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Should the Future Scare You?

Should the Future Scare You

There is so much information that psychics and mediums have that it can make the future almost seem overwhelming. With so many predictions, you might wonder which ones are actually going to come true and which ones you shouldn’t listen to.

What is Going to Happen in the Future?

Psychics are saying all kinds of things about the future and if you are someone that believes or even has this gift, you might want to hear some of the things that they think will happen in the near future.

Climate Change

The earth has been changing over the years and there is a change in the climate due to human activity. Many predictions include how climate change will affect the world. We see some of these things now, but they will likely get worse.

We see there to be extreme weather happening such as more flooding, more hurricanes, storms and other things that has caused a reduction in crop production. These things have already happened around us and the worse part is the sea level will keep rising and will flood the coastal areas.

Loss of Jobs

Another prediction is that people will be out of jobs. Predictions show that there will be factories and other industries that will lay people off or will close down. With there being new AI technology, this will also put people out of work and can cause many problems.

Many of the jobs will become automated and this will lead to companies not needing to hire new people. This will leave people without income. The government will have to help people that have little to no income. Jobs will be created in the future, but this will take time.

Energy Forms

It is predicted that there will be more energy forms that are found. In the past people have been using oil and coal as non-renewable energy but this is running out. Nuclear power is considered unsafe and so scientists have continued to look for ways to have different kinds of energy.

Solar power is going to become more efficient, and people will keep working on things like wind turbines and fusion power that will be safe for those around.

Internet Growth

The internet will continue to grow because it is what is used all over homes and businesses. Even appliances are being run by internet. These are smart homes and cars that are using the internet to run. This can lead to more hackers and cybercriminals.

Increased AI

Artificial intelligence is going to keep developing and this will take over much of the work and other things. This will cause loss of jobs and it will put AI even in jobs that do work like creating contracts and creating new recipes. This will decrease work for people significantly. This is going to increase dramatically over the years.

Final Thoughts

There is a lot to look forward to in the future and even if these things don’t come true right away, chances are they will before we know it. Psychics can predict the future but remember that the future can change because of free will and these things can’t be predicted.

There are signs that we are going to reach a better future so there is no reason to be afraid. Read about the predictions and make your own decisions on what you think will happen. Life will be full of ups and downs, but you got this!

Forgiving Your Partner After They Cheat

Forgiving Your Partner

When someone that you love has an affair, it changes everything. If you are the person that gets cheated on by your spouse, it will cause you to feel many emotions. It will hurt you because being betrayed is something that is never easy. Then, the one that cheated will feel guilty, hopefully, and no matter what happened, there are still people that will forgive this. Here are some reasons people forgive.

Giving Another Chance

Some partners believe that they should give their spouse a second chance even in cheating. They don’t want to end the relationship without giving that person a chance to fix things. They sometimes believe that if a person gets a second chance, then they will treat them better than they did the first time.

Family Ties

Forgiving their partner for cheating sometimes happens because of the family ties. When someone has children, having a relationship end can be heartbreaking for everyone in the family. Even if a partner cheats, the two can decide to keep the relationship together so that the children don’t have to go through a painful divorce.

Getting Therapy

Some people want to forgive their partners, but their heart doesn’t let them do that. But they can go to a counselor that can help them to work through these things and feelings so that they can move forward with forgiveness.

Getting Revenge

There are some people that will want to get back at their partner for cheating on them and this is sometimes the reason that they give their partner another chance. This way they can cheat this time and show them how it feels.

Getting revenge ends up hurting everyone that is involved, and it can cause a lot more pain than there already was.

Sometimes Forgiveness Isn’t an Option

There are many people, more than half that have been cheated on, that choose to never forgive their partner for cheating on them. They choose that being in the relationship isn’t worth it and they decide that the relationship was just a mistake.

The affair causes the person that was cheated on to never have trust for that person and when there is no trust, divorce is the best option.

