Negative Energies in Relationships

Negative Energies in Relationships

You may not know it, but negative energy could be affecting your romantic relationship. Everyone has their own energy. In relationships, we share our energy with the other person, and they share their energy with us. So, your energy affects your relationships.

For example, when you appreciate what you have, you’re more likely to have happier relationships and a more positive outlook on life. It works in a similar way with negative energy. Repeatedly experiencing the same problems may be the result of negative energy in your relationship.

Negative energy in a relationship may make you feel as though an energy vampire is feeding on your emotional energy. You may feel mentally depleted when you spend time together, or emotionally “off” after being with your partner. Just mere thoughts of him or her may leave you feeling drained and exhausted. If your relationship involves the following issues and problems, you’re probably suffering from negative energy.

You’re unhappy.

Negative energy is emotionally exhausting. If there are issues, or the vibes never feel right when you’re together, you’re going to tire yourself out. Your sadness, your concern over what’s going to happen next, and your anxiety over planning how you’ll settle the next fight are emotionally and mentally taxing.

A relationship with negative energy takes a lot out of you. You’ll know things aren’t great when you’re living fight to fight and thinking about your partner fills you with dread and anxiety instead of gratitude and happiness.

You don’t trust your partner.

Mistrust in a relationship can cause anxiety, frustration, and irritability. All these feelings result from negative energy. For example, your lack of trust may lead you to doubt your partner’s feelings toward you.

So, you resort to spying, snooping on their phone, or accusing them of cheating. Such actions snowball and cause distance and tension. To avoid this, be candid and honest with your partner and discuss your concerns openly.

You withdraw when things don’t go your way.

Disengaging when things don’t go your way is problematic because it constantly makes you look like a victim. where there’s a victim, there has to be a violator. Making your partner the enemy forces you to go into defensive mode and put-up armor to protect your heart. Withdrawing is a sign of negative energy because you’re shutting down communication in the relationship.

Without constructive, open-hearted communication, you won’t achieve the emotional intimacy that’s necessary for a genuinely loving relationship.

You easily become annoyed when you’re together.

Negative energy can make you feel constantly irritated when you spend time with your partner. Even the most insignificant things they do drive you crazy. If this happens constantly, you’re not doing yourself any favors by staying in the relationship as it is.

You’re holding yourself back from being happy and blocking any opportunities to meet somebody else who would share only good energy with you. If this is happening in your relationship, you need to reevaluate or even end it.

You and your partner publicly air out your problems.

If you and your partner discuss your problems and don’t care who overhears you, not only is there negative energy in your relationship, but you’re also making it difficult for your friends to be around you.

Friends spot toxicity in relationships long before you do. When there are issues in a relationship, other areas in your life will be impacted. This will especially be true if you and your partner share a social circle. To avoid this, be aware of the way you and your partner act when your friends are around.

Do you play nice out in public, and wait for a more private time to discuss your issues? Or do you carelessly argue in front of others? If mutual friends start taking sides, there’s negative energy in your relationship, and it’s spreading.

Your personal needs are your priority.

Successful relationships are a delicate balance between giving and receiving. When you focus exclusively on yourself and what you want, you’re selfishly in receiving mode. And in relationships, selfishness goes hand-in-hand with negativity. When you only think of yourself, you focus selfishly on what you lack in the relationship, rather than meditating generously on what it already has.

This is why wellness professionals advise people to mindfully practice gratitude. When you’re grateful for the relationship you have and the things your partner is doing for you, you perceive the relationship in a more affirmative light and increase its positive energy.

Your arguments get personal.

All couples argue. But healthy couples argue in a way that’s productive and mindful. If you use your partner’s insecurities as weapons against them during arguments, there’s negative energy between you and your partner.

It takes far more effort to be fair during an argument than it does to get personal. It also takes a great deal of trust to open up to your partner about deeply personal things. If you bring up those personal things in the heat of a fight, you shatter the trust you’ve built.

Resorting to calling names or using your partner’s vulnerabilities against them increases negative energy. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the negative energy in your romantic relationship, you need to decide if your partner truly is the right one for you.

But there’s good news: you can turn things around. Nobody is “cursed” to endure negative energy forever. Again, an easy way to manifest positive energy into your relationship is to mindfully practice gratitude. When you appreciate the relationship you have, the energy will become more positive.