Developing Your Scrying Skills

Developing Your Scrying Skills

Scrying has been around since ancient times, and it is a tool of divination that allows the person to look at a smooth surface and to get messages. This can be visions or messages from the spiritual world. This is a tradition that happened in ancient Egyptian times when people would use oil that they put on their nail to look at the shiny surface to get information.

There are fortune tellers that you will see in movies and on videos that are looking at a crystal ball and calling images around them. Most of the time they are surrounded by smoke and other creepy looking things. The thing is you don’t even have to be a psychic in order to do scrying.

You don’t have to have a crystal ball or something fancy and you just need to make a connection with yourself, your intuition, and the spiritual world.

Protection During Scrying

Since you are reaching into the spiritual world you need to make sure that you are protected. Do a grounding technique before you ever start. Find a comfortable position and meditate so that you can ground yourself.

Allow your mind to imagine roots growing from the ground and up to you. Sense them making you stable and grounding you. Once you feel stable, open your eyes. Then do a protection spell before you begin screaming. Some people use light meditation and imagine a white light surrounding them.

Getting Ready

Get ready by getting your mood ready. You can do this in different ways and here are some great ideas!

  • Candles or Light

Make sure that you have some light, rather it is the natural light outside or if you light a candle. You want to get in the mood. You can light a few candles and turn off the lights so there is just enough light to see.

  • Music or Sound

Music can make your space inviting and calm. Try to play some white noise or a quiet song that gets you ready to hear and see things.

  • Essential Oils

Some people will use essential oils such as Frankincense, Cedar, or other smells. They do this by allowing the scent to fill the space. You can add drops to your diffuser or use a cauldron with a tea light candle.

  • Notice the Moon

Pay attention to the phases of the moon and choose the right time to cry. Perform this under the full moon and let it light up your visions.

  • Getting a Message

When you are scared, you should be in a deep meditative state. You should make sure that you are open and willing to get messages. Get a journal and write down any messages that you get or any dreams that you have after you sleep.

Make sure that you don’t lose your messages because you might have to cry multiple times before you get a full message.

What to Use for Scrying?

There are different tools that you can use for scrying and here are some of the best!

  • Crystal Ball

Most people will choose a crystal ball because they like the idea of seeing messages like in the movies. Others will use a sphere of some kind of crystal such as clear quartz, rose quartz or more. Selenite is a popular kind of crystal ball that people use.

You can buy a crystal ball at a metaphysical shop or online. Some will keep their ball covered with a dark cloth until they use it. When they use the ball, they put it in the moonlight to recharge it and to cleanse it.

  • Crystals

Crystals don’t have to be large or round, but they need to be smooth for scrying.

  • Bowl of Liquid

You can use a dark cauldron or a dark bowl and fill it with water. You can gaze into the water and see if you are able to see visions or symbols in the water. Some will add food coloring to their water. Other people will choose to use oil in their bowl so that they can see the oil move. Some will add oil to their water and see how the oil and water interact.

One great idea is to use melted wax in the bowl with water and see if any shapes are seen.

  • Glass

You can choose to use a sheet of glass that is in a frame. You can put a candle in front of the glass and see how the light moves.

  • Candles or Flames

A candle or a flame can be used in order to gaze into it and to scare. This can be done by looking at it with your peripheral vision. Make sure that you are safe if you are using fire.

  • Mirrors

Some will use mirrors or will paint a mirror black. They can put the mirror on the ground or hang it.

  • Water

People sometimes will go to a river or a lake that is calm and see if they can scare in calm water.

  • Fingernails

You can buff your fingernails until they shine or use a high gloss polish. You can look at your nails and see if you see anything in the shiny nails.

  • Phone Screen

A black phone screen can make you scared, and you can use these to pick up energies. Your phone has a lot of energy, and you should cleanse it first.

  • Scrying

After you are protected and ready, you can start to cry. Some mediums will use the tools above and others will use their own tools.

  • Set Intentions

The first thing that you have to do is set an intention on what you want. You need to make sure that your heart is open and that you’re open to the messages that are going to come to you. Saying your intention out loud will help you to send the message to the spiritual world on what you want.

If you’ve been doing scrying for a while, then you can ask your spirit guides to guide you and to give you the messages that you are seeking answers for.

  • Getting Messages

The first thing you need to do is relax. Make sure that you are looking at the smooth surface and you are deep breathing. Keep your thoughts on your intentions and soften your gaze. Make it where your eyes aren’t focused.

Give time for the images to appear and wait for about 10 minutes to see if you get any images. When you first start you might be confused if you are getting a message or not. Say what kind of message you are trying to get and wait. If you get a message and you aren’t sure what it means, be patient.

Messages can come in thoughts, memories, images, or symbols. Be open to how the messages come to you. If you don’t see anything, don’t give up. Just keep practicing until you are able to see something and don’t ever give up on this.

Final Thoughts

If you want to be able to cry, follow the steps above. Learn to keep pushing through even if you don’t get it right away. Remember that the information can come from your own perspective and make sure that you don’t ignore any messages. Scrying might seem hard at first but keep practicing until you get it.

As you practice, you will see that you can get the answers that you want and need!


  1. Choosing the right tool for scrying, whether it’s a crystal ball or a bowl of liquid, can make a huge difference.


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