Using Grounding for Protection

Earth Grounding

Everyone needs some kind of protection. Protection can come from trauma, grief, negativity, and other things that manifest in your body or your soul. When your emotions and your mind are not balanced and grounded, you will feel that you are weak, and you aren’t able to do the things that you can do.

People that are psychics, energy readers and empathize often have pain when they deal with the emotions of other people. Opening and grounding yourself can help you to stay in control of what you are doing and feeling.

Set The Mood

Make sure that when you talk to a psychic that you set your mood. The best way to do this is to make sure that you meditate and that you are ready to figure out your life. If you want to reach your spiritual guides, you need to set an intention on this.

You can light candles, put crystals in your area and make sure that your energy level is high and that you are ready for your reading.

After Getting a Reading

After you get a reading, you need to make sure that your energies are still strong. A reading can bring up things that might be hard for you to accept and the energies of this can still be manifesting around you.

How to Ground Yourself

There are different things that you can do to ground yourself. You can use your own intuition to help ground yourself and to help you to cleanse yourself before you even go to a reading.

Earth Grounding

Earth grounding means that you go outside in nature. If it is cold outside and you can’t do that, stay inside, and meditate. When the weather allows you to think, go outside and sit in the grass, go barefoot in the sand, or sit by a tree.

Pay attention to things around you. Do you hear birds or see flowers? Smell the flowers. Look at how this makes you feel. Do you feel more energetic when you are outside? Go out in the garden. The color green works to help with healing and nature is part of the universe.

Let the energy that you have around you fill you. Let your foot go by the tree and let the energy of the tree go into you. The earth is full of things that can bring healing to you. Meditate while you imagine what is going on in the world around you and feel love.

Air Grounding

Air grounding is when you deep breathe, and you let the air fill your lungs. Let the fresh air give you peace and hope and bring mental healing to your body.

Water Grounding

Water grounding is a way to make you healthy inside and out. You can go out in the rain and let the rain hit you in the face and all over your body. Stay outside as long as you can in the rain.

If it isn’t raining, you can take a shower and it will work the same. Let the negative energy wash away as the rain or the shower water hits you. Imagine that the color of your aura is coming out of the shower and is washing over you.

Drinking water is another way to have water grounding. You can drink water and imagine the negativity washing out of your body.

Fire Grounding

Light a candle or sit by a fire. This will get rid of bad feelings such as depression or sadness. Even the sun can do fire grounding. Go out and sit in the sun and let it shine down on you. Do this as you feel your body getting strong.

Tarot Cards

You can cleanse your tarot cards with these same things. Let the cards sit in the window in the sun and let the cards get strong.

Why is Grounding Hard?

Grounding isn’t hard but remembering to ground yourself after reading is something that people often forget. You need to make sure that you are taking care of yourself. Ground yourself from people that are around you that might be negative.

If you are a psychic, you need to make sure that you are doing the best that you can to be grounded and to be clear of negativity.

Stay Strong

It is important that you are strong and healthy. When you are on a spiritual journey, you need to make sure that you are living your best life and that you are doing whatever you can to stay healthy.

Opening Your Third Eye to Find Your Path

Opening Your Third Eye to Find Your Path

Opening your third eye is important so that you can see yourself for who you are. Your third eye chakra is one of your energy centers and it is a place where you can connect with your higher self. When you do this, you can be on the right path to manifest your real destiny.

The third eye chakra is found between your eyebrows in the middle of your forehead. This is the chakra that helps you to find your intuition and helps you to reach your spiritual powers and gifts. As you open your third eye, you can reach your inside truth and you will see that your life can become stronger.

Some symptoms of opening your third eye chakra can be feelings of nasal problems, vision problems, headaches, mental health situations and more. It is important that you see a doctor if you feel these things to make sure that you rule out any kind of health issues that could have crept up on you.

