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Read our articles from authentic clairvoyants and clairvoyant psychics. Get free access to top secret knowledge and information.

Aromatherapy: Retrograde Style

When Mercury turns direct, instead of retrograde, it is often a relief for empaths....

Knowing You Have a Psychic Gift

Some people wonder how to know if they have a psychic gift or if...

Your Goddess and the Zodiac

The planets and gods and goddesses are often a part of history and according...

Being a Lightworker

A lightworker is someone that is on the planet because they want to spread...

Meaning Beyond Clairvoyance

People often look at clairvoyants and psychics as someone that is magical or full...

Spiritual Healing and How it Works

Doctors have often questioned the idea of spiritual healing, and some believe that this...

What Causes Narcissism?

Though narcissism is a trait found to some degree in nearly all people, the...

7 Common Psychic Skills

Have you ever gotten a sudden sensation that has no tangible origin?  Maybe you...

Meaning Behind a Bear Sighting

Seeing a bear can be a powerful situation or a powerful meeting. If you...

Know the Different Types of Intuition

People are always trying to get information so that they can understand what to...

What Do Dreams Mean to You?

Dreaming is something that everyone has, and some people have nightmares, while others have...

Clearing Your Karma with Angel Messages

Most people do not really understand karma and they think it is just some...