are and what we have seen. Our memories might not be as reliable as we want to think that they are though.

Sometimes we add false things to our memories as we retell our stories, and this can make you feel that you aren’t being honest. Why do we think that the things that we remember are so real? According to science, there are things in our memories that might not be reliable, and this is unknown as to why this happens.

The memory is a strange thing. We can tell someone something or tell a story about something that we have done in our past and if the person that we are telling the story to get the message wrong then it might not be the same as it really happened.

When we remember things, we remember that last thing that we remember of that event and maybe not the actual event. Each time we remember it again, the thoughts and the emotions change, and this can change the story.

There are always going to be differences or errors when we retell a story even if we think we remember each and every detail. We do this because we want the person that we are telling the story to, to understand it as strong as we do.

Whenever we tell the story differently, we will remember it differently. As it changes in our minds, the memories will store different proteins in the brain and the proteins will change shape and form each time the memory comes back up.

Here are some ways that we can lose sight of what the real memory is:

  • When the Story is Funny

We want to tell a story that is funny and interesting. This is why sometimes we add humor to the story. This is an emotion that is easy to remember and the more you tell it, the more the brain processes the memory as something funny.

  • Forgetting Details

As we get older, our brain forgets certain details and will take the details that it remembers and make them stronger. This will be an important part of the original memory but might not be totally accurate.

  • Positive Over Negative Memories

Most people can remember positive memories over negative memories. This is especially true with people that are older.

  • Period of Time

Depending on how often you tell a story, the memory of the story might get different each time. If you tell it more often, you will be able to remember the details better.

  • Recalling

Recalling times when you were younger might be harder because your memories get filtered through things that you have seen, things that you have been through and prejudices that you may feel. This is why there can be many different people that have the same experience but see it from different perspectives. Our memories tell us something about who we are and will tell us truths about our lives.

Final Thoughts

Most people don’t want to invest a lot of time to make sure that they are telling the memory the right way. Instead, they will make changes that they feel to the memories. This makes the memories not be as accurate as they could be. Our memories are only as reliable as how we tell them to others.

The Power of Not Responding

The Power of Not Responding

No response might seem to you like it isn’t anything serious. The truth is silence has more weight than almost any answer that you can give. Even if you think that this won’t hurt anything, the truth is that it does send a message and its one that some people won’t ignore.

Silence in Relationships

Some relationships are filled with silence form their partner. When this happens, it probably means that the relationship is about to come to an end. When you send something to someone and you expect them to respond to you and they don’t, this won’t feel good.

You might realize that your relationship isn’t feeling good anymore and that something isn’t right. This can also cause you to see that things have changed and that things aren’t ever going to be the same.

Just because you get silence, it doesn’t mean that you don’t feel that silene. Silence is a response and in a lot of situations, it can mean that things are getting bad. A person that doesn’t answer you shows you that you aren’t worthy of their time. They show you that they don’t want to waste their time on you and that they no longer want to talk to you.

Saying nothing is saying more than you could actually say. When you say nothing, the person is telling you that they don’t care about your feelings, and they don’t care what you think. They are showing you that they don’t want to tell you things or to answer you.

This can mean that they are distancing themselves from you and that you aren’t worth their time.

Silence Explained

Getting silence from someone that you love means that they would rather ignore you than fix what is wrong. They want to avoid you and they want to stop wasting their time on you. They are showing you that they would rather spend their time and energy on something else. They show you that you aren’t worth talking to you and that they don’t value who you are.

They will feel that they don’t have to take their energy and bind it with yours anymore because they want to get away form you and so they give you silence. Ignoring someone that you care about is actually a very big response.

When this response is what you get, this can be hard, but you need to realize that the person is done with you, and you need to be ready to move on. Rather times have been good or bad lately, they are choosing to be on their own and to distance from you.

They don’t want to include you anymore and they feel that your thoughts don’t deserve a response. This should tell you clearly how they feel.

Dealing with Silence

You can argue with someone and get silence back and this doesn’t mean the relationship is over because at the end of the day, the person will likely face you and talk to you about what happened. If the person isn’t going to see you and they are not responding just to not respond, then they don’t care about your feelings.

This person thinks that you don’t deserve to have a response. So, when you are putting in effort and getting nothing but silence in return, this should answer your question. The love is no longer there because if there is love, the person is going to respond to you.

Real love isn’t silent, and it isn’t something that you have to force someone to give you. When you are trying to make things good, and you are trying to show love and they are not responding to you then you need to realize they aren’t who you need in your life.