Opening Your Third Eye

One of the best ways that you can open your third eye is by meditating. When you meditate each day, it will get easier for you and your life will change. Opening your chakras and making sure that you are balanced is one thing that can help to keep you grounded and help your energy to flow correctly.

Another great way to open your third eye chakra is to visualize. This will be a time where you relax your mind, and you listen to your intuition. Your intuition will guide your mind and will give you images that work with your vibrational frequency to enter into the spiritual realm. This is a power that you can have and opening your third eye gives you this power.


Crystals can help you to open up your third eye. You can use crystals that can work with each of your chakras and ones like the clear quartz or the amethyst stone are great for opening up the third eye chakra.

Tarot Cards

Tarot cards can help you to open up your psychic gifts and to get your chakras strong. You can use these cards in order to connect with your higher self and develop your psychic skills. Once you learn how to interpret the cards, this gift can take you even further.

Tools of Divination

There are many tools that psychics use in order to be strong in their gifts and if you aren’t a psychic, you can still use skills to open up your chakras. You can try things like crystal balls, oracle cards, pendulums and more. Even your dreams can be a tool.


If you aren’t sure how to deal with your chakras, you can talk to a psychic and they can help you to develop your gifts. A psychic can give you a reading that can help you to live a better and stronger life.


The last tool that we are going to talk about is affirmations. By saying positive affirmations, you can balance your life and you can get a healthy mindset. Here are some affirmations to say:

  • I can see things clearly.
  • I want to receive new things.
  • My inner knowing guides me in life.
  • I trust myself.
  • My intuition is strong.
  • I am growing.
  • I have good guidance.
  • I believe that the universe will guide me.

Final Thoughts

Do you want to develop your gifts and open up your chakras? Talk to a psychic about this and see how far you can go towards your spiritual destiny.

A Guide to Channeling


Channeling is when you are able to go past your physical self and reach into the divine. There are different reasons that you want to channel.

What is Channeling?

Channeling is part of the spiritual world where you can get guidance from your spiritual guides. The power of the spirit allows love to flow to you in different ways. You might use any of these different spiritual beings to help you with communication:

• Ascended masters.
• Starseeds.
• Archangels.
• Angels.
• Fairies.
• Nature spirits.
• Spiritual guides.

The only thing that you need in order to channel is to connect with the spiritual world. Channeling can also be seen as a time to reach into the higher realm. You can change your state of mind so that you can reach these things with love and truth.

Channeling the higher realm can increase your vibrational frequency and can raise your mind. This allows you to reach into the energies and to let your power flow. Channeling is specifically known in the psychic world.

Kinds of Channeling

There are different kinds of channeling including:

Clairvoyant Channeling

This kind of channeling will help you to open your third eye and will help you to be able to see things into the spiritual world such as:

• Visions.
• Images.
• Symbols.
• Angels.
• Words.

When you receive these things, you can interpret what the messages mean to you. Clairvoyant channeling allows you to look at the meanings and the interpretations.

Conscious Channeling

This kind of channeling has to do with opening up your heart and your mind so that you can connect with the different guides. With this kind of channeling, you will see that your mind goes to an extended state and allows you to open up your vibrations for healing and for communication.

You stay in your own body for this type of channeling and your vibrational frequencies will match whatever energies that you want to connect with. This allows you to get a message and to be able to know what to do with this message afterwards.

This happens through your crown, third eye and throat chakra and allows you to feel each of the energies and to connect with the messages around you. This gives you a direct connection and helps you to create good changes in your life.

Channeling in a Trance

When you do this kind of channeling, you are allowing spirits to come into your body and to take you to a different dimension. You are then allowing the spirits to speak through you. This is a type of channeling that takes practice, and you should only do this when you want to open up your mind, body, and soul to another being.

Is Mediumship Different than Channeling?

Channeling is something that allows you to reach into the higher realm and to connect with the vibrations of spirits. Most of the time, channeling comes through a medium and so they are there to interpret the messages that are given.

Channeling is also known as telepathy with another spirit, and it can take you to a higher consciousness as you speak to different spiritual beings.

The channeler will get a message and they will be able to understand the message that is given to them. Sometimes though, the message will come from a being of light, and this will allow the medium to experience something new.

Angels and ascending masters will communicate with you through love and through vibrational frequencies. The energy will allow the medium to give the message in words even if they saw visions or symbols.

Using Discernment

Discernment has to be part of channeling and when you tune into a message you have to make sure that the message is a good message. Sometimes there are people or spirits that use fake channeling, and this isn’t good for anyone.

If the message doesn’t make you feel that you are in power or that it is good, then it can be a fear-based message. This is a spirit that you don’t want to connect to, and they are likely trying to connect with your ego. This will lower your vibrations and if the message is real, it will come from a place of non-judgement and value.

Increasing Your Vibrations

Increasing your vibrations when you channel is important. You should always surround yourself with love and light and ask your angels and your guides to keep you safe. This is something that opens you up to the spiritual world and you should always have high vibrations before you channel.

The connection that you make should be about love and light or you will get your vibrational frequency lowered. This will stop your protection.

Staying Away from Negative Spirits

Make sure that you stay away from negative spirits. You need to have good intentions and you need to make sure that your intuition is strong. When you are trying to connect with the spirit world, they can be tricky, and you need to make sure that you are connecting with spirits that are of light and of love and no other spiritual beings.

Love and Light

There are many different spiritual beings that are full of light and love. Connect with these and make sure that they are giving you wisdom and insight into good things. You need to keep your well-being strong and get messages from beings that align with your divine self.

When you channel love, you need to make sure that you keep your vibrations strong and that you are only connecting to spirits in the higher realm.


Channeling angels is something that can be helpful and good. They can give you power and if you open your psychic self to them then you can tune into them.

Learning to Channel

Anyone that has an open heart and open mind can learn to channel. People that channel are not special people, but they are people that want to give out their own light and love to others. Sometimes, they are Reiki healers or other kinds of spiritual healers.

Some people have a natural gift of reaching into the spiritual world and they can be people that are athletes, teachers, artists, and that have different styles and personality traits. Channeling is something everyone can learn.

The biggest thing is that you have the freedom to decide which spirit you are going to speak to. You can disagree with a spirit, and you need to pay attention to why and what to do. If you are new at channeling, you need to make sure that you are using the information that the spirits give you.

Develop your energy and make sure that you are paying attention to how you feel. Energy and vibrations play a crucial role in channeling and there are many different channels of love and light that can benefit your life.

There is no truth that is singled out and there are people that believe in different truths. You have to learn to listen to your heart and to listen to what inspires you and makes you feel good. Keep your mind quiet and listen to what your conscious self is saying.

How to Channel

Channeling allows you to reach into divine love and light. Channeling will change your life and will help you connect with the divine.

Keep your mind quiet and keep your heart open and you can learn to channel. Don’t let your ego or doubt fill you but find love and let love bring you clarity. Get rid of confusion and let yourself align with the truth of who you are.

Figure out who you are and let the divine connect into your life. Let go of your fears and your insecurities and as you channel, find love and beauty in what you do. You can even learn to give psychic messages as you channel, and you can bring healing to others.

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Karmic Relationship Stages

Karmic Relationship Stages

Have you ever met someone that you were instantly connected with? You feel that you have known them forever? This can be a chemistry that is so strong that it makes you feel that you are out of control and that you are on a roller coaster.

Stages of Karmic Relationships

The stages of a karmic relationship are going to be very emotional and intense. They will leave you feeling out of the ordinary and will make you wonder what will happen next. After you connect with your soulmate, you will have an understanding of each other without even having to say anything. The purpose of this relationship is to help you get rid of your ego and feelings that are not necessary anymore in your life such as:

• Jealousy.
• Anger.
• Obsessions.
• Possessiveness.

These relationships can be great, and they can also be toxic. Here are the stages of these kinds of relationships and what you can learn from them:

Amazingly Romantic

The first time you meet this person you will have an attraction that is indescribable. You will have a connection like you have known them forever. It will feel like a magnet has put you together.

Wanting More and More

Each moment that you spend with this person is going to grow to the point where you crave them. You will want to be with them every second and they will feel like a drug to you.

Roller Coaster

When we talk about roller coaster, the drama that you will feel will be out of this world. It will be anger and upset in one second and love and compassion in another. The highs and lows will be indescribable.

Feeling Unsafe

You should be in a good relationship that makes you feel safe, but this relationship won’t do that for you. This will be a relationship that starts out good and then gets bad, fast.

Even when things are going well, you will wonder if they are leaving you and it will leave you feeling confused and hurt. Your partner also might start showing toxic traits.

Repetitive Patterns

You will see patterns start to repeat themselves and no matter how hard you try to make things better, they won’t be. You will feel confused, and you won’t know who to blame.

Feeling Codependent

The relationship will be different, and you won’t be able to focus on anything but the drama that you feel. You will feel that your partner doesn’t care about you, but you won’t be able to be anywhere but with them.

Lacking Communication

You will feel that you aren’t able to communicate with them and even though you have things to say, they won’t want to listen to you. When you try to talk to them it will just end in a fight, and it will make more tension than you wish to deal with.

Toxic Traits

You will start to realize that you have your own toxic traits, and they will be there such as being overly jealous or feeling angry or possessive all the time.

Moments of Tiredness

There will be times when you feel so tired that you just want to give up. This happens in toxic relationships and even when things feel good, you are worried that they will be bad again soon.

Letting Go

You will be able to let go of them for a while but then you will let them come back in your life. Karmic bonds are not easy to break, and you will have to figure out how to cut the cord and let yourself be free.

Breaking the Karmic Cords

In this kind of relationship, you will be together and break up repeatedly. This will be provoked by some kind of problem or struggle. After the struggles come the processes will repeat themselves.

Once you learn to work through these things, you will see that you have paid off your karmic debt.

Understanding Karmic Relationships

Karma is something that you can get rather you do good or do bad. You will see that as you live your life, this builds up. Karmic relationships help you to pay back your karma that you have to pay back, and it can help you to grow and to be a better person.

Karmic Relationship Versus Twin Flame

Karmic relationships are different than twin flame relationships. Here is a breakdown of the different relationships:

  • Karmic relationships: These come when you have karma that you need to pay back. These are part of a karmic bond.
  • Soulmate: This is a relationship that helps you to grow and become a better person. It will help you to get rid of your ego. These don’t last forever.
  • Twin flame relationships: These come when you need to understand who you are. These are meant to last forever and ever.

These relationships will all be different, but they will teach you all that you need to know about your life.

Are You in a Karmic Relationship?

There are signs that you are in a karmic relationship and what happens will cause you to face challenges and to change. There will be red flags and toxicity in this, but you will work through it as you pay back your karmic debt.

Will Karmic Relationships Stay Together?

Karmic relationships are up and down, and they can be very toxic but sometimes they will work out for long periods of time.

Reaching Your Higher Spiritual Place

There are ways that you can let go of your karmic relationship and reach your higher self:

  • Do yoga: This will give you peace of mind and clarity.
  • Self-love: practice loving and appreciating yourself.
  • Thankfulness: Be thankful for what the universe has given you.
  • Forgiveness: Learn to forgive yourself and others around you.

Final Thoughts

Your karmic relationship will help you to become a better person. As you change and grow, you will see that your life will get better. You will find freedom and you will change your life. Don’t let a relationship hold you down but use it to better yourself and the life you are living.

Being an Old Soul

Old Soul

Are you someone that doesn’t feel like you fit in with people the same age as you? Or do you feel that there are things that you know that you probably shouldn’t? Chances are you might be an old soul.

Being an Old Soul

Being an old soul can mean that you know things beyond your own age. You might have a desire to know things from a certain decade that you weren’t alive during, or you might know things that people your age probably don’t know. Being an old soul can mean that you have probably lived many different lifetimes.

It doesn’t matter how many lifetimes that you have been in though, what matters is if you learned your life lessons along the way. Some old souls are starseeds and have even lived on different planets besides Earth.

Signs of Being an Old Soul

Here are some signs that you might be an old soul:

Feeling Older

If you feel older than your age and you have always felt that way, chances are that you are an old soul. This can mean that you are more mature than other people your age or even that you know more things.

You Like Being Alone

You don’t care about being alone and you feel the most comfortable doing your own things. You like to cook, and you are very creative and so you enjoy doing things you like on your own.

Enjoy Staying In

When it comes time to make a decision to go out with friends or to stay alone, you make the decision to stay home. You like to watch tv or read a book.

Reading and Knowledge

You want to learn more things and you crave getting new information. You love to read, and you take classes as often as you can.

Hate Dating

Chances are that you don’t enjoy dating or short-term relationships.

Very Spiritual

You are a very spiritual and religious person. You like things like tarot cards and yoga.

Want Freedom

Being in a regular job makes you feel trapped, and you enjoy the freedom of doing your own thing. You want to be your own boss.


You have a purpose, and you know that you are important. You feel connected to the world around you, and you feel that your spirit guides are supporting you.

Psychic Gifts

You are full of psychic gifts such as telepathy and clairvoyance.

Giving Back

There are people all around you that have needs such as starving people. You want to make sure that people are taken care of and so you give your time and money to make that happen.

Lifetime Friends

You meet people and you feel like you have known them forever even if you have just met them.


Material things aren’t as important to you as people are. You like to keep your home and your mind decluttered.


Synchronicities and coincidences happen o you often. You always seem to meet the right people.

Reading People

You value truth and you can see past any lies people tell you.

Love of Animals

Animals love you and you love them. Sometimes you think you love animals more than people. Animals seem to be drawn to you.


You ask questions until you get the answers that you want. You drive people crazy with all of the questions that you ask.

Wonder What They Think?

You wonder what people think about you and you care about this. You hope that they think you are great.


Meditation is important to you, and you make it part of your daily habits.


You tend to overthink things and you seem to have an analysis of everything that goes on. You think things over before you act.


Instead of always following the crowd, you seem to be rebellious. You do your own things and follow your own rules.

Love History

History is your favorite subject. You seem to be drawn to different periods of time such as Ancient Egyptian times.

Overly Sensitive

You are considered a Highly Sensitive Person or an HSP. You get information and you are able to absorb it easier than other people.

Controlling Others

Controlling or manipulating things are not something you like.

Fitting In

Even as a child you had a hard time fitting in at school. You never seem to have friends.

Music Moves You

When you listen to music you feel moved, and you feel drawn to it.

Dark Not of the Soul

Spiritual crises have followed you and it has led you to depression at one point or another. You may have even drunk away your problems and had to detox. Now you are awake, and you see that things are moving towards you meeting your twin flames.

You feel that you have questions like wondering why you are here or what your purpose is.

Strong Intuition

Intuition is an important thing for your life. You have gut feelings, and you listen to them and trust yourself.


You are probably someone that is an introvert. This means that you like to spend time alone and you would rather be resting or dancing with yourself instead of hanging out in a group.


You don’t feel like the Earth is your home and you feel like you belong somewhere else.

Love of Nature

Nature is one of your favorite places to be. You enjoy going for walks and you love to garden or to walk barefoot in the dirt.

Life Meaning

The meaning of life has been something that you have been seeking for your whole life.

Coaching Others

When you are with a group of friends, they come to you for advice, and they ask you to coach them.


Forgiveness is important to you, and you try to let go of any hurt or anger that follows you.

Older People

You tend to be attracted to older people and feel that you can understand them more.


You feel wiser than even your parents. You seem to know things for no real reason.

Following Media

You hate things that are fake, and you don’t like to listen to the news or the media, but you want to find your own truth.


You are a great listener and people want to tell you, their problems.

Caring and Compassionate

You are caring and compassionate to others.


Growth is important to you, and you want to increase your life knowledge and experiences.

Spiritual Awakening

Going through your spiritual awakening is important to you or you have already done this.

About the Small Things

Things don’t have to be big for you to be happy. You can watch the sun rise or sit out in the moonlight to have peace.


Love is something that is special to you, and you are a hopeless romantic.


The ego is something that you keep at check, and you don’t let your ego control you.

Extremely Creative

You are someone that always is creating new things and you have a lot of creative ideas and hobbies.

Understanding Yourself

The body and the soul are important to you, and you keep yourself healthy and strong. You understand who you are and what your characteristics are.

Positive and Thankful

You keep your mind positive, and you are thankful for what you have.

Making the World Better

Everything that you do is done so that you can make the world a better place for you.

Vintage Items

Vintage items are your favorite, and you love to go to thrift shops.

Reading This Article

You are reading this article because you think that you might be an old soul. Look at the things above and find out if you might have lived many lifetimes.

Final Thoughts

Old souls are rare, but you might meet them more than you ever imagined. There are many things that you can read that will help you to understand old souls more.  Having an old soul means that you have strong intuition and that the energies that you have are there to help you live your life mansion.

Old souls often suffer and have a hard life because they have a hard time fitting in. If you are an old soul, know that things in the world are not going to be easy and that you can work your best to end suffering, pain, and violence.

Life on earth as an old soul is hard but it is okay to be different. You have a purpose on this earth, and it is to help you to help others. Don’t feel alone and find old soul friends that can help you to reach your mission.

Using Crystals for Healing

Crystals for Healing

Do you want to use crystals for healing, but you aren’t sure where to start? It is important to know that crystals can be used as a tool for psychics and even for yourself. This has always been known as an alternative medicine.

You have probably seen people that wear different colored crystals or have heard of people talking about crystals for healing chakras. These crystals are able to help the mind, body, and soul and to get rid of negative energies.

Ancient Medicines

Crystals are known as an ancient medicine. This has been done in ancient times and is a big part of Hindu and Buddhist cultures. There is no scientific proof that crystals can heal but many people use them when doing their self-help and self-care. This is a healing situation that makes people more mindful of how they feel. Even though this isn’t scientific based, many people believe in healing crystals.

Crystals and Uses

Here are some of the most popular healing crystals and their uses:

Clear Quartz

This is a stone that allows people to let go of things that don’t serve them. It helps to make the immune system stronger and can balance your body. It can be used with other stones.

Rose Quartz

This kind of quartz is a pink crystal, and it can bring peace and harmony to your life. If you need help with your relationships, use this stone. It can also bring you comfort when you are grieving. This stone is known to bring about love and trust.

Tiger’s Eye

When you need to be motivated, this is a great stone to use. It is gold and can help you to heal your mind and body. If you doubt yourself or if you have problems with your heart, use this to have balance.


The Amethyst is a purple stone, and it is known to be protective and healing. It can help you to have spiritual thoughts and it can help you to be sober. When you use this stone, you can make your dreams better and you can have more hormone creation.


This stone is good to get rid of mental blockages. It can help you if you are negative or if you have strong emotions. When you need to be strong and compassionate, this stone can help you to figure out how to make this happen. It can also help to get rid of cramps.


When you want to be happy and be excited about things, Citrine is perfect for that. It can help you to get rid of bad habits and to be more positive. When you want to have clear thinking and motivation, use this stone.


This is a great stone that can make your mind, body, and soul strong. It is considered a good luck stone and can heal the respirator and the skeletal system.


A “New Beginnings” is what this stone encourages. It also helps you to grow and to get rid of stress. If you are instable, this can help you and it can increase your intuition.


This stone is a healing stone and can help to cleanse the bloodstream. It can encourage you to care about other people and it can help you to be more creative.


The Sapphire is thought to bring peace and prosperity to your life. It can help increase your intuition and it makes you feel beautiful. It can also heal your eyes and your cells. If you have a blood disorder, anxiety, or insomnia, try to use this stone.


This red stone is great to help you to speak the truth. It can help increase your sexual desires and your intelligence. It allows you to remove toxins from the blood.


Jasper is a crystal that can nurture your mind and your spirit. It can get rid of anxiety, and it can help you to get rid of energy that are negative.

Picking the Best Crystals

You need to figure out what kind of stone you need based on what is going on in your body. Do you need to heal your mind or your body? Do you need to have more spiritual thoughts or to get rid of nightmares? The crystals that you use will depend on what is going on in your mind, body, and soul.

Taking Care of Your Crystal

Make sure that you read online how to take care of your crystal. Some can be washed in the water, and some have to be put into the sun or the moon in order to be charged. Some stones cannot be put in water at all.

The way that you handle your crystal is important and you should always show your crystals love and respect.

Crystal Items

You don’t have to just have a crystal, but you can find different items that have crystals in them or on them such as:

• Jewelry.
• Necklaces.
• Bracelets.
• Sex products.
• Water bottles.
• Prayer beads.
• Coasters.
• Smoking accessories.

Final Thoughts

Some people are skeptical about using crystals for healing, but you can try them for yourself and see if they are good for you. They won’t harm you but there is no scientific proof that they can heal you either.

Always have an open heart and an open mind when you are doing to do your crystal healing. You can use these crystals to have positive energy and to have the powers that you need to get the most out of your crystals.

How to Develop Your Clairvoyance

Develop Your Clairvoyance

Being clairvoyant means that you have clear visions. This means that you can see things in the form of spirits, visions and energy. The way that your mind works as a clairvoyant means that you are able to see things almost as if you are watching a movie. This will show things in your mind that you wouldn’t normally see. This is when the third eye is open and this is the basis of your clairvoyance.

Third Eye Chakra

Once the third eye chakra is activated then your clairvoyant abilities will exceed expectations. You will see that the third eye is the sixth chakra, and it is found in the middle of the forehead.  This is the place where your intuition lies at the place where you get visions. Other people need this to open up their clairvoyance, astral travel, extrasensory gifts, visions, and precognition.

Third Eye and Pituitary Gland

The third eye works with your pituitary gland and is found at the bottom of the brain. It is found behind the nose and is about the size of a pea. This is where the third eye is activated, and it works together with your intuition and meditation to open up.

If you don’t open up your third eye for a long time then it will become blocked. This means that you will have to reactivated it. This is different for everyone. Find out what you can do in the spirit world to open up your third eye. You can start with meditation and changing your lifestyle.

Opening Your Clairvoyant Gifts

Here are some things you can do to develop your clairvoyant gifts:

  • Get an object and then close your eyes. Deep breathe and imagine an object that you are holding. Do you see the object clearly or is it fuzzy? No matter how well you can see it, try and remember all of the details that you can. Don’t try to force things but let it flow.
  • Imagine what the shape of the object is and think if it is a square, circle or triangle. Does it change sizes? Rotate it in your hand.
  • Imagine what color the object is and process the picture of it in your mind.
  • Make your own piece of art to look at. Figure out what geometric shapes that you like. Try different formations of the shapes.
  • Meditate on different pieces of art that you have seen.
  • Listen to music and let it flow through you.
  • Imagine a white light flowing through your body.
  • Hold an object and see if you can figure out where the object has been and who it belonged to.

No matter what you do, do whatever it takes to develop your clairvoyant gifts. You will see that this can help to clear your mind of negativity and open up your mind to things you need to